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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. 5 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Ohhh boy, thanks for sharing. It is starting to make sense why the Chinese navy do frequent visits to west Africa.

    Neo-colonization seem to be in full swing.

    At least China is paying money to colonize not doing it at the gun points as our ancestors from Europe did.  If 20th century was for Europeans, 21st century is going to be for Asians (mainly China and India).  Why only one continent will have monopoly of colonization for perpetuity? 

    • Like 1
  2. On 9/18/2018 at 8:17 PM, Suradit69 said:

    Banks are unlikely to simply "take your money" unless there's a complete collapse of government oversight. Likewise banks couldn't simply take your salary or pension payments.

    It just cracked me up. Imagine a world where banks have taken all your money, pension, social security etc. and zombies are roaming on the streets. Cheers. Nothing is going to happen. ????

  3. Just now, HappyAndRich said:

    No, that is same over all. I am not up with the numbers, but there is some kind of amount that are free from tax, due to a certain treaty.

    Any link for me to follow it up. I don;t think an American retirees are paying any taxes in Thailand. In US we pay taxes no matter where we live in the world and where the income is earned. Every US citizens are taxed on their world wide incomes, irrespective of their residence. I have already paid taxes in the US, why should I pay tax again in Thailand, I wonder?

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  4. 47 minutes ago, mogandave said:

    finding some MD to do it in USA maybe is.

    All immigration doctors in the US do it and every tiny village has one. You have to specifically request a physical exam without lab works. Otherwise they would think it is for USCIS and it is very extensive and costs more. Just tell the doctor that you need to get out of the country not get into the country. Your primary care physicians may also do it

  5. On 8/9/2018 at 10:43 PM, Tanoshi said:

    Hypothetically,  it may be easier for an O-A Visa holder to exit/re-enter every 90 days rather than use an Immigration office to make 90 day reports,

    I did the same for the first nine month of my O-A. Now rented a condo for the next 15 months at least. The agent was nice to do a TM30 and gave me the receipt. Can I do a 90-day now online? This will be my first 90-day. I am in Jomiten? Or the first one has to be done by in-person?

  6. On 10/29/2018 at 1:01 AM, webfact said:

    Other news pictures showed ramshackle living accommodation at the property that had no house number. 

    Won a genetic lottery by being born in a wealthy nation and belonging to the privileged majority ethnicity, this guy could not make it in his home country and came to Thailand to assert his privilege by overstaying in a ramshackle accommodation. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. I want to buy a scooter (most probably used) for short distance travel (not on Sukumvit Road) in the backroads of Jomiten. But first I want to rent it for one week to try it out the model (Honda click). The company I want to rent it from is Pattya Scooter Rental. Their website says they speak English and French. Does anybody know about this company and their reputation? They are located in Jomiten Soi 4.

    I hear horror stories of rental motorcycles stolen in disproportionately higher numbers in Pattaya. If I rent one for a week, can I also buy full insurance (at least to cover me from any liability except may be 1,000 baht out of pocket). Once I rented a car from Avis in Bangkok with 100% liability coverage in case of theft or damage and the car was stolen in Bangkok and I just handed them the car key and walked away.  Also, if I rent a scooter, how can I ensure proper locking and chaining to secure it properly in my condo. 


    Any other advice will be highly appreciated. 

  8. 12 hours ago, HappyAndRich said:

    I guess that attitude didn´t work in your home countries, so you just started bickering on Thailand instead? It´s even shameful to see and read this pathetic drivel every single day.

    The attitude is just funny. Nothing more. They don't realize that they have won a genetic lottery by being born in a wealthy country as a privileged member of the ethnic majority.  In the home country no body cares about what they have to say, but alas, in a foreign land far far away they could at least show their smugness. ????

    • Thanks 1
  9. 49 minutes ago, hwaetu Go said:

    Can I have rent income and family income etc. totaling 65K baht (not pension) sent through the Bangkok Bank in US to Thailand to establish the monthly income requirement? How would I arrange for funds to enter BKK bank officially from the US? Thanks 

    When TI has not published any directives, how do you think people would know? 

  10. On 8/30/2017 at 4:03 AM, webfact said:

    But high profile human rights lawyer Songkan Achariyasap took up the case and launched a complaint with Bang Khen police in Bangkok.

    Why people with a victorian and outdated mind set become a human rights lawyer? Does not he has any better thing to do on this earth? How does it bother him. What human rights she violated by exposing her mammary glands? She has a point. When big 

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