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Everything posted by anchadian

  1. Members don't read the full article that's why it's a lengthy thread. Same applies to many other threads I've seen.
  2. (1/3) As Chiang Mai was listed as the city with the worst air pollution in the world Thurs, PM Prayut urges farmers to stop burning agricultural wastes, adding he's reluctant to enforce the law to punish them because they're farmers. (2/3) "Please, I don't want to use the laws. If it's used you all will be breaking it. I don't want anyone to be in trouble but you must think about the quality of life of others and their health too," Prayut said. (3/3) Article 220 of the Public Health Act stipulates that anyone found posing danger to others through the buring of agricultural waste or rubbish could face up to seven years in prison and a fine of up to 140,000 bt. https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1633758522050764800
  3. There's nobody on here that can help. I would suggest therefore you go and see a doctor if you're concerned.
  4. 'the case will be dealt with fairly' Will this also apply to the Bentley driver who was on drugs? Nothing more heard of this and probably never will.
  5. The national average last year was 40 deaths a day. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40023780
  6. Unbelievable yes, but true. On average, nearly 50 people a day died on Thai roads
  7. Go to my local clinic every 6 months for complete blood and urine test B690, EKG B300.
  8. https://www.ocpb.go.th/ewtadmin/ewt/ocpb_en/main.php?filename=index___EN
  9. Thailand’s Government Savings Bank (GSB) has stopped sending text messages (SMS) containing URLs to all customers, effective on March 1st, to protect its customers from being cheated by scam artists. The bank said any customer who receives such a text message from the bank should assume that it is fake, sent by a scammer and should not click the link in the message. The bank will, however, continue to send information online to customers upon request through bank’s channel. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/gsb-announces-end-of-sending-urls-to-customers-via-sms/
  10. I wasn't aware that you need to activate your card for overseas travel. Several months ago I visited Cape Town and was able to withdraw cash using my debit card with no problems. Possibly, in your case, certain banks do require activation for foreign countries.
  11. OP. Just did a search for private hospitals in Thailand for hernia repair and came up with this: https://www.thonburi-chumphon.com/hernia-surgery-en.php Distance comes into play here (depending on where you are located) but might be of interest to some. Huge difference in price.
  12. Krungsri are the same, a matter of seconds. Never failed me.
  13. Okay, I have to get my little bit in, 'Oh no, not another WrLife thread'. although good news regarding a claim paid in full.
  14. R.I.P Thai cave rescue: Duangpetch Promthep's death shatters happiest of endings A quick personal reflection on the tragic death of Dom, a really nice kid, like all the boys rescued from the cave. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-64658731
  15. I posted this two hours ago in another thread on the same subject. (last post) Such a mess this AsianNow forum
  16. (1/2) A 57-year-old Thai woman based in the US will be extradited back to America after she was wanted for killing a university student in Michigan in a car accident. Tubtim was arrested in Ratchaburi province. (2/2) Deputy Police Chief Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn, aka "Big Joke", held a press conference Weds sitting next to Tubtim. The woman said the incident took place on Jan 1 & she was in shock so she fled back to Thailand to hide. The victim was a 22-year-old American male. https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1625770997881376768
  17. The Thai cabinet has approved the collection of a landing tax, ranging from 150-300 baht, to be collected from all foreign tourists visiting Thailand, tentatively from June 1st. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/cabinet-approves-tourist-fee-of-150-300-baht-for-all-foreign-tourists/
  18. Visa agent recommendations in Pattaya: https://www.keyvisathailand.com https://expressvisadirect.com https://www.facebook.com/maneerat.fon.0818630320/?paipv=0&eav=AfZ_ojQfEIle6YhuFmB6ezFrK5QNeNB91wOTAZ_vFtvL-2FxoYj4Jh3PHAsNCNxQino&_rdr
  19. After almost two dozen French nationals were arrested for driving without licenses and racing in #Phuket, police and French officials have met to discuss plans to better educate French tourists around Thai driving requirements. https://thephuketexpress.com/2023/02/11/update-french-consul-in-phuket-meets-with-patong-police-after-french-motorbike-racers-arrested/
  20. National Police Chief Pol Gen Damrongsak Kittiprapas launches 30-baht subsidised meals for police officers on Friday in order to enable them to have access to cheap and quality meals at workplace. Many food courts in Bangkok now charge 50 baht or more for a meal. #Thailand #KE https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1624245918194360322
  21. https://thainewsroom.com/2023/02/10/michigan-woman-accused-of-fatal-hit-and-run-sought-for-extradition/
  22. The recent story of Taiwanese actress Charlene An being extorted for money and branded a criminal for carrying a vape is shocking, but it will come as no surprise to thousands of Thais and tourists who have been asked for bribes and threatened with jail, all because they carry a device which helps them reduced the harm caused by smoking conventional cigarettes. https://thepattayanews.com/2023/02/09/guest-opinion-the-vaping-ban-in-thailand-must-be-changed/ Despite gov't warning of prison term for vaping in public, it's still common to see both vaping in public. On Tues, ousted & fugitive former PM Thaksin asks why smoking e-cigarette is punishable by 7 yrs in jail while #cannabis can be smoked freely in #Thailand. https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1623552068647796738
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