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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. I used the word in it’s dictionary definition, not as an insult. Perfectly clear, you can always ask me for clarification if you don’t understand, rather than jump to conclusions.
  2. Other than arson, is there any kind of vehicle fire other than spontaneous? Do your own googling, or read the other thread here. I am not going to do it for you. It’s all out there.
  3. I use the word ignorant, referring to people who are anti-EV whilst ignorant of the experience of driving one
  4. There is a whole thread on this forum about EV fires with dozens of links, here is just one https://electrek.co/2022/01/12/government-data-shows-gasoline-vehicles-are-significantly-more-prone-to-fires-than-evs/
  5. Yawn! read the government statistics, between 60 and 130 times more often than EV cars.
  6. No I just don’t like bigoted scaremongering from ignorant anti-EV’ers
  7. My daughters tell me my purpose in life is to give them money.
  8. You can buy a room in the Chiang Rai Condotel in your budget. Great location, nice cheap restaurant on site, swimming pool. some of the cheaper rooms need renovating though, it’s a popular choice for foreigners. inquire at reception or look at the noticeboard next to the lift. I have never stayed there, but I know a lot of people who have.
  9. Maybe we should ask Bob? I believe his postman smiles at him…
  10. I had Tax office investigate me last year, passed it over to my accountant and it was handled amicably, nothing due as we file every year. It was another farang who, annoyed that I wouldn’t loan him a few hundred thousand baht, called the tax office before he returned to his native Australia.
  11. I’ve had tenants leave early and forfeit deposit, never had damage.
  12. I was being satirical, it’s only true in Liverpool
  13. As a landlord, if lots of damage, we would sue, block the passport for departure and negotiate, expecting to settle before trial. Trial can take 7 years, I suspect the tenant might have more of a sense of urgency. I would probably try for loss of profits whilst fixing damages too, all part of the negotiation.
  14. Don’t you find it strange that the camp of EV lovers and EV haters are generally populated with those that own an EV and those that have never owned an EV respectively. One group has formed an opinion on experience and the other on ignorance and prejudice. It screams to me.
  15. You don’t even need a clause about damages to be in the lease to be held liable. A landlord is fully entitled to expect you to take reasonable care of his property, and the law expects that too. It sounds to me like you wanted to avoid the walk through inspection at lease termination.
  16. Landlord is fully entitled to pursue you if damages are more than the deposit and if he starts legal action, he can ask the court to stop you from leaving.
  17. Not reliving my youth. Gone are the days of hiding sticky socks under the bed.
  18. I know a few guys in Chiang Rai in a MC gang, really a club. All nice guys who do a lot for charity. OPPY (old people, playing young.).
  19. I love Bob, he’s such a role model for us all and exactly what they mean when they say good guys in, bad guys out. About Mrs. Smith, I am sure he must adore you Bob!
  20. I think I have worked out why the older Russian guys don’t smile, have you seen their wives? If you smile at someone in a British pub, expect to be asked “Who do you think you’re looking at?” Closely followed by a beer glass in the face.
  21. I wonder how paying sinsod affects this? If the husband had paid substantial sinsod for the wife and the wife, then commits adultery with another guy causing the marriage to fail, would the husband have a claim against the other guy?
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