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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Seems like someone (hint a Tory Government) should not have stripped funding and staff from the immigration service.
  2. J6?was an attempt To overthrow the election. Definitely way worse than stuff attributed to BLM.
  3. I am indeed. So you want to blame the political party that was not in Government for the failings of a Tory Government with an unassailable majority in parliament.
  4. Check the score board. Economy, jobs, unemployment, stock market….
  5. Can you remind me, which Labour Government was that?
  6. Good to see there’s non of the ‘Good people on both sides’ obfuscation.
  7. Farage runs his mouth on a lot of things, it’s his MO. However, he now he has a problem; as the leader of a ‘political party’ he faces questioning that he did not face as an independent carnival barker. It’s not something he’s good at. When news broke, a day or so before Farage was to be interviewed by BBC Panorama, that a ‘Reform UK’ candidate has a history of arguing Britain should have cut a deal with Hitler, and that he remains a ‘Reform UK’ candidate, Farage canceled his interview. He’s good at barking, but he’s incapable of facing direct questioning. Farage will continue to bark, make promises he knows he will never be called on to deliver and blame everyone else for failure of other cons he was involved in. caveat emptor.
  8. Your question is simple enough, no surprises there, but why you direct it at me is a complete mystery. I’ll ask again, as simply as I can. What on earth are you on about?
  9. So access based on actually intending to resettle or on lying about the intent to resettle (AKA not entitled). But not based on NI contributions.
  10. You might well have done, but you migrated to live outside the UK. As you are not normally resident in the UK you are not r titled to free ‘secondary’ NHS care. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/health/help-with-health-costs/nhs-charges-for-people-from-abroad/#:~:text=A patient doesn't need,to secondary (hospital) care.
  11. I think the truth of what I say has been noticed by the electorate. I very much look forward to the ejection results.
  12. You can set your bike as an e-bike in STRAVA Add your bike to the ‘Gear’ register then set the bike type as e-bike. STRAVA are rolling out AI segment monitors that will remove your record if not identified correctly.
  13. There’s been a couple of incidents in cycle racing in which what is referred to as ‘mechanical doping’ has been confirmed to have occurred and quite a few in which it has been suspected. ’Mechanical doping’ being the use of an electric motor assist. The most notable example was Femke Van den Driessche who got caught using a motor at the Women’s Under 23 race of the UCI Cyclocross World Championships in January 2016. More recently a French rider got caught in an amateur event, and tried to escape in a his van with a race official sprawled on the hood. Interestingly the motor being used by ‘mechanical/motor dopers’ are relatively low power of 50W, however that’s the kind of power boost that would make a significant impact in a climb or a sprint. As a STRAVA user you are probably aware there are many riders who go hunting KOM’s on e-bikes. It’s madness, they fool only themselves. Anyway, enjoy your e-bike, I’m sure to get one eventually, and certainly would consider a cargo bike right now.
  14. Always a pleasure: UK economy: https://www.punchline-gloucester.com/articles/aanews/ons-latest-shows-uk-economy-flatlined-in-april https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-12/a-lost-decade-worse-than-japan-s-threatens-to-change-uk-forever The Rightwing Tory Government and the UK economy: https://ifs.org.uk/publications/conservatives-and-economy-2010-24 Tories scapegoating immigrants, with ‘leading lights in Tory Party’ getting specific mention: https://iea.org.uk/media/migrants-becoming-scapegoats-for-bad-policy-decisions/ I look forwards to you customary revisionism claiming you were referring to something you hadn’t mentioned.
  15. I wouldn’t go as far as to call you a racist. But are being played like a fiddle by the very people who are scapegoating immigrants. And how’s this for ‘looking after your fellow countrymen’, the people scapegoating immigrants have a cunning plan to fix the problem they themselves created - remove the UK and all your fellow countrymen of the UK from the protections of the European Convention on Human Rights. Cut funding to immigration services, create a backlog in clearing asylum applications, blame the ensuing chaos and costs on immigrants and tell you the way to fix this is you strip you of the protections you have for your own human rights. Played like a fiddle. Good Dogs Always Eat.
  16. The laws are pretty clear on what defines support to a terrorist organization, some forms of speech are included. Incitement is an example, there are others.
  17. It’s just yet one more example of the misinformed nonsense that some base their arguments on.
  18. Non sequitur It might be indicative of any number of things.
  19. Supporting a terrorist organization is a serious crime.
  20. I challenge you to provide any quote from me in which I express an opinion on PM Maloni.
  21. Well if you regard the Government and the Catholic Church to be ‘the people’.
  22. Agree with the exception of, these two remarks: But to sum it up, when life sucks and life is hard, racism comes to the front. But look at Thailand and the dross living in Pattaya. Firstly, while yes the UK economy is in a mess and times are hard for millions of people, it is rightwing populist (who have had a hand in causing the mess) are scapegoating immigrants and using racism for their own political ends. The leading ‘lights’ within the parliamentary Tory party have disgracefully joined in this scapegoating. I’m sure there is some ‘dross’ living in Pattaya, just as there are other western migrants who live and work in the area, doing what the vast majority of migrants do everywhere, the best they can for themselves and their families, work, contribute to society and peacefully obey they law.
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