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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. My lowest reading was 2 units ???? I fitted Solar when I built the house so there is no history for their software to notice a change of usage habit. Actually, they do know but don't care here in Chiang Rai. We had a visit from them one night when they got fed up of shuffling fuses at the transformer because we were blowing them one after another. They told me I was using 56 amps when they put a clamp over my meter cable. There used to be an estimated 50 Air Conditioning units on one phase of their 100amp transformer. There are 6 large houses here on this development that were on one phase, they have now moved 2 houses onto each of the 3 phases which has also prevented me exporting all my power too.
  2. You missed the point. Existence of a UK DL that is not expired or surrendered "trumps" any other countries DL. If you return to the UK (on a short visit) and get stopped by the police (say speeding), and they suspect you are British, they will check for a UK licence and give you points on it. Regardless of whether you have broken the law by not telling DVLA you have moved abroad. If they are feeling bloody minded, they may also prosecute you for the offences you have committed that you mentioned. A UK DL always "trumps" a foreign DL.
  3. I just spin my meter back like most people, but I did hear that new meters fitted now are electronic. I have 54 panels, 3 x 6kw grid-tied inverters, 3 x 5.5kw hybrid inverters (used as whole house UPS without solar panels), 28.8KwHr's of LiFePo4 batteries.
  4. Let's say you sold up, moved to Thailand but kept your UK driving licence. You have to use that, not your Thai DL if you visit the UK. The police won't accept you can use your Thai DL because they want to give you those points, and what do points make? prizes! oh hang on, that's something else.
  5. I think you are missing the point, a UK national resident in the UK who who then moves to Thailand, he is now non resident but until his licence either expires or is surrendered, he must it and not his Thai DL when he returns to the UK for short breaks.
  6. I think they want you to charge to completion or unlock the car where charging will then end elegantly (that is what happen's on my daughter's MG EP+) , on my Porsche Taycan you press a button and it shuts down the charging circuit over about 2 seconds. My Porsche will error if you break and reconnect the charging circuit with a breaker more than once. You can't remove any car's charging cable when it's charging anyway, and I think MG's statement is to stop you breaking the whole fitting by pulling on it when it's locked. Just cutting the power with about 7kw going through an inductive circuit (which the charging circuit is) will cause a surge and there is nowhere for it to go except the car's charging circuits. Granted, it's a lot worse on a Porsche which can charge at 22kw. When they start charging, they tend to ramp up to full power rather than do it instantly and likewise on shutting down they ramp down very quickly, I would take advise from someone experienced in high-power circuits, which I am not. I can only tell you my Porsche doesn't like it.
  7. If you want the approved feed in tariff, then buy the smallest system you can from an approved installer, and when it's finished bump it up with another parallel system yourself.
  8. Correct, but even a non-resident UK national must also use his UK DL if he has one. If he doesn't have a current UK DL he can use his Thai licence, not having a UK DL means never held one, or expired, if it is revoked or suspended due to a ban etc, you can't use a Thai or any other DL.
  9. Whilst I don't think there is anything wrong with using a switch to start charging, I do think it may cause a problem interrupting charging regularly with a switch. Normally, the car stops charging by telling the charger onboard to shut down in an elegant way. I have some concerns about interrupting it on a regular basis. Your car does store these events and if it screws up your car, you may have a warranty issue. FWIW, I also have solar and I built something using an adjustable under/over voltage protector and a Normally Closed (NC) contactor. In dark/overcast conditions the mains voltage is normal and the contactor energises shutting off the charger. When the sun comes out, my grid-tied solar system increases the mains voltage enough to trip the power to the contactor as an over voltage condition i.e. to the NC position and the car starts charging. When the sun goes in it stops and it starts again when the sun comes out again. It was only after using it that my car tripped to a fault and the handbook said "unreliable supply detected, to avoid damage to the charging system charging has been disabled, clear unreliable mains condition then remove & reinsert charging plug to continue charging". Needless to say, I don't use it anymore.
  10. I wonder what a UK policeman would do if he stopped you for a minor traffic infringement? mandatory fine on a UK DL, or lots and lots of paperwork on a Thai DL.....
  11. What's that rustling noise? Must be all the brown envelopes flying about.
  12. You shouldn't renew a UK Driving Licence using a friend or relative's address. You are putting them at risk. For example, if through some unexpected reason you are sued, they will do an address search with DVLA, you would probably get a Country Court Judgement against you at that address and any bailiff's would be allowed to take items from that address unless the resident there kept receipts in his name for all of them, and who ever does that?
  13. That same report goes on to say... "Are cannabis and cannabinoids safe? Several concerns have been raised about the safety of cannabis and cannabinoids: The use of cannabis has been linked to an increased risk of motor vehicle crashes. Smoking cannabis during pregnancy has been linked to lower birth weight. Some people who use cannabis develop cannabis use disorder, which has symptoms such as craving, withdrawal, lack of control, and negative effects on personal and professional responsibilities. Adolescents using cannabis are four to seven times more likely than adults to develop cannabis use disorder. Cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of injury among older adults. The use of cannabis, especially frequent use, has been linked to a higher risk of developing schizophrenia or other psychoses (severe mental illnesses) in people who are predisposed to these illnesses. Marijuana may cause orthostatic hypotension (head rush or dizziness on standing up), possibly raising danger from fainting and falls. The FDA has warned the public not to use vaping products that contain THC. Products of this type have been implicated in many of the reported cases of serious lung injuries linked to vaping. There have been many reports of unintentional consumption of cannabis or its products by children, leading to illnesses severe enough to require emergency room treatment or admission to a hospital. Among a group of people who became ill after accidental exposure to candies containing THC, the children generally had more severe symptoms than the adults and needed to stay in the hospital longer. Some long-term users of high doses of cannabis have developed a condition involving recurrent severe vomiting. There have been reports of contamination of cannabis/cannabinoid products with microorganisms, pesticides, or other substances. Some cannabis/cannabinoid products contain amounts of cannabinoids that differ substantially from what’s stated on their labels. Can CBD be harmful? There’s evidence that CBD may be harmful to some people." Further, most of the benefits you mention are qualified by saying they are small or statistically insignificant in tests, for example the most recent, a peer reviewed article in The Journal of Clinical Oncology of 144 person double blinded study on the efficacy of CBD oil in palliative care for cancer found it has no benefit. The results of the recent study, published November 28 in the journal JAMA Network Open, echo those of another large 2021 analysis of the available evidence by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Based on those findings, the association issued a statement against the use of marijuana for pain. As someone who volunteered one day a week as a magistrate, my issue with marijuana is the number of marijuana induced mental illness cases through cannabis use disorder we had to deal with. I suspected some of the driving offences I saw involving crashes were linked to Cannabis but drug wipes weren't available then. They are available now and my colleagues on the bench tell me there is now significant numbers of crashes involving Cannabis.
  14. MG ICE cars seem to depreciate a lot, their EV cars not so much.
  15. Because adding a middle man costs nothing and may get you approved where going direct wouldn't. A decent agent will trawl through your social media posts to look for any red flags before TPC Co. do and tell you what needs removing, if anything.
  16. A 30 year lease on the whole land is probably your best option. The lease has to be at a sensible price (i.e. true value) and it must be registered at the land office and taxes paid on that value. You should be careful about the conditions in the lease, the lease will survive your wife dying or disposing of the land before the 30 years are up, but any other agreements in the lease will not as they are personal to the two parties of the lease, so be careful what you put in the agreement. For example, access. Regardless of what any new potentially hostile owner my say, you are allowed access to the property covered by the lease but only by foot/motorbike and only on paying 100 baht per year to the land owner. Also consider things like water, if it comes from a pond on unleased land, the pond can be drained and you can only dig a well in the house. So it would be safer to lease the whole land plot rather than just the house on land not covered by a lease. If your wife specifically wills the land to you (which she can do subject to any familial claims) and she then dies, you have a period of 1 year (it's not 6 months) during which time the land must be sold to a Thai national. You could try to then sell it to a Thai company and then acquire control of the company, but this situation is one that the land office may suspect you are doing and under section's 73-75 of the land act may refuse to register the transfer. Ideally, you would transfer it to another Thai national, paying the transfer taxes, then transfer it to a company which you later acquire (again paying more taxes). If you lease the house but your wife owns the land and access but wills it to you, she can change her will anytime, e.g. if you separate. EDIT: I would advise you to speak to a good lawyer. A lease and an usufruct are not the same thing and an usufruct over the whole land may suit you better. It's cheaper but it comes with some conditions and it can protect you for the whole of your lifetime even if your wife dies and leaves the land to someone else. But if she wills the land to you, it then becomes complicated, If you do split up during your lifetime, she cannot sell the land until you die.
  17. Any lease over 3 years has to be recorded at the land office or it's invalid, and as previously mentioned, it will be recorded on the chanote. Unfortunately, taxes also have to be paid.
  18. I will continue to put my faith in peer reviewed studies published in respected scientific journals. Come on then, back up your opinion with some peer reviewed studies then? Or do you prefer talking through your anus?
  19. You only need to do a google search with "marijuana" and any reputable scientific body e.g. Lancet or BMJ to see that there is a huge amount of peer reviewed studies confirming recreational use of same is extremely bad, but there are some benefits to medicinal only use. The government here has opened the door to both, the initial policy was ill conceived and even poorly implemented.
  20. When I was a magistrate I gave up counting the number of cannabis related crimes I saw, Grievous Bodily Harm, Serious Bodily Harm, Theft, some sparked by suicide and my colleagues tell me drug driving is now massively more prevalent than drink driving. The violence seems to stem from cannabis induced mental illness.
  21. I am having a holiday in Phuket in April, I am a little worried about taking it with me. I also have a few Russian Warships Go F??k Yourselves T-shirts too
  22. If they believe a Thai may be a nominee for a foreigner (example, Thai wife, Foreigner Husband), that is all the suspicion they need, normally they will ask the Thai to show the source of the funds if married to a Foreigner. This causes a problem later if there is a divorce and the Foreigner claims he paid for the house, there's a golden rule with Law Courts (take it from a retired magistrate), you must go to the court with clean hands and you can't claim you lied to the land office to do the initial purchase.
  23. We build HiSo Moo Baan's, it came from my lawyer ... Thailand Land Code Act Sections 73 & 74. The Officer does not have to specify a reason. I accept that it is normally unlikely, but the Land Code Act does not allow for an appeal.
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