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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. 4 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Also no problem for him to have another as a US citizen.

    While there are no explicit laws that bar dual citizenship in the USA and federal courts have upheld validity of dual citizenship for US passport holders. However, USDOS does not like it and warns US passport holders not to enter any country using a non-US passport. If they do so, consular help will not be available to them in case of emergency. My friend was drafted  in Venezuelan army and it took a senator to intervene and bring him home from Venezuelan military because consular officials told him they could not do anything because he entered Venezuela using a Venezuelan passport instead of a US passport (he is dual citizens). 

  2. 52 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    Does not prohibit or allow...  So is the law ambiguous or simply does not address the issue completely?  Is this why there are some differing reports or statements from people

    Law is ambiguous for US citizens also. In fact, there are no laws that allow explicit dual citizenship. However, on numerous occasions US federal court has uphold that one could not lose US citizenship because the person had acquired the citizenship of another country. 


    US state department does not like dual citizenship. Their stand is if you enter a country with a non- US passport, don't come for consulate help in case of emergency. 

    Years ago, my friend (US and Venezuelan  passport holder) when he was 19 was drafted in National army after he entered Venezuela with a Venezuelan passport and US embassy said no. we could not do anything.  His mother (a born US citizen) had to get the help of her senator to intervene and get him out of Venezuela after almost 6 months. 

  3. On 4/17/2018 at 2:41 AM, seajae said:

    wow, 20,000 baht for sex and then you get a certificate, what a bargain(not), have to wonder how many idiots took them up on it

    Not bad if the course entails on-hand experience with beautiful girls every night for the duration of the course (two weeks?). Otherwise, how do they know one has mastered the course materials and eligible for a certificate?

  4. 11 hours ago, jackdd said:

    According to people here the IO will get a "warning" on his screen once you reach 6 Visa exempts since 2015 to question you about your stay.

    I have more than 6 since 2015. Two to three per year and a few TVs. Between 2011 and 2013, I had more than 6 and no TV. Never stayed more than 30 days and never extended. IO once stopped me and asked if I am working in Thailand and gave me a lecture about how working in Thailand without paying taxes harm Thai society but let me in. I was scared and enrolled in a Thai school and got an Ed visa in 2013. Late 2013, I  left Thailand for one year. And started coming again from 2105. And in 2018,  got an O-A visa good for one year. 

  5. 9 hours ago, tideout said:

    Can someone tell me if it's true you can get a longer term 'retirement' visa if you deposit $25,000 in a Thai Bank and are of retirement age?

    You don't have to put in a Thai bank or show monthly income. The money in a US bank is good enough. I guess even your IRA or 401K will be good enough. There is a youtube video where a person got it showing money in an IRA. Yes, you need to be 50 or more. You get an O-A visa good for one year and if entry timed correctly, you can stay up to two years. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Rawairat said:

    This was on retirement or marriage non O visa.

    Marriage Non O visa is a different beast. It is called O-A (long stay visa) and for retirement though Thai embassy does not call it retirement visa because there is no such beast. :). There is another long stay visa O-X. Requirements are more stringent but it gives you 5 year of stay. As Thai embassy does not call it retirement visa, I guess technically you don't have to retire to get one. 

  7. 18 hours ago, owenm said:

    I needed an AFP Police Check certificate. 3-4 weeks processing time, and Easter in the middle, so up to 5 weeks.

    OMG, 3-5 weeks for a police certificate. In the US, I walked into the county office and a clerk  issued me a police clearance for free in 10 minutes. If somebody is applying from US, I would advise them to go to county clerk office. They can search criminal conviction and issue you a police certificate and Washington embassy is accepting it. 

  8. On 4/21/2018 at 11:02 PM, Swimman said:

    Is the terminology of visa or "permission to stay"  common to most countries?

    I have been to more than a dozen countries without a visa. But all countries stamps a "permission to stay" (wordings may be different) until date.


    For example, last summer when I entered UK, the immigration asked me how long do you intend to stay. I said 30-days. The stamped me for 30-days. Another time, I was transiting through UK and they asked me how long? I said I am transiting. They stamped me 48 hours.

  9. 53 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    I simply stopped working at 60 and am not yet officially retired (have to wait till am 63).  So I do not have a recurring (steady) monthly income, but I have approx 100.000 € in cash on the bank, and I reckoned that amount is more than sufficient to bridge the gap till I am 63 and that's why I quit my job.  From my 63th birthday on I will meet the last part of the requirement easily, as my pension is approx 85.000 bath net/month.


    Also I still do some occasional consulting work, but the influx of that work varies a lot and might 'dry up' in the near future. 

    1. If you have 100K (Euro) in bank use that to get an O-A visa.

    2. Come to Thailand, open a bank account and set up an automatic transfer of 2000 Euro per month to your Thai bank. Set up a recurring deposit savings in the Thai bank and save 1000 euro into the recurring deposit account and use the other 1000 for monthly expenses. This will keep your expenses under control.

    3. After one year, a month before your visa validity expires, leave Thailand and reenter again. This will give you another year to explore Thailand

    4. After the second year, go your embassy to get an income certificate of 2000 euro per month and extend your visa for the third year. You don't have to get any pension to retire and I assume Western embassies will not bother about your pension to give you an income certificate (US embassy does not care). In case immigration ask you for income, you can show monthly deposit of 2K in Thai bank for two years by third year.

    5. When you do consulting work, just leave Thailand and get it done outside Thailand and deposit the income directly in your home bank.


    After three years when you start getting pension, you will still have money left from your savings.


  10. 21 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

    .and remember about house: if you buy, they soon say GOOD-buy!

    If you can afford to gamble a few millions baht in Las Vegas and don't mind losing, you can buy a house for a beautiful girl 40 years younger than you. The girl will take care of you, entertain you, and make your life beautiful. Why not? Life is all about exploring new frontiers :)

  11. 3 hours ago, Franck60 said:

    I’m a 60-year-old frenchman considering TO RETIRE in Thailand in the next few years. I would like to make out all the requirements.

    Why next few years? You're already 60 and in a good health. You should do it right now.


    Here are my suggestions

    1. Get a Non O-A visa from France. You have to show 800000 Thai baht in a bank account in your home country. (there are pension options also)

    2. Come to Bangkok and get an apartment. Open a bank account and get a sim card.

    3. After few moths move to another place in Thailand and live there for few months.

    4. Continue to live for a few months in one place and then move to another.

    5. Before 90-day from your date of entering Thailand, leave the country (you don't have to) for a neighboring country to explore the new place and also to avoid 90-day reporting.

    6. Check this website everyday, post your experience, and ask questions, and spend a hour (just like reading your morning newspaper) in this website. It has a wealth of information about living in Thailand.

    After one year, you can make up your mind what you really want to do and if Thailand is the place for you and you will learn how to stay here forever.


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