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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Hardly a surprise, Sunak's 'Stop the Boats' pledge was a hollow lie. Labour have been in power a week, give them chance to act before criticising them with the obvious outcomes of the previous government's failings.
  2. Where is your evidence that this had any bearing at all upon the high court ruling that cancelled the deportations?
  3. It is an observable fact that the Tories did fail to solve the problem, cutting immigration staff probably didn't help. Your assumptions on how Labour will perform is just that, an assumption.
  4. Or so you say so. And yet asylum claims are processed. Enjoy your fantasy of deportation without due process.
  5. Are you disputing that these people where in the UK before Labour came to power?
  6. Thank you for your link, from which the following is quoted: ”The deportation flight of 50 people was cancelled after the Court of Appeal found they had insufficient access to legal advice due to a lack of working mobile sim cards while they were kept in immigration detention.” So not Sir Kier Starmer.
  7. The behaviour of a totalitarian regime that too many admire and wish to emulate.
  8. It’s a misrepresentation of reality. But that’s what we expect from the Telegraph when reporting on Labour. The 100,000 are already in the UK, the Tories let them in, then failed to process their claims for asylum, a mess and a job that is now passed to Labour.
  9. The fortuitous friend with views that conveniently mirror your own.
  10. Meanwhile the hyper wealthy bypassed all that with the aid of ‘Citizens United’. Bought them selves a political party, got a President into the bargain and Trump paid them back with over $1Trillion in tax cuts.
  11. Good to see that slogans and scapegoating are now being replaced by enacting policies that don’t single old men who’ve been living, working and contributing in the UK for over 50 years.
  12. His rambling on about Hannibal Lecter, sharks and batteries. I get your point.
  13. The reversal of the Tory Government’s performative cruelty continues. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/jul/11/home-office-u-turn-grants-wirral-legend-nelson-shardey-right-to-live-in-uk-after-46-years
  14. We might need to do the math on that. How many foreigners in country v how many foreigners attacked.
  15. Those listening to Kremlin propaganda and convincing themselves they are being curious and open minded. I look forward to this going through the courts, it’s they, not the news cycle, that will dish out the necessary justice.
  16. Are your guarantees printed on soft tissue paper? They might then have some value.
  17. Russia is an enemy. Your failure to understand that is a perfect example of why listening to Kremlin propaganda is not being ‘curious’ or ‘virtuous’. You are being manipulated, by an enemy. Those caught by the DOJ will have an opportunity to provide a defense in open courts of law.
  18. Because you think what a malign foreign Government has to say in its propaganda and misinformation is worth listening to.
  19. I think the call is ‘investigate him’. No need for your hyperbole.
  20. It took 6 days for the Telegraph to present misrepresentation of facts.
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