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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. My company designs and builds in Chiang Rai. I have seen most building projects fail where the foreigner wants to build in anything other than the traditional Thai way. My advice is to build Thai traditional and finish off the appearance in the style you want, supervise that bit every minute they are working. Never ask Thai builders to build in a way they don’t understand unless you’re an expert and can be there all the time.
  2. Please buy one of the condos I want to build because I need your money to build it as I don't have enough funds of my own. What could possibly go wrong? NEVER, EVER buy "off plan" in Thailand.
  3. The well-known Northern Thailand Tarantula is often kept as a pet by experienced handler’s, it is not recommended for novices as it can be aggressive.
  4. Simple answer - change the statute of limitations, or at least attempt to change it and get rich(er) whilst failing.
  5. Raw milk risks, E.Coli, bovine tuberculosis, brucellosis, listeria, campylobacter, salmonella and many other pathogens. Tuberculosis is rife in some parts of Thailand, there is a very good reason why it is pasteurised, especially here in Thailand and can only be bought legally from the farmer. Most countries ban its sale completely.
  6. The process to get a refund from air asia is very simple, you need document FU23 collect it in person from their office on the far side of the moon. Fill it in, signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters. Then you’ll get your refund. Dont expect any better service from the man who painted his plane to support the kleptomaniac Najib Rizak in the general election that he subsequently lost and then Fernandes had to apologize publicly. People like Fernandes kept him in power to steal billions of dollars.
  7. Make sure you have good health insurance, eating unpasteurized dairy products in Thailand is extremely dangerous.
  8. I can see the middle and HiSo classes switching to EV, but I doubt you’ll get the farmers out of their 30 year old diesel pickups belching black smoke. It would be so easy to start with motorbikes/scooters, everyone can lift out the battery and plug it in at home. I drive a BEV by the way. I’ll never switch back to ICE, it’s a far superior experience.
  9. Central Bank Digital Currency can be tagged in any way a government wants it to, for example it can only be valid to be spent before a specific date, only spent in a specific store or on specific item types, could not be exchanged into other specific currencies etc etc You will only have the right to spend it how and when the Central Bank says so, it can also be removed/forfeited at any time. Incidentally, I just got my refund, it took 7 days, much better than they quoted, even so, I’ll be much more careful in future and wherever possible, support local merchants directly.
  10. Expiring currency is one of the many drawbacks with the coming central bank digital currencies.
  11. I ordered a new Yamaha Digital Grand Piano from one of the very few Yamaha Authorised Retailers.
  12. Lesson learned, I’ll order high value COD in future. PITA going to the bank to get the money out though.
  13. On Friday I ordered an item for 139,000 baht, the list price for the item in stock (last years model). Within 5 minutes the supplier canceled my order with “pricing error” as the reason. Presumably because this years model is 6,000 baht more. The next day Lazada approved my refund, but I have to wait 3-6 weeks for the money to be returned. I would recommend you don’t order expensive items from Lazada or order them COD. Actually, there is more to this story. I complained on Tuesday and they said they would try to expedite a refund with the financial time. This morning Wednesday they called me to say it had been refunded and sent me an email to take to my bank to see where it had been lost. The refund hasn’t been lost, because Lazada use AliPay Financial Services it takes 3-6 weeks to reach the customer. So I wasted an hour in the bank too. So they take your money instantly, but take up to 6 weeks to return it. Why am I not surprised?
  14. I had a look at the PH1000, it looks good and might be ok, I get the impression it’s basically a modified grid-tied architecture. You can’t run them in parallel unless you split your house load into multiple consumer units, 1 per inverter. You can use 1 of PH1000 with multiple PH5000’s in parallel though. It doesn’t matter which PH1000 model you buy, the grid failure output is 3.6KW, probably enough for your emergency circuits, lights, refrigerator, bedroom A/C etc. On my next big project, I might go this latter route with 1 of PH1000 and 2 of 6KW PH5000’s
  15. PH1800-5048+ are my Hybrid inverters, I use them as whole house UPS now, when I used them as Hybrid inverters, most of the time they take very little power from the PV, if not charging the batteries and not using much power in the house then they didn’t export all the solar available, they just didn’t draw the power from the PV. I’m a big fan of the Must PH5000 grid-tied inverters, if you know the password to the admin section, you can tailor them enormously so you are the last inverter to shut down if there are others in your neighborhood and low demand.
  16. COD is no good for a large household like mine with live-in staff. Often the recipient is uncontactable and paying for a scam order is too risky. I have always found Lazada very professional on returns.
  17. We have a rule in my household to avoid this - No COD
  18. If you’re going grid-tied and exporting to the grid, sometimes it pays to get inverters where you can get to the settings. Mine have had their voltage limits tweaked upwards so that (a) they are the last ones to switch off and (b) they are cadenced in 2volt increments so they don’t all go off at once. My ROI is about 5 years with batteries.
  19. A Priest, a vicar and a rabbit went into a bar, the barman asked the rabbit what he wanted to drink. The rabbit replied “I don’t know, I’m only here because of autocorrect “
  20. Our solar system is grid-tied and we have 3 grid-tied inverters. One will often shut down because we are outputting too much power to the grid. They are actually cadenced at 2 volts apart. I’ve tackled this with an over voltage sensor and a normally closed (NC) contractor. When the voltage climbs close to the cutoff point, the over voltage device triggers, opening the contractor and closing the contacts so that my Battery EV starts charging, lowering the mains voltage so the first inverter doesn’t shut down. This can sometimes be as early as 10:30am. The two 2KW stored water systems turn on first at 30 minute intervals delaying the trigger/BEV charging time. By mid afternoon the air conditioning units are drawing more load, we generally run them dawn to dusk, sometimes 24/7.
  21. My 54 panels are on the roof, I can’t even see them, actually I’ve never seen them.
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