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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. I agree with you that a lot of the new entrants have unknown history, but you can't say that about the big boys BYD, Geely, SAIC/MG, Changan. These are all huge, well-established companies. I hear nothing of Chinese EV's with faulty batteries. I hear of thousands of abandoned Chinese EV's because the owners (rental companies etc) went bust, but faulty batteries is almost unheard of with Chinese EV's.
  2. Out of your list, I would go for the Atto 3 although I would probably look for a 1 year old Seal or Atto, you'll probably find another Seal AWD for the same price as a new Atto. I'm also very fond of the MG4, I understand the D model now looks the same as the X with the rear spoiler.
  3. Mine has been done at service too, I got GBox and a couple of my apps disappeared. I sill can't get ChargeLoma or PlugShare to work. I still have Aurora Store which I installed a long time ago, it is like a Google Play store so I can find almost any app and download/install it from Aurora.
  4. Learning the Thai language is key. It's impolite to live here and expect to speak English, and a showstopper for many relationships. Get yourself to a language school. You'll also meet Thai girls learning English.
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, The differentials are :- One surgery was dental, the other plastic surgery The commonalities are :- Private Hospital Surgery Anesthetic Botched Operations Fatalities To my untrained eye, it seems there is quite a bit in common, wouldn't you agree?
  6. So you know the timeline do you? Explain it please…
  7. I don’t know how an Anesthetist could make such a basic error, he has one job, put the patient under and monitor oxygen levels. It sounds to me like no anesthetist present. I’m no fan of private hospitals, money first, inexperienced doctors and poor equipment. I had 2 operations for skin cancer at a private hospital in Chiang Rai, very little equipment in the OR, same OR, same Surgeon. Both times resulting in Sepsis requiring 3 day admission and IV antibiotics. My friend died from Sepsis in the same hospital and another of my friends forced to stay over a week there from Sepsis. 3 operations in the government hospital here with a far better OR, many more nurses, better equipment and far more professional. I wouldn’t let one of the private hospitals in town near me with anything sharp.
  8. On a 10 year old car, I think I would just live without that functionality and not spend a penny on it.
  9. If you like your rooms at 21C go for 18,000 BTU, if you like warmer go for 12,000 BTU, it's probably adequate. I think the quality of most of the brands now is superb. I rent out some properties so it's important to me that they just work, every day. A couple of brands I don't like because they need resetting after some power cuts (Daikin, Carrier, Fujitsu).
  10. They have sales every couple of weeks, to get the best price, you have to got all the necessary vouchers which is fairly easy and the platform wide voucher, I can't remember how you do that, I think its on the home or account owner's screen.
  11. You are supposed to be able to buy a card from MG to allow you to use these superchargers, good luck with that. Just like ReverSharger, these MG chargers a clone of another well known type, at our local dealer it's only 50Kw however.
  12. I have to confess, I did nothing. I just walked around the car, saw it wasn’t damaged and drove off.
  13. I work on 500 baht per m3 for rooms with no sun and 700m3 for rooms with sun. His room comes out at 14,500 BTU, if there is a 15,000 option then I would go for that, I don't know if there is, we've never fitted them.
  14. The rental company know you can legally give one month's notice, I suspect the onsite manager doesn't know the law that came in over 6 years ago. I would mention it to her in a nice way and ask her to seek guidance from HQ.
  15. 12,000 BTU is a little on the small side, I would bump up to a 18,000 BTU unit, to be honest, if you like the temperature on the warmish side (26,27) then it would be ok.
  16. I suspect there's been a high level of fraud and the banks are no longer prepared to have their card details stored by these companies. Foodpanda asked me to reenter my Kasikorn Debit Card details, for no valid reason, it was already stored but the app triggered wanting them again. Within a couple of days, there was a 30,000 baht fraud on my card (in the UK) I reported it immediately and the card was canceled, there were half a dozen OTP requests came through on my phone too. ReverSharger who provide charging for EV's are currently unable to accept Kasikorn Debit Cards, perhaps these companies all share the same payment processor?
  17. As a further aside, if they have 5 or more properties and have been charging you more than the PEA/MEA rate for electric, you are due a refund for all the months since the new rules came in.
  18. It all depends how many properties the landlord has. If your landlord owns more than five properties, they are considered a "business operator" under the new rental laws. As a tenant, you have the right to terminate your lease by providing a 30-day notice without forfeiting your security deposit. This regulation is part of the measures to offer greater consumer protection to tenants. New Thai Rental Law: What to Expect? - FRESH Property | Bangkok's property agent
  19. It's clear from what little we know about your ignore list that you are ignoring people whose opinion differs from your own. This is not a good idea. It's a trap we can all fall into as we get older, we risk getting less tolerant and more convinced that our opinion is the only one that can be right. I recommend you socialise more and get involved in debate and learn to value other people's opinions who often contradict your own. It will broaden your horizons.
  20. Jesus can’t think, he’s been dead for 2000 years
  21. I think Wuling’s start from about 150,000 baht in China
  22. I have used my ฿30,000 credit twice since 3 January, once in Chiang Mai and again in Chiang Rai, it’s no problem on my Seal, but even set as the default option in my wallet, it won’t let me use it for another vehicle.
  23. I agree with you. One of those cars is sold at a reasonable price by the manufacturer, the other has a grossly inflated price by the importer who wants a high profit margin.
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