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Posts posted by Kelsall

  1. On 7/27/2019 at 5:40 AM, simon43 said:

    I agree.  Using an agent if you don't have the funds is akin to sending your passport out of the country for a visa stamp while you remain in Thailand - remember that scandal a few years ago?


    Yes the visa stamp itself is real, just as with those stamped in the travelling passports.  But it was obtained under false pretences - no more no less.  Criminal fraud, and perhaps remember what happened to those who took part in the travelling passport scam.


    Forum rules forbid me from saying what I really think about these discussions - total hypocrisy.


    Yes, I remember it and I bet many of the people using these types of agents don't

  2. Well, here's one guy who probably wishes either he or his buddy were carrying a piece.  At the Hilton Hotel in DC no less.


    This poor b4stard nearly bought the farm!


    Thanks to those who provided helpful posts, and the message is clear:  If you go to the US, go heavy or don't go at all.






  3. 4 hours ago, lkv said:

     "I think that is Thailand on the first place"


    I think they don't care much as long as you send the money and they can spend time with their same age male "cousins".


    More dangerous for the pocket, some guys ended up in the Philippines, because of bad experiences with Thai women.

    Exactly.  The perceived jealousy of Thai women with farang men is just drama designed to up the ante.

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