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Posts posted by Kelsall

  1. 1 hour ago, keith101 said:

    Why not apply for the right visa and just work legally ?

    A good question.  However I've run into several expats in CM, many actually, over the years who feel the opposite: Why do something legally when the criminal way will work?  This includes committing perjury on the old Immigration pension form and scheming to bring in 800k THB in cash, undeclared, when wiring it would work just as well.  Not filling out FBAR's on US tax returns, easy to do, but why not break the law if you can.


    Looks like "Patricia" got what she deserved.

    • Haha 1
  2. 30 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Yes CM is saying (and doing) this. So is Jomtien and a number of other places.


    How would clarification from CW solve the problem for someone not living in their jurisdiction?


    If what you meant was have Imm HQ set the lical office straight, great idea but how does anyone make that happen?

    Because in the past one of the experts has used CW as the gold standard for answers on this issue.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The witnesses don’t decide what bit is impeachable.


    Refer Roger Stone for the Mueller bit.


    Meanwhile the hearings reveal more witnesses to Trump’s call.


    This is the start of the hearings laying out the background and persons involved.


    Nunes’ dumb question is equivalent to asking the prosecution to conclude their case while making opening statements and before all witnesses have been called.


    It plays well to people who don’t understand a lot of stuff.

    Nov 2016:  "Any day now we're going to get Trump."


    Nov 2019:  "Any day now we're going to get Trump."

    • Like 2
  4. 23 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    It was a real car crash of a hearing. I loved it when Nunes asked the 2 neverTrump officials Kent and Taylor where is the impeachable bit. Stone cold silence. Mega cringe! I did not expect the democrat team to be so woefully unprepared and their testimony based on 2nd or even 3rd hand heresay. 

     Had there been any punches landed we would have a half dozen new threads this morning. Instead it's gone as quiet as the Mueller hoax has. How telling.

    And these two witnesses supposedly are the best the Dem's have!

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    • Confused 2
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  5. 17 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    “The two leaders have an affinity for each other as strongman presidents,” said Soner Cagaptay, director of the Turkish Research Program at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, while warning of the deep animosity within the bureaucracies of the two NATO allies.


    Very funny. If only Trump was strong. He got played by Putin, Kim, MBS, Xi, and nearly every other politician he has tussled with. He cannot negotiate a deal to save his life. And of course he loves Erdogan. He loves all despots. That is his style. That is the type of leader he would like to be, if he were not reigned in by Congress and  various others that provide a modicum of oversight. 

    Please reread The Art of the Deal.

    • Haha 1
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