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Everything posted by anchadian

  1. Pheu Thai to install Srettha as Prime Minister by forming a coalition pact with government parties Pheu Thai shifts to install Srettha as PM - Thai Examiner Move Forward given the elbow by coalition partner Pheu Thai grappling with a political crisis driven by the Senate and Article 112. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2023/07/20/pheu-thai-shifts-to-install-srettha-as-pm-coalition-bhumjaithai-palang-pracharat/
  2. BREAKING: Student groups including those from Chulalongkorn & Thammasat are calling people "to rise & fight through every means possible to uphold democracy." Read the full statement in English here. https://twitter.com/PravitR/status/1681874943687168000
  3. Report from last April and I quote 'The court ruled that the NACC office and its commissioners have to disclose the requested information to Veera within 15 days of the verdict or they would be deemed to have violated the law'. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/politics/40026863
  4. We'll be LIVE on AsiaTonight 7pm BK to make sense on the day and saw the end of @Pita's ambitions. Ill be at parliament and @MayWongCNA from a pro-democracy protest.
  5. #โหวตนายกรอบ2: @Pita_MFP “I have received a document from the Constitutional Court to stand down as MP. I’m informing you, Mr. Speaker, that I’m acknowledging and complying with it until a verdict has been made. May I use this opportunity to say goodbye, until we see again and I’m asking my fellow MPs to look after the people.” “I believe that Thailand has changed since (the elections on) May 14 and the people have already won half the battle, there’s another half to go. Even though I’m not carrying out my duties (as MP), I’m asking my fellow MPs to look after the people. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.” https://twitter.com/SaksithCNA/status/1681579408354869249
  6. #โหวตนายกรอบ2 14.43h: @Pita_MFP acknowledges his suspension as MP and is leaving the assembly room under applause by his fellow @MFPThailand MPs. https://twitter.com/Pita_MFP
  7. I certainly hope not.
  8. Now the happy clown: 1/2) Phalang Pracharath member Ruangkrai Leekitwattana said Weds at parliament it's time for Pita to leave parliament as the Constitutional Court has suspended Pita from his duty as PM pending the ruling on whether he lacks qualifications to be an MP due to ITV shareholding. (2/2) Ruangkrai was the person who initiated the petition which first went to the Election Commission https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1681556493160824834
  9. Last time the Thai establishment tried to shut down its challengers, it sparked the biggest protests in a generation. Defying the people's will after their election success could prove far more dangerous. https://twitter.com/TostevinM/status/1679069649961402369
  10. Move Forward Party supporters will gather at Democracy Monument today at 5pm to organize a mock funeral for junta-appointed senators https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1681540363499241472
  11. Despite having been suspended from duty as MP effective immediately by the Constitutional Court pending ITV shareholding just now, #Pita is still sitting inside parliament a minute ago. Will he be asked to leave soon? https://twitter.com/PravitR/status/1681533459070844929
  12. Tide going out in parliament for Move Forward as it faces being axed or sidelined from real power https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2023/07/19/tide-ebbs-in-parliament-for-move-forward-party-pita/
  13. This does NOT bar @Pita_MFP from being nominated as PM in the National Assembly vote, as the PM doesn’t have to be a MP. However, legal challenges and a general obstructionist attitude by his opponents are making his bid insurmountable. https://twitter.com/SaksithCNA/status/1681530580410966016
  14. Court Accepts Case Against Election Commission https://tna.mcot.net/english-news-1209428
  15. (1/2) BREAKING: MFP PM candidate #Pita posted a message on Facebook Wednesday morning imploring junta-appointed senators to respect the will of the people by voting for him as PM today. Pita added that country is currently facing a cloud of uncertainties. (2/2) "It's been over 2 months since election...But we're still under this situation because under the charter the votes of the people are not enough & I have to ask for your consent in order to administer the country in accordance to the will of the people...I implore you.." https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1681514907160944640
  16. BREAKING: Bhumjai Thai Party leader Anutin Charnveerakul said Wednesday his party will not support Pheu Thai Party PM candidate as long as they are still in a coalition with Move Forward Party https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1681511337661452288
  17. Junta-appointed senator Seri Suwanphanond told parliament putting Pita's name for a 2nd PM vote is unconstitutional & submitted a motion to debate the matter. (Me: very confusing now.) https://twitter.com/PravitR/status/1681510251005349889
  18. (1/3) Move Forward Party MPs on Tuesday submitted seven draft bills they said if passed will "demilitarised" the armed forces and "demonopolized" the alcohol industry. Partylist MP Parit Wacharasindhu said the party is making good its electoral pledges by the move. (2/3) The draft bills which seeks to end compulsory military conscription, abolish the Internal Security Command Operations (ISOC), install civilian supremacy over the military and more. Regarding the demonopolization of the alcohol industry (3/3) The draft bills will remove barriers which prevent small breweries from competing and oligarchic practices. https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1681213808851955712
  19. (1/2) Junta-appointed senator Porntip Rojanasunan said Tues she won't be voting for any PM candidate because she doesn't believe senators should have the right to vote for PM. Porntip added her daughter is a MFP supporter & tried to convince her to support the party. (2/2) Porntip told her daughter, "politics is politics". Unknown to some MFP supporters, her daughter was attacked online after she failed to vote for Pita. The senator said her concerns is for nat'l security as young Thais are being "brainwashed" on social media. https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1681202703484194816
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