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Everything posted by Expat68

  1. A few years ago, I was with a girl and we went out for breakfast and even the motorbike taxi men couldn't help but look and comment "suwaiy mak mar"
  2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  3. Depends where you live
  4. In the case of mine, I ordered 2 shirts, one correct the other has stated
  5. Include Lazada on that too. The other day I received my order which was Large and long sleeved, what I got was Medium and short sleeved
  6. Agree. Will never go back to how it used to be
  7. Must have good wife (works)? or girlfriend
  8. Living in Issaan I could live on 20,000. No girls/girlfriend/wife, a little beer. No starbucks (these are the things which cost you in Thailand.
  9. Thais are probably worse. Why they have to play music full blast is beyond me. It does not matter where they are Temple, Concert, Festival or their own room
  10. What I was referring to was they are the same in their own countries
  11. Do you speak from experience?
  12. Chiang Khan to Nong Khai is a really nice run, following the Mekong all the way. Not sure if your into a bit of climbing/walking up a mountain but Phukradung is definitely worth it (took me 5 hours, then another 1 hour to the campsite) bicycles for hire on the top
  13. Not necessarily, the first 27 years of my life I lived three mile from another house (not, village, town or city) hence the reason I like peace and quiet but I do enjoy going to to touristy places for a few days (only a few)
  14. Loei province is well known to be the coldest place in winter and hottest place in summer. Phu Rua and Phukradung mountains being the highest
  15. It will/can get down to 8°/10°C
  16. Try Loei province. Mountainous, Places you choose to stay you will not see expats but if you want to see, head to Chiang Khan or Loei City (BigC, Lotus, Global, Makro also has its own airport). At the moment at dawn it is 13°C, in the daytime 27°C. Hope that helps
  17. Mine was 18-00 until 06-00 hours
  18. I worked night shifts, horrendous!!
  19. Speaking as a non smoker, I would much rather sit next to a smoker than those s--t things, can't stand them
  20. Down to Pattaya next week any nice coffee places on Beech Road
  21. In the last 12 years, the longest has been 10 minutes, normally less than 5
  22. We are all different. What works for one couple doesn't work for another
  23. At 71 year old I honestly believe that some people are cut out to be married (men and women) and others are more than happy in having a girlfriend but not living together, then there others who just prefer their own company
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