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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. 6 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    If you are entering thailand on an O visa from home, you have 90 days to open an account and funds in bank for 60 days (1st extension).

    Does the OP have family connection (wife or children) in Thailand? If not, no Thai embassy or consulate office in the USA will issue an O visa. 


    Here is what I did without any problem and it is according to the book. 

    a) Get Police report. Go to your country office and get it from the clerk (my county does not charge for it)

    b) Get a Health report from an immigration doctor. Tell the doctor you want a physical exam to get out of USA permanently (he will be surprised because he only deals with people who want to come to the USA not with people who want to leave the dreamland called the USA) Print out the form from Thai DC embassy and have the doctor sign it. (My health insurance paid for the physical check up fees $85).

    c) Print out your bank account statements (must show at least 800K baht equivalent in US dollars. I had 50K US dollar. No issue)

    d) Fill up application form and send it to DC embassy with $200 application fee. (Though they say it should be sent to your zone specific consulate issuing O-A visa, like LA or Chicago, it is not enforced). 

    e) Get your shinny O-A visa valid for one year. and come to Thailand. The visa is good for one year and each time you enter Thailand, you're permitted to stay for one year.

    f) Lease an apartment for at least 3 months in Bangkok area. You can lease a shit hole for a few thousand Baht/month. 

    g) Go to the US embassy and get an affidavit of your US address (costs $50).

    h) Go to a Bangkok bank branch (not express bank branch. I went to the one near Sukumvit soi 10) branch and present your passport, embassy letter, and rental lease  to open an account. You don't need embassy affidavit if you know somebody who has an account in the same branch. 


    Now happily transfer money from your US bank to Bangkok bank for your daily maintenance using transferwise. The visa will allow you to stay in Thailand for almost two years legally if you plan it right.  Read TV and don't get confused. Ask question if you have any doubts. We can discuss how to extend it every year after you're a seasoned resident of Thailand.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, imaderbyfan said:

    So why is the Brit. Embassy the only one to announce that it isn't prepared to issue the REQUIRED proof of income letters?

    I don't know about UK embassy rules, but for Americans they take an oath (that can lead to perjury for false statements) about their income before the officer signs the affidavit. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 9/14/2018 at 10:28 PM, lordblackader said:

    Can I ask how you opened a bank account as a tourist, so that you could transfer funds from the UK, to enable you to buy the condo ?

    I opened a Bangkok bank account with a tourist visa and US embassy letter verifying my US address. (US embassy, in fact, does not verify anything. They just sign the letter based on you taking an oath under perjury). However, they did not give me online access (only phone banking). After I got an O-A visa, they gave me access to online banking. 

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Bangkok immigration does not enforce the TM30 reporting for individuals. You have nothing to worry about.

    For other locations you also don't have to worry about it unless you have a need to do something at a immigration office. They do not go out looking for people that have not reported.

    Thanks ubonjoe. I don't have any need to visit immigration office right now but two years down the road (like in 2020 March), I may have to visit them for yearly extension. Are they going to inquire all my past stays and look for TM30 of the past? I enter Thailand four to five times a year but I never stayed for more than 90-days. Hence, I never needed to report my stay in Thailand except while entering Thailand and I always book a hotel for few days and enter that address in my arrival card (TM6). 

  5. I have an O-A visa.I will enter Thailand Sept 26 (currently I am in the US), my third entry after I got the visa. I have never stayed more than 90-days and never reported  my residency. I don't have a place in Thailand to stay now. I booked a hotel now for few days and I will give the hotel address in my arrival Form (TM6). I will stay for one months in AirBnb. Do I have to report my stay when I am in AirBnb? All in Bangkok.

  6. On 9/10/2018 at 9:58 PM, khwaibah said:

    There are 3 Royal Thai Consulates, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles that are authorized to issue the O multi based on married with the same conditions.

    All consulates and the DC embassy will issue Non -O only when you have a family connection. For retirement, there is no Non-O in the US but there is a sweet and easy Non O-A valid for entry into Thailand for one year from the date of issuance. Every time you enter Thailand, you're permitted to stay up to one year. I have an O-A visa but I don't stay more than 3 months in Thailand. Mine will expire in March 28, 2019. If I enter Thailand on March 28, 2019, I will be permitted to stay till march 27, 2020. After March 28, if I leave the country I have to get a re-entry permit. 


    On the first week of March, 2020, I will go to the US embassy and declare my monthly income as 2500/month. I will then go to the Changwattana  for a one year extension based on my monthly income. Every month I transfer $2500 from my US bank to my Bangkok Bank account (even when I am not in the Thailand). 

    I am a software developer and I take short-term project (3/4 months) in the US finish them up and relax in Thailand for three months before returning to the US for working on another short-term project. 


    I also have a small house in Normal IL. Very cheap place to live. ?

  7. 15 hours ago, Thai Expat said:

    So immagration will give you a 30 day extension too?

    1. Visa exempt entry - You get 30-days to stay

    2. Can extend for another 30-day

    3. Land Border crossing 30 day stay

    4. Extension 30 day

    5. Land border crossing another 30-day

    6. Extension 30 day.


    Now for 6-months you're in Thailand as a tourist. I wonder how you're financing your stay. May be you have inherited a million and don't want to work and only chase butter flies. What a life!

  8. On 9/2/2018 at 2:33 AM, Farangdad said:

    Never heard of an O-A Visa, what does that allow that an O doesn't?

    Embassy in some countries, e.g. in the US will not issue an O visa without a Thai relative (wife children). I think that was the original intent of the O visa - a visa for someone who has a Thai family connection (children, wife). The only long-term visa for somebody to retire (or stay long-term) issued in the US embassies are multiple entry O-A visa. 

    I don't think this visa can be renewed (permission of stay can be extended based on retirement inside Thailand). However, one can get the same visa  multiple times (after an existing one expires) in the US. 

  9. On 7/7/2018 at 5:39 PM, masterblaster said:

    That's still a bit open to interpretation since while we are retired (never working again) we don't fit in any official retirement category like collecting a pension from a government or private company

    Technically there is no visa called retirement visa. You can extend a non-O visa for one year based on retirement. Even to obtain such an extension, there is no requirements for a pension, Even SS does not start at 50. 

    As you mentioned the DC office is willing to give you an METV with fund in banks, your best bet is to take it. Otherwise, come to Thailand with a SETV and extend it for another 30-days. After that, sort out your remaining 4 months by doing border runs.

  10. On 7/5/2018 at 7:44 AM, glegolo said:

    IF you and your wife are over 50 year of age and your wife is a falang as well...To make it absolut easiest for you,,,. why not buy a non immigrant "O" in the US (single entry  3 months)..

    Non-immigrant O is not available in USA. Non-immigrant O is only given for family related visa in the US (portland may give you if you have a condo). Otherwise, no consulate will issue you an non-immigrant O. Vest is to get an Non-immigrant O-A (long-term visa) for one year. Easy ot get from DC

  11. On 8/18/2018 at 6:51 PM, JLCrab said:

    Get an 'O' visa in US and then before 90 days convert to retirement extension at Thai Immigration using income affidavit from US Embassy.

    O visa is not available in the US unless you have a family connection to a thai national. May be you meant O-A visa (Long-term stay)

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Jingjock said:

    He was arrested 3 June approx 3 weeks ago, can not be arrested for 1 day overdue. My friend just paid overdue 10 days, 5000 baht fine. He probably overstayed months or even years. No money for fine or air ticket, throw the book at him, perhaps he will think next time.

    Desperate people running away from crimes, food, and hunger in Central America are trying to make their and their family's life better by illegally entering the USA in contrast to privileged people born in  rich countries  (winning a genetic lottery) are overstaying (and possibly working also) in Thailand for vacationing. 

  13. On 6/21/2018 at 9:55 PM, AdamTheFarang said:

    R u sure? Border Security always show people getting locked up when they catch them working with no visa. Plus Australia is a big place to hide out in. 

    I think in most advanced countries (at least USA and UK), people caught working illegally in work place raid are put in detention and sent back home immediately if they can find a passport. Without a passport, they have send him home with warning not to work. Repeated offenders are put in detention

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