Very good, you were either a printer or it took you a long time to look it up. When I was 15 years old I was what was termed a compositor, ie placing either single metal letters or wooden letters in what was called a stick, after that I moved on to be a paste up artist (film on a sticky membrane, end product positive or negative film, after this I became a desk publisher, then I was a planner/platemaker (this was taping positive or negative film on thick film, creating 8, 16, 32, 48, 64 or 128 page formats) Then direct to plate came in from the pc. This was when I finally took volunteer redundancy. You and many people thought printing was easy (that is your/their opinion) for me working a 12 hour grave yard shift with only 20 minutes break was tough, knowing that many times that product had to be out of the door early morning, in those instances, I will do it tomorrow was not an option