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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. 4 minutes ago, Duaned said:

    Because when I wire my money my bank needs me to fill out forms and e-mails to them also my veterans admin does not send money by direct deposit to Thailand its not listed on there countries list! where my debit is very simple

    Transferwise does not require all those. Yes they need an email and need to fill up an online form about your name address in the US. (I don't think they even ask for SS #. I signed up with them, long time ago. Don't remember details what they want to open an account. Everything is online. Just now I transferred from my US bank to Bangkok bank sitting in Thailand. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, Duaned said:

    What if every month on the 1st or 2nd you go down to like Bangkok Bank and do a cash advance with your debit card with a Bank in America for like 100,000 THB and deposit it in Bangkok Bank is that legit? It shows you have over 65000 THB monthly income.

    And why would you do that instead of transferring from BofA checking amount to Bangkok bank account using Transferwise?

    • Like 1
  3. 44 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

    Or Thai consulate. A few times I obtained double-entry tourist visas from the Thai consulate in LA, California. At the time I did not determine if they could have issued a retirement visa to me and I still do not know if they could nor do I know if they will be able to in the future. It would make sense that they could ... then again ...

    There is no retirement visa. But there is long-stay O-A visa which is ME and each time you enter the country, you get one year permission to stay. If exit/enter before the visa expires,  it can be used form almost 24 months to stay in Thailand legally. I am on such a visa. The requirements are the same but you don't have to bring any money to a Thai bank. 

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  4. 13 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    However, BKKB is ending those as of April 2019, and only IAT (International ACH Transfers) transfers will be allowed thereafter (in addition to international wires).  IATs are an entirely different matter from regular U.S. ACH transfers, in part, because the sending details have to include your location in Thailand AND the location details for your Thailand recipient branch.  And neither of those are part of a normal U.S. bank ACH sent to BKKB New York.

    No need to argue. As they say, "Past performance is no guarantee for future earnings" Just because it worked in the past, does not mean it will continue to work in the future for perpetuity. When it stops working after April 2019, I hope the OP does not come here and start new threads about why it stopped working. If he does, it will only prove his argumentative nature, not prepared for the future and his sheer stupidity. If it works, more power to him. Cheers.

  5. 6 hours ago, overherebc said:

    If multi re-entry and you leave and return every 80 something days it's not required to do 90 day reports to your local Imm' office.

    So every 89th day you can leave the country and come back to avoid reporting your 90-day stay (except in arrival card). Let's say that every 91-day you come back to the same place. The owner needs to file a new TM 30, right? If not, you can be fined, right?

  6. 13 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

    So if the Police Order is still in effect for the monthly income route, and the affidavit from the Embassy has been disallowed, Thai IMM has to come up with SOME way to implement the monthly income option of the Police Order.

    Thai immigration may simply ignore unless all embassies adopt the same policies. They are glad to accept embassy letter but BE and US embassies have so far capitulated to their demands of income verification. I think it is embassies faults. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, pumpjack said:

    Need get to paytaya via ferry... Want to go to jomtien immigration to pay fine. 


    I was on 30 day arrival

    Uk citizen


    Im shi**ing myself.. 

    Ive money with me to pay overstay but will police refuse and just lock me up. 

    Ive letter from hospital proof of illness



    In today's climate, probably they will lock you up. Don't take the risk. Immediately go to an airport and fly out from there to a neighboring country (or may be to your home country) after paying the fine. Those flu stories are not going to fly with police or immigration. 

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  8. 49 minutes ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    A week ago he said he would arrest 7,000 more by the end of this month. News on it suggests he is still way short of that mark. I also haven't seen reports of 99,500 over-stayers caught so far. Sounds like another story with numbers and facts plucked right out of thin air, and with promises worth zero.

    Number means nothing. But the good old days of overstaying in Thailand and working illegally seems to be over. They should give residency to all people married to Thais (after a through checks, though). That's what civilized nations do. No I am not married to a Thai. 

    For retirees, they should come up with an alternative plan for those getting income certificates (combo or monthly income) from their embassies (as BE and US are stoping issuing those income certificates). One approach is clear indication of 65K/month coming to a Thai bank for renewal. 

    For people with monthly income (or combo income) path, first time applicant  must get a Non O-A visa from their home country. Two years of peace of mind and enough time to show (for subsequent renewals) one year worth of transfer to a Thai bank. 


    Bottomline, some clear direction with uniform application of law is called for.



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  9. On 10/23/2018 at 5:40 AM, Tariya said:

    I already have an Existing account, and I have been transferring funds for years. And, of course, I know about the April 1st cutoff. I was just wondering if I could substitute a domestic wire for the transfer. The reason is: I've been exploring alternative money transfer systems and they've been turning me down, all with the vague reason of "doesn't meet our internal requirements", which I assume means that I'm not a potentially big enough customer for them to bother. They're really not very accommodating or informative. 

    Just set up transferwire. Easy. Transfer from your US bank (using debit card or log in information from your online banking) to any bank in Thailand using bank's swift no. Once set up, it stays in there system. With a few click, you can send small(100-1000USD/large (15K USD) amounts. It takes one day to reach your thai bank for small amount and may 5 days for large amount.

  10. 1 hour ago, JimmyJ said:

    I don't know if this is the case with him, but some US ATM cards do not charge foreign ATM fees and reimburse if the foreign bank charges an ATM fee.

    Charles Schwab ATM card reimburses ATM fees. Besides, that I don't know any other US banks. can you name a few. I have ATM cards for all major US banks like Citi (no fee at their ATMs in Bangkok), Capital One, BofA, Chase, Ally, 

  11. 2 hours ago, glee said:

    My visa has been expired for 1 week. Can I still make a visa run (cambodia, vietnam or laos) to extend my visa?

    And are there any charges or fess I need to pay?

    It just amazes me that people still don't have any clues about  visa exempt entry, visa and permission of stay but wants to do border run. I wonder why?


    1. A single entry visa expires as soon as you enter the country.

    2. And expired visa (single or multiple entry) cannot be used to enter the country.

    3. You can enter the country either with a valid visa, visa exempt (passport dependent) , or visa on arrival (passport dependent).

    4. If you over stay your permission of stay, you pay a fine per day of overstay.

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  12. 6 hours ago, david555 said:

    I have 10 years Thai bank and never had any problem with them , I think most of those who talk different can not do the 800 000 (is no shame  but don't blame it on Thai banks..) do this of not loosing face maybe ….too long time   in Thailand ? 

    This is not true. I do believe many can do bit don't want to do. For me, it will be O-A visa every two years. I will gladly show my funds in the US. Though I am no sure how long I can continue, but I even don't report 90-day as I leave the country before 90-day is due to avoid spending a day in CW for 90-day reporting. I can go to a nearby country (even to Europe/USA sometimes), spend a few days and come back. In the first 10 months of my O-A visa, I am in/out of Thailand 9 times. 

    • Like 1
  13. 51 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Switching to extension of stay based on marriage will help some but not all of them as there are people here with less than 40k/Month/400K a year.

    Yes, I know an American living here for 600USD per month with embassy letter. He was proud of his achievement and published his frugality in his blogs. Often, looking for free food. I wonder what happened to him. Often found in Thermae ogling young girls. Even argued with a few people that he had more money because he could live without working. I guess Thailand does not need such people. Have you seen those YouTube videos where the commentator proudly says how cheap living in Thailand is. They would show their 2000 baht apartment in CM and are very product of their find and act as if they have discovered gold. 

    Then came Tim Ferriss and brought this DN revolution. I don't think he ever dreamt of sending scores or young people to Thailand and Chiang Mai, living on may be 1000 USD and creating Youtube videos to show off their cheap living in CM with a hope of scoring it big in the future. 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

    Retirees on social-security eating pet-food happens in the USA

    I think it is a myth. Pet food is more expensive in the US than processed food in the supermarket.  If you can find cheap pet food in the dollar store, you can also find cheap food there. Everything is cheap in the US (electronics, clothes, foods) except health care. Housing may be expensive and I believe people who retire here at least have a house (already paid) in the US. Thailand is more fun, warm weather, good people (at least on the surface), fresh food, and the possibility of finding a partner at a very old age. Thailand is about 65% of US expenses for the same living standard. The other 35% you pay for better infrastructure (soft and hard)

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  15. 1 hour ago, pgrahmm said:

    Well I, for one, don't want to put aside $$$$ that have been making a good return on investment - last year that 24k ended up at 27.6k just sitting there.....

    Agree. My O-A visa method (every two years and if you want to avoid dealing with TI completely and ditch the 90-day reporting by doing an in/out of the country prior to reporting date, if your health permits) started looking more attractive. US embassies even take your IRA/Roth account into consideration. I am good for two years now. We will see how it unfolds next year with the TI. Hoping for a stability and more information within a year or so.

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