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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. Last December I opened a bangkok bank savings account in Bangkapi branch (the one after Sukumvit 12). I had SETV. I gave them the following documents.

    1. Passport

    2. Apartment lease

    3. A letter (affidavit) from the US embassy about my home address in the USA.


    They gave me ATM card but the branch manager refused to give me online access. She told me to get Non-Immigrant visa for online access. I am going to Thailand on Non-OA and would get online access.

  2. Does anybody have any experience with opening a citi savings account in Thailand? I am coming to Thailand for one year on O-A (Long stay) visa and probably extend it after two years. I have a Bangkok bank saving account. I am planning to open a Citibank account as I have a Citibank account in the US. Does a citi bank account provide any advantage? Or I should stick to Bangkok Bank?


    In the future if I buy some property, e.g. for 2 million, what is better option? Money in Bangkok bank or in Citi bank?

  3. 8 hours ago, jackdd said:

    Not 100% sure how this works in reality, but afaik the visa waiver program for the USA which allows 90 days per entry doesn't have a limit and for Australia it's possible to apply for a one year tourist visa and even extend this, also seems to have no limit. Seems easier than Thailand to me.

    The unofficial posture is that few people can afford to live without working for more than six months. Immigration will deny entry if suspicion arises. Thousands are denied entry every year.

    • Like 1
  4. My US passport was stolen once from a resort in Sisaket. I reported to the police in Sisaket and they were very helpful. They game a letter with details and a ride to the bus station for my onward to journey to Ubon to catch a flight to Bangkok. Within two weeks US embassy got a me a new passport (with endorsement that this replaces the old passport no.). Immigration at Changwatana stamped my ED visa to the new passport and gave me another departure card. I had a copy of the passport information page.

  5. I am going to Thailand on a Non O-A (long stay) ME visa. I will be living in Bangkok. Is there any agent in Bangkok who does 90-day reporting for a reasonable price, e.g. not more than 1000 baht? In my opinion the 90-day reporting, even when three is no address change, is oppressive and the fine for not doing so is also ridiculously high. I know there are mail in and online options. How reliable are they? I mean do people have issues of immigration not getting mail in/online documents, etc.


  6. 17 hours ago, Media1 said:

    No but you must get visa pre approved online. They will then send a link to print. On arrival pay another 129 US.

    Multi entry 12 months no stress

    After reading all the suggestions, I like this options. Thai immigration is really not that good. Stay in Vietnam and and you can come to Thailand on a tourist visa as often as possible. Or get Thai METV to live 6 months in a year. The most annoying thing of Thai immigration is 90 day reporting and expensive fine for not complying. 90-day reporting is outright insult, in my opinion. Reporting if there is an address change is acceptable.

    • Like 1
  7. 47 minutes ago, thaitero said:

    Go to hospital and let them help with your medical problems. They also can help you with extensions with medical reason if needed.

    This is the best advice. Talk to your support network (friends, family members etc.) to help you in your recovery first. After that, you can decide what you want to do. Good luck and hope you recover soon

  8. On 2/8/2018 at 8:13 AM, JackThompson said:

    The problem with people in official-positions making things up, instead of following laws and ministerial orders as part of a regulated chain-of-command, is that what you end up with are "no standards" - just arbitrary acts fueled by power-trips, and the predictable result of abject cruelty. 

    Immigration personnel of all countries in the World are given power to deny entry even to proper visa holders. Thousand are denied entry with proper visa every year in the US and UK.

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  9. On 2/6/2018 at 9:30 PM, Tanoshi said:

    So your recommending a corrupt and illegal activity?

    If somebody owns a condo in Thailand and over 50, there should be no issue for the person to get a Non-O visa (for three months at least from any Thai embassy). If the law is not there, they should make it a law.  Otherwise, I don't see any moral hesitation resorting to illegal activity. Through out history people have resorted to illegal activities when the law is oppressive.  Allowing non-Thai without proper residency to buy a condo and then denying them entry is oppressive, in my opinion.

    • Sad 1
  10. I don't understand why this is such a big issue. I am also in a similar situation and going to Thailand on multiple entry O-A visa. My plan is to transfer $2500 to a Bangkok bank account every month for living expenses in Thailand.


    After two years when I have to extend it, I will take the income affidavit from US embassy (they don't require that you have to be receiving a pension and don't verify any income source) and if Thai immigration asks for supporting document, I will have two years worth of regular monthly deposit in my Bangkok bank. If Thai immigration is reluctant to accept that, I will go back to the US to get another O-A ME visa.

  11. 1 hour ago, TerryLH said:

    A one year extension at an immigration office here works the same way if you start with an O-A or an O.

    The question still remains is how to get an O visa for retirement in US? Washington office told me there is no O visa for retirement and I called a few consular offices (Chicago, Portland, Dallas), they all told me the same. All told me to get a O-A visa for retirement.

  12. 1 hour ago, elviajero said:

    That only applies to the Non 'O' visa based on retirement.

    I don't see any Thai Consulate (including Washington DC embassy) issuing Non 'O' based on retirement in the US. Washington embassy told me only Non O for people over 50 with 800K fund (or monthly income 65K) is Non-OA long stay ME visa valid for one year that can be extended for legally staying in Thailand indefinitely in an immigration office inside Thailand.

    • Like 1
  13. 22 minutes ago, Laza 45 said:

    .I have been traveling between Australia and Thailand for 11 years now on an OA mulit entry visa and have never been asked for onward flight.. no need for 20K Bt either..  you have already proven your financial situation in your application.. a point that you might not be aware of is that with this visa you can exit the country and return just before the first year runs out.. you get a further year ...effectively making this a 2 year visa.. you do loose entries but you can buy a re-entry (1,500 Bt..I think).. if you wish to leave and return during your 2nd year. I'm in Australia at the moment renewing mine.. after a 2 year stay... Good luck..

    This is my first O-A visa. All prior visas were Tourist visas (at least two dozens in the last 10 years + an ED visa also for one year). Which option is better after almost two years? 1) Extension of Stay inside Thailand + re-entry permits as and when needed or 2) another OA visa? For extension of stay, I need to keep 800K and season it in a Thai bank. etc. or get an income certificate from Embassy (embassy oath sentence does not indicate income has to be from pension. As long as I have income from any source, I am not perjuring).

  14. 7 hours ago, MZsolt said:

    Is risky this, can I have any problems at immigration, or can affect this if at summer want to back with tourist visa?

    So, you're already in Thailand for three months as a Tourist and you want to stay for one more month. I don't think that will be a problem. But it is better to go back to your home country and wait for a few moths and comeback again on a 6-Month tourist visa.

  15. In the US consulate when one takes an oath for income verification, the person is taking an oath for this statement.


    I also affirm that I receive a monthly income of $____________________from sources in the United States


    a) It does not matter where the income is coming from (e.g. online business). Is the person perjuring himself because he is not retired. (I don't think so because the statement does not say anything about retirement)

    B) If I report income of $x ($e.g. $2400) and my real income (based on lat year's tax filing) is $y ($5000) and $x < $y. Is the person perjuring himself?

  16. 4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    We do, in the last two years , I have been to Maesai, Myanmar , four times , Vientiane , Laos five times, Savanakhet twice and Penang once .

    Wow, did not know the world is so small and centers around Thailand. It looks all for visa runs only  :)


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