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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. 16 hours ago, Pib said:

    At least with Transferwise there no "automatic" per month transfer capability...must do a manual transfer each time.   

    Correct. There is no automatic option for monthly remittances. I offered them my services (for a fee) for writing an app using their API but they refused and told me they could not do that due to legal restrictions. 

  2. 29 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    Maybe you can get the property-agent to pay it - but, you will not get service at many desks in that office without a current TM-30 receipt in your passport and fine paid (if a late-filing) by someone (usually "you").

    I messaged the agent last night and she said she is in Pattaya now and will file it today. How much is this TM 30 fine? And does it have to be filled each time I return to the same condo from a trip abroad? If so, is the fine cumulative or one time? I intend to keep the condo for at least the next 15/18 months (I am on an O-A visa now) though I may go out of the country a few times.

  3. 17 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    Expats here may have bought a house or condo, thinking they could stay based on their qualifying income, but now (perhaps) they can not. 

    In the worst case scenario, could they get a loan based on their condo property to satisfy TI's requirement of 800K? Not sure if Thai banks would give them a loan. Then they can pay pay off the loan from their monthly incomes of 65K.

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  4. 11 hours ago, BritTim said:

    think you are worrying unnecessarily about your Australian permanent residence application. Even if this visa refusal was noted in Thailand's immigration system (which it may not have been) there is no chance of it being shared with the Australian authorities.

    Agreed, It should not be an issue even if it's shared others. But you should not lie in Australian permanent residence application. It will have no bearings. But lying may have great consequences for you if ever it was found out. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, merijn said:

    Because some countries (The Netherlands, Germany an Switzerland etc) are already requiring that the papers which are supplied by the costumers are or can be verified by the tax department of that country.

    What about Canada, New Zealand, Japan? If other countries can verify, why no British, USA, and Australia? I don't buy the privacy arguments. Every bank in the US can verify your income when you give them permission. Privacy is a mute issue here. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. Those who can meet the 65k/40k income per month rule have nothing to worry about.

    I agree. TI is not in a hurry to announce their policies but I believe if somebody has the required income, they don't have to worry. I think they want to eliminate people who don't make much but get by in Thailand somehow, even working illegally at times. The other day I saw a Westerner driving a motor bike with a side car (no he was not selling anything). Another guy renting motor bikes. I understand two examples prove nothing. And scores of YouTube videos that tease people to come to Thailand because it is so cheap to live. 

    • Like 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Getting a Non-O-X is far more complicated, implies to go back my home country and doesn't give real advantage compared to Extension on Non-O

    The last time I checked, the requirements are almost the same as an O-A. I got an O-A without any complication (may be I was lucky). And if going back to your home country in this age of cheap flights is an issue, why bother keeping 3 mil in a Thai bank?

  8. 9 hours ago, tropo said:

    I have 800k on a Thai bank account party thread" and compare bank balances. Another member said he has 3 million on Thai bank accounts - can you beat that?

    If I Have 3 million in a Thai bank, I would get an O-X for ten years and avoid TI altogether. I have it in a 401K but I am not willing to withdraw my 401K to bring it here in Thailand. 

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  9. 21 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    do my extensions based upon marriage and have a easily provable income (including it going into a Thai bank) well above the 40k baht income requirement. Why should I have to put 400k baht in a bank account.

    Agreed. I earnestly believe TI will accept regular deposit of 40 or 65K every month in a Thai bank for the full year. This may eliminate people who are coming here for the first time (like me). But then they have the option of getting an O-A visa from their home country for first two years. For combo (income and bank deposit), they can use monthly deposit and fixed balance. Is it going to fix people lying on their income letters? We don't know but it will be difficult. 

  10. 1 hour ago, georgegeorgia said:

    Everytime i use Air con in Thailand i get throat or chest infections,have even ended up in hospital, i dont uually get thatin Australia

    Same here. I am also trying to live without running Air/Con. I run the fan of the air/con (fan settings) and also run a floor fan. But sometimes humidity is just not bearable and I had to run air/con for 30 min to cool the room

  11. On 5/27/2017 at 9:54 AM, devaram said:

    I was in hotels until a few days ago and now a guest house run by a friend and I dont think they even know about this.

    OMG, running a guest house without knowing immigration rules. Is he a Thai or a farang? If farang, I wonder can he even run a guest house. I see lots of Russians in Jomiten areas. In Rompho market, even all food vendors have Russian menus. These are a mix of young and old people. So obviously not all of them are on retirement visa. may be they have elite visa. I see they rent motor cycles, open bars, etc. I wonder how? No wonder there is a crack down on foreigners. But common, arrest people for not reporting TM 30. That is too much. 

  12. 6 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

    what are the requirements for a long-stay O-A visa (ME)?

    Same as extension requirement inside Thailand. 800 K in a bank (American Bank) or 65K income. I don't know document for income as I used money in bank method. No seasoning required. I had the money in my Ally Bank. But people have obtained using their IRA and 401K statements also. The additional requirements that put off people pursuing this path is police report and health report. MY county issues criminal records for free of charge. Health report is a physical exam (no blood or lab results required). I went to a immigration doctor (most places have immigration doctors. These are certified doctors who can do a health check for green card applicants in the US and it is a very involved process requiring lots of lab tests etc.). But thai health check is a physical exam and you have to tell the doctor specifically that you need a physical exam to get out of the USA (not for coming to the USA). The doctor I went to looked at me and signed the doc because people from Western countries don't have those diseases. His fee $175. But my insurance paid it. Application fee is $200 USD. It is expensive but provides peace of mind for two years. No need to transfer money to a Thai bank, season it, get bank letter, bank book, passbook printout, TM 30, all these nonsense are not required. 

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  13. 3 minutes ago, Ebumbu said:

    They will accept a Thai driver's license details in lieu of SS# (at least for Americans). They wanted my passport. Fine. They have you do something silly like hold up two fingers next to passport next to your face. Slightly absurd. 

    I signed up with them when the company just started and all those requirements were not there. But I think I have to give them my SS

  14. 8 minutes ago, PFV said:

    Transferwise, given the extra couple of days and slightly lower amount received, could be a good backup solution. If your source bank dosen't charge for domestic wires, and allows you to order one online, and you don't mind the added complication, then TW could be the best option.

    You can use your US debit card of the bank to transfer but it has daily and monthly limits. Username and password has very high limits (I have transferred 15K USD at a time )

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