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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. There’s that spite and envy thing again. Sir Kier Starmer earned his title in public service, earned his money himself. Rishi Patel, richer than the King, made his money as a hedge fund manager betting against Britain. Farage, yet another hedgefund manager.
  2. The plan was already announced, flights were supposed to be leaving, immigrants were being rounded up. Zero impact
  3. What was the vote count? Did Labour voting against the Government prevent the Bill passing?
  4. Voted against performative cruelty that clearly has had zero impact on reducing immigration.
  5. Wongamat, a rather pleasant spot. Though not technically Pattaya.
  6. You could give it a try, but I suggest you check the requirements before your wife ditches her passport, it appears there are something’s you didn’t quite grasp.
  7. What Biden is actually doing is putting clear sky between his policies towards immigrants and those of Convicted Felon Trump. Helping out perhaps as many as a million families into the bargain.
  8. From the OP: Accordingto senior administration officials, undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens will qualify for the program if they have lived in the country for 10 years and were married as of June 17. Qualifying individuals will have three years to apply for permanent residency and will be eligible for a three-year work permit. The White House estimates that those eligible for thisprocess have lived in the United States for an average of 23 years, with the majority having been born in Mexico. These individuals will be "paroled in place," meaning they can remain in the U.S. while their status is adjusted.
  9. I don’t agree with the broad generalizations, but then I tend not to. For example, a small, but not insignificant number of westerners in Thailand break the law, some commit heinous crimes. I’m sure I’m not the only one who agrees it would be grossly wrong to accuse or associate all westerns in Thailand with the crimes of these small minority. And labelling whole communities with the crimes of a tiny minority from those communities is a thing.
  10. Anyone who doesn’t believe your fabricated nonsense is smoking fairy dust. Tell us again how President Biden is doing to stall the election until after November, I appreciate a good laugh now and again.
  11. Opinions differ. I think it has far more to do with criticism of the rightwing, or any rightwing cause that can’t stand criticism, by people with a platform that gets their ideas out to large numbers of the general public.
  12. Yep, all hung on ‘liberal elite’. Luxurious life styles, how dare they?!
  13. Thank you, I do understand the snide, spite snd envy laced use of the term ‘Champagne Socialist’. It’s founded on the false idea that being wealthy somehow precludes wanting things to be better for those less fortunate.
  14. There’s more than a bit of class hatred and envy in the use of the term ‘Champagne Socialist’ Either envy of wealth or despising those who ‘done good’ for themselves.
  15. I suggest you look into who is the Director General of the BBC.
  16. And your source of the ‘correct and verifiable truth’ is ?
  17. Don’t let facts try to get in the way of a rightwing rant.
  18. Although there are concerned efforts by some to take the world back to that evil madness.
  19. I reckon you can identify someone sharing your nationality and likewise someone who bogusly claimed to be of your nationality without ever seeing their passport. It’s not rocket science. Recruit to the immigration service native speakers born and raised in the countries from which migrants are arriving.
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