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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. I use two phones. A Motorola X4 ($250 now with Google Fi service) with Google Fi service (t-Mobile MVNO). Basic unlimited talk and text $20 + taxes. 4G Data rate is $10/Gig. All data are prorated to the exact amount you use.  Google claims 4G is available in 130 countries. In Thailand Fi gets 4G is in lots of places like Bangkok, Pattaya and 3G in Isan regions. It is like my global phone. My US number is reachable in 130 countries for voice/text SMS.

    The second phone I use is Huwaii Mate SE ($229) with dTac sim in Thailand. It is a dual sim phone. The second sim is open for use if I need in other countries.

  2. Do you live in the geographical area served by the DC Embassy ?
    (1. Alabama 2. Delaware 3. Florida 4. Georgia 5. Louisiana 6. Maryland 7. Mississippi 8. North Carolina
    9. South Carolina 10. Tennessee 11.Texas 12. Virginia 13. West Virginia 14. Puerto Rico 15. District of Columbia)
    I ask because there have been spotty reports of them issuing O-A visas without regard to residency;  which would be a boon to those forced to obtain notarization of supporting documents for LA and Chicago 
    No. My address is in Illinois. I sent to Washington for the exact same reason - no need for notarization or apostle.

    Sent from my BND-L34 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    • Like 1
  3. Yes you can get a single entry non-o at one of the honorary consulates in the US.
    No. Which consulate? I called a bunch of them and everybody said no. Ended up getting OA long stay from Washington embassy.

    Non OA is to get if you can show money in a bank. I guess a Thai bank will also work. I showed my savings account from Ally bank

    Walked into the county office and they issued a police record for free

    Went to an immigration doctor and he looked at me and signed the embassy health certificate for $90.

    After a week I had my OA visa

    Sent from my BND-L34 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  4. 15 minutes ago, ChrisO1988 said:

    All I want is to see my daughter regularly and be a good father ( I live 15 minutes away) I am willing to pay and get a passport but I have been stopped so many times in her short life already I don't trust my ex.

    I hate to say it but I think she has a genuine demand and you must comply (passport and reasonable amount every month).

    • Haha 1
  5. US consulates or embassies will not issue Non-O visa based on retirement.

    You can get Non O visa based on Thai wife from any consulates without any problem

    You can also get a Non O-A long stay multiple entry visa easily from Washington DC easily if you can show equivalent of 800K Baht in any US banks.

    I guess you can enter on Non Immi (Business) and change it to Retirement (or spousal) extension.


    • Like 1
  6. I bough my condo 18 years ago for 2m baht. The unit next door which is the same size just sold for 4.5m. I’m happy I bought one. I’d rather fill my pockets than someone else’s by paying rent. That said, it’s probably only sensible if here long term though. 
    What is the value of 2 million today if invested in S&P 500 18 years ago. I find real estate attractive if I can get low interest mortgage.

    Sent from my BND-L34 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  7. 2 hours ago, Keithsbd said:

    When i found out that immigration didn't care it was stolen i would have been deported anyway so took my chances but caught up with me 18months later.

    When my passport was stolen in a Sisaket resort, I immediately reported to the local police. They wrote a letter in Thai and even gave me a ride to the bus station for my journey to Ubon for catching a flight to Bangkok. I took the letter to US embassy for a new passport and got one in two/three weeks. Took the new passport, police report to Changwattana immigration and they took care of new departure card, and a new Visa stamp in my net passport. I don't recall any issue or any unpleasant experience.

  8. 2 hours ago, Keithsbd said:

    Appreciate the comments but everyone is moving away from my original question about getting back in if change name. Ive had all the lectures and info about new passport arrival dates, length of overstays and bans etc. Thats happened.  I cant change that.

    Ask your wife to join Cambodia to start a new life or take her to your country or Mexico or somewhere in south America.

    • Like 1
  9. 1. Visas are issued by Embassies (or consulates) outside Thailand

    2.  Thai immigration inside Thailand can convert from one visa type to another visa type under certain circumstances.

    3. When you enter Thailand, an immigration officer stamps on your password the date you entered and an Admitted Until Date.

    4. You must leave the country on or before Admitted Until Date.

    5. If you want to stay in Thailand beyond Admitted Until Date, you must extend it at an Immigration Office inside Thailand. 


  10. 10 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

    How will your app calculate 90 day reports if leaving the Country before the 90 day period, re-entering 3 weeks later and your report date automatically changes.

    User needs to scan the entry stamp every time. App will keep track of all entries (and departures also to give false alert about reporting when the person is not inside Thailand).

  11. 8 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    This program/app already exists, it's called Outlook (or endless variations on Unix, Mac, Android, etc). You put in a date, and when you want to be reminded. It is also possible to use a pen on a paper calendar, or marker on a whiteboard, or a well-trained parrot.

    There were end-less programs, including marker, whiteboard, etc., doing similar things before the first version of Outlook came out.

  12. 11 minutes ago, HampiK said:

    I don't think that this App will have that big interest. Because there are already many reminder apps available. And if you put Thai specific stuff (like automatic 90 days, renewal of extension) then only people living in Thailand could be interested. But in General the Idea is good, but as I told don't think many would be interested...

    It will be all Thai immigration and visa specific. It is not a general calendar reminder app. I am coming to Thailand on an Non O-A visa. I am wondering if I can engage some of my free time doing some thing that will be useful to people. (not thinking of money now. The app will be free). If I work on developing an app like this, does Thai immigration consider this as working or hobby?


    Also any suggestion for a name is appreciated and selected name will be credited in the app

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

    Take note, if they ask your passport on a road check between now and April 17, which I think is first day immigration opens, you will be in the detention center.

    Best advice is to stay put from now until April 17. On 17th morning, take the MRT from Rama 9 to Chatuchak and take a taxi to Changwatana. Arrive before 8AM. Pay the fine, extend it for 30 days and become 100% legit.


    I am planning to write an app that will start reminding people (two weeks before) when their stay will be over, when 90-day reporting is due, when extension is due, etc. What do you think of the demand for such an app?


    Any suggestion for a name?

    • Like 1
  14. 48 minutes ago, nausea said:

    The whole idea is to support the frail and weak, not finance some "Golden Age". If you're enjoying a golden age you're probably quite capable of holding down a job. Society can only support a limited number of parasites.

    <deleted>? 401K and SS is my money. I have contributed that money. Not asking anything from Society. Human are not born to work till death so that corporate top brasses can get their million dollar stock options and retirement packages.


    • Like 2
  15. Some people feel they are entitled to live in Thailand and immigration should never question them about their motif and allow them to live in Thailand forever because they come from high wage countries and they are contributing to Thai economy. I wonder why they don't go and live in other high wage countries like Japan, Australia, etc.

  16. On 8/5/2017 at 10:36 PM, livingmakmak said:

    I went to 3 different Bangkok Bank branch and they all wanted some paper from the US Embassy if I wanted to open an account on a tourist visa. Anyone know what paper it is that they want?

    It is an affidavit for your address in the US. I got it for $50 (any affidavit costs $50). You basically write your address in a form and take an oath for before the officer.

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