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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Thank you for demonstrating the truth in my first post to this thread. Though perhaps, reconfirming would be more accurate given we have in the past discussed the particular flavor of venomous bile reserved for spewing on Intelligent, well educated, articulate, assertive, professional woman in a position of power.
  2. Yeh right, because after Fani Willis being discussed for over a year in the news and on political/legal discussion program we all of a sudden rely on infantile reading of her name. Keep it believable, or at least try.
  3. There is no way anyone following this case, and certainly no way anyone involved in this case could reasonably claim not to have heard the correct pronunciation of the prosecutor’s name. She’s been widely discussed in news and current affairs programs for well over a year.
  4. Sounds fabulous. And with 500W no wonder you are flying along, that’s way more power than the (1hour) power ability that top professional cyclists will admit to. We have a female rider in our team who rides an e-bike, she’s often joins long rides, sitting on the front of the bunch at 40Km/hr, cool as a cucumber while the test of us tuck inline behind I certainly would not rule out an e-bike for when I’m older. I trust you do wear a helmet, certainly at those speeds it is advisable.
  5. Do you have a link or links to these ‘facts’?
  6. What is it about ‘Unassailable majority’ that you don’t understand?
  7. A ‘craving’ you imagined for me on my behalf. AKA a strawman.
  8. A government with an unassailable majority in parliament failed to deal any and all immigration. And then set about scapegoating immigrants with the outcome described by DonniePeverly.
  9. All of which has already been delivered by the Tories.
  10. Then you’ll have to problem linking their comments to matched to 1, 2 and 3
  11. A broad brush generalization with zero to back it up. I’m sure somebody somewhere claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was a ‘Russian plant’ but I doubt anyone in this thread did so.
  12. I absolutely support free speech. And the right of people to take legal action against those who defame them or direct hatred towards them. Freedom to speak and responsibility for what is spoken. I’ll assume your allegation that I ‘would most likely support a fascist regime’ is an emotional out burst.
  13. No it’s whataboutary. If it were a civil suit in a U.S. court you might claim some level of legitimate comparison.
  14. And now you have a ‘conspiracy theory’ to explain where the term ‘conspiracy theory’ came from. Of course you do. So what have learned to day? The definition of the term ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is itself a ‘conspiracy theory’ and the term ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is itself the product of a ‘conspiracy theory’. The tortures of a troubled mind on full display.
  15. Somebody else who thinks whataboutary is a valid argument. Not even good whataboutary, Alex Jones was a vociferous in his opposition to gun control laws.
  16. Your beheaded baby fixation is whataboutary. There is no right to defame people and lie. Sure anyone can do it, but there are consequences. Alex Jones is getting some of those consequences.
  17. Intelligent, well educated, articulate, assertive, professional woman in a position of power. Of course she has her detractors, and many of them are idiots following their predictable idiot ‘pattern behavior’.
  18. So the definition of a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is itself ‘a conspiracy theory’.
  19. And he monetized the lies and mongering he directed at the grieving families. Pay-back came calling…. Ker-ching!
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