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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. The MG EP is sold as the MG5 EV in the UK and it's the only car available in Thailand that I know of to be 25% cheaper in Thailand than the UK and probably the bargain of the century here through a mistake in the Free Trade Agreement negotiated with China, it's imported Tax/Duty Free. That won't last, Japanese cars have a 20% Tax Rate, I'm not sure about European cars. The ORA Good Cat is nowhere near the bargain the MG EP is. MG also have a superb charging infrastructure with fast 135Kw chargers every 150km. I have a Porsche Taycan and I have only single phase at home, I can charge at 220v 10amp, 16amp, 24amp or 32amp. For most of my driving, I charge at the lowest 10amp setting, I plug it in when I get home and it's set to charge when it needs to, but complete at 7:45am (i.e. when it's coolest). It rarely takes more than a couple of hours. Since I bought it in June, the charging network has improved enormously and it's now feasible to drive from Chiang Rai to Bangkok with 2 or 3 half hour stops for charging. You also need to bear in mind that you will leave home with 100% charge, but at charging stations you will only charge to 80% charge unless you want a very long wait. Once you've owned an EV, it's hard to go back to ICE, especially when the EV is so responsive, fast and quiet with servicing every 2 years.
  2. You really need to speak to a lawyer, there can be a way to create the equivalent of a trust, Thai Inheritance Law has a facility to appoint "A Controller Of The Property". You will need to say this specific phrase to the lawyer, and he will probably need to read up on it to understand it and see if it is possible.
  3. It boils down to two things, the wording of the contract and proof the agent was acting as an approved agent of the owner. First step is to get the owner to admit the agent legitimately represented the owner. If the owner said the agent was not acting for him as his agent, then you have no claim on the owner and you shouldn’t be in his property. If the owner admits the agent acted for him, then the owner is liable for anything the agent signed up to. The owner would have to produce something signed by the owner explaining the limits of the agents authority, without that document and the owner admitting the agent was his agent, the owner is liable for anything the agent has done.
  4. It's no coincidence that the previous 400k insurance requirement for O-A visa was the same amount you needed to keep in the bank for a retirement extension (presumably so you could afford your medical bills). Expect to see the requirement of 400k in the bank for other long stay types to increase soon, it's long overdue. I doubt they will apply it to Elite Visa's, the thinking goes that they can afford any hospital bill, but expect to see the cost of obtaining PE visa increase.
  5. You might like to read Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 64 studies (ivmmeta.com) the meta analyis is updated in real time with suspicious or withdrawn studies removed in real time. Meta analysis using the most serious outcome reported shows 66% [52‑76%] and 86% [75‑92%] improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis, with similar results after exclusion based sensitivity analysis and restriction to peer-reviewed studies or Randomized Controlled Trials We talked about newspapers etc, even the BBC gets it wrong, they published a fluffy opinion piece last week based on an article by a student and his 5 twitter friends. In case you're not aware, even one of the 2015 Nobel Prize winners for Ivermectin, asked Merck to conduct clinical trials as he believes in its efficacy, Merck declined, could it be because Ivermectin is out of patent and they have a competing new product?
  6. Our business builds luxury houses and pools in Chiang Rai. We don't use plaster or ceramic tiles. Ceramic tiles will occasionally need re-grouting, it's vital you protect them from the sun when you empty the pool or the glaze will craze. It may craze anyway. We use granite tiles, they last a lifetime. Granite is slightly porous so it's important the cement and render underneath is waterproof. You can't use marble because it will dissolve in low ph and increase calcium in the pool. Granite is also cheap. It's a common misconception that water is colourless, it isn't, it's blue, so bear that in mind.
  7. I want to fly down tomorrow, I'm fully vaccinated, do I need a PCR test or something similar?
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