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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Nor are they people. They do not exist as citizens or indeed individuals.
  2. I believe women should have the same rights of sovereignty over their own bodies as do men and a right to privacy in matters relating to their own health care.
  3. Refer to the title of the OP. Refer to the current economy.
  4. The usual sleaze and criminality from ‘The Party of Law and Order’. It’s well past time for a change,
  5. Over a year old Whataboutary. The US economy has changed dramatically in the more than one year since that article was published.
  6. Around 3000 attackers against one of the world’s most advance militaries, most of the attackers were killed as was always going to be the case. An obscene terrorist attack that was very rightly stamped out with overwhelming force.
  7. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml#:~:text=To constitute genocide%2C there must,to simply disperse a group.
  8. The October 7 attack was without any doubt whatsoever an obscenity an outright atrocity deserving of unequivocal condemnation. But very clearly it was not a genocide. Call it what it was and condemn it for what it was.
  9. Corporations backing the extreme right. Nothing new about that whatsoever.
  10. No I expected the hedgefund managers to financially back the cause of the uncertainty and then profit off it. Which is precisely what aides did.
  11. I think you can request assistance from the airline. I didn’t but when I arrived at check-in struggling with my stroller the staff called for assistance and assigned someone to walk me through the airport. Contact your airline they may be able to help.
  12. Yet more off topic whataboutary, with added baseless slurs.
  13. Google ‘Walkout Trump Rally’, see what comes up. His base is crumbling.
  14. I wouldn’t put much store in anything FIX News claims to be a fact, they have admitted in a court of law to lying.
  15. So. 1. international terrorism 2. domestic terrorism 3. state-sponsored terrorism And all the 9/11 attackers entered the U.S. on valid visas. So let’s scream about the southern border. Because of course no matter how complex the issue, the solution must always be simple.
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