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Posts posted by Kelsall

  1. Assist Thai Visa, a reputable visa service company in Chiang Mai, reports the following on their FB page.  Note, for Chiang Mai only.  (scroll down a bit)




    "Update on Health Insurance for OA visas.
    Please note this is only for Chiang Mai immigration. They have confirmed that any person who has previously held and OA visa and then extended it inside Thailand WILL NEED health insurance for the renewal. This means if you arrived 3 years a go on an OA visa and since then have been getting extensions in Chiang Mai, you will need to show health insurance at your next extension. For those that do not qualify for insurance or cant obtain it, your option is to leave and then reapply for a NON 0 visa and then get a 1 year extension based on Retirement. Please note that health insurance isnt currently required for the Non 0 Retirement extensions. For any questions contact..."

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Pib said:

    And if I remember right when the govt first started talking a health insurance requirement months and months ago they said a foreign medical policy meeting the 800K inpatient and 400K outpatient requirement should be acceptable, but apparently that was BS as only buying the prescribed Thai health insurance online is accepted under the police order.

    From the OP.  "For those who buy health insurance from foreign companies Must have the sum insured not less than Thai health insurance as stipulated as well, "


    So you can use your US (or other) insurance.

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