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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. First service for my MG4 yesterday, less than an hour and free. I told them I would have an MG4 X-Power when they get them. Lady sales manager says it is coming, she didn’t ask for a deposit, in my experience the staff at MG have more product knowledge about banana’s than their own cars.
  2. I prefer to refute them with statistics (eg prevalence of EV fires), where valid points are made, I accept them, you can see what I say about Hydrogen vehicles possibly being superior to BEV's, but H2 is just too little too late. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that BEV's are far superior to ICE vehicles, by almost every measure.
  3. Folk like me? Do you mean people with EV's who defend them against the same old nonsensical arguments from the same old luddites who repeat themselves like broken records? It's probably true to say that for the members here who bought EV's, it was an epiphany about how excellent they really are and we like to share our good fortune and help others tread the same path.
  4. In it's exact phrase, Edward Lorenz but in it's meaning it goes back to the 1800's and the German Philosopher Johann Fichte.
  5. Great! So looking at that line on the graph we can expect 91.5% battery SoH after 250,000 km & extrapolating that line, more than 85% SoH at half a million km.
  6. That was caused by an EV Butterfly effect. Fan came on whilst EV battery being charged causing ripples in the fabric of space-time and a typhoon on the other side of the world sank that banana boat. +1 to the Anti EV'ers.
  7. I don't doubt that starting with a clean sheet of paper, Hydrogen can be argued to be a better solution than Batteries...Today. However, battery tech is going to improve, maybe Sodium-ION batteries will win the day, less energy dense than LFP but still workable and Sodium is abundant. One car already with these batteries. Your point 4 about the grid, equally applies to electrolysis of Hydrogen. EV'ers have got used to charging at home, I don't want to waste time going to a fuel station ever again, and whilst there is already one product for making hydrogen at home for your fuel cell car, it is prohibitively expensive and we still then have the same power grid issues. Hydrogen has it's own problems, not least being distribution and for me the major issue is it is too late. BEV has already won this race. If we struggle to make enough batteries then supply & demand will kick in, BEV cars will become expensive and there will be less cars on the road, governments will be happy, but I think any supply issues will be transient. China is already starting to dominate the BEV market. Their cars are high quality, drive well and are typically 2/3 the cost of everyone else. Just today I read that Germany recognises it's BEV cars are currently too expensive to make for it to compete.
  8. Sorry, but the Hindenburg airship was buoyed by Hydrogen. Helium is largely inert and wouldn't have burned.
  9. Converting a petrol car to hydrogen can’t be much more difficult than converting it to LPG or CNG. Every Somchai in Thailand can do it. But why would you want to? EV’s are already the optimum solution with battery technology tipped to improve exponentially.
  10. Many people think H2 is a better solution than Battery. But I think it is too late now, BEV has already won. Incidentally, there is ample Lithium, we need to scale up battery production.
  11. Sorry, I must’ve missed those warnings at the entrance to central, I’m sure there is a sign there somewhere telling you you’re EV has to be well insured.
  12. It can get bad here, I guess I am lucky it doesn’t bother me too much. Central Festival welcomes EV’s, they even have Charging Stations, they used to be free.
  13. I don't know, what are the limits on your ICE car? it's 60 times more likely than mine to catch fire.
  14. A good point, apparently some insurance policies don't cover the battery.
  15. Note to self: Don't park my EV at CS in Delhi I appreciate the tip.
  16. I will rest easy secure in the knowledge it's 60 times less likely than your ICE car.
  17. Actually they make more pollution too, but that is another story.
  18. Toyota's long time chairman had to fall on his sword recently because he didn't want to believe EV's would take off and so kept Toyota out that sector, the board fired him. Toyota is now firmly behind both Hydrogen AND EV's. I think Toyota are out on their own believing Hydrogen is the future. I could argue H2 is a superior solution, but it's too late, BEV's have already won. Incidentally, the Toyota Mirai is a horrible car, only big enough for 2 adults and 2/3 children, it has 3 hydrogen tanks.
  19. When my daughters come home from University in Chiang Mai or I stay with them for occasional weekends, yes we park side by side. I have another EV open top sports on order (deposit paid) for middle of next year, first one in Chiang Rai comes to me, and I told them today I will have an MG4 X-Power as soon as they are released here, sales manager told me they are coming.
  20. Yes, absolutely. Laughing in silence with no Noise, Vibration & Harshness, laughing all the way to the bank and making such a wise decision purchasing 3 of them.
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