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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I’m not in the least worried about WW3, though I might do if the Convicted Felon enabler of Putin, Kim, China and various other totalitarians wins the election I might. Meanwhile I’m delighted Alex Jones’s is having his life dismantled.
  2. Please accept my condolences, I’m sure these are difficult and worrying times.
  3. You are making a great argument for proportional representation, which would ensure the Tories never again regain power.
  4. It’s an ‘outlier’ result following the introduction by YouGov of a new methodology. The polling averages and polling trends are a better indicator and at this stage MRP polls are probably the most reliable. I don’t think it’s anywhere near indicative of actual voting intention, but if it further panics the Tories it’ll do for now.
  5. I hear he’s having to ‘sell the farm’ to pay his debts.
  6. A bit of a hyperbole riddled false equivalence, but that’s the point. Engage emotions and switch of rationality.
  7. Oh, you want the version of events to which you subscribe to be above question. It’s the heresy argument.
  8. I’m not defending anything other than the right to ask questions and not be ‘shut down’ with baseless allegations or claims a subject being beyond questioning.
  9. Go on then explain why ‘someone would not understand that’. Give it your best shot
  10. I have on over a dozen occasions taken a bike with me on Thai airways long haul flights. Advice based on my experience as follows: ——— Book your flight first then at least one month before flying email Thai airways customer service to reserve your bike transport. Their email address is: contact(at)service.thaiairways.com Title your email as follows: Booking Reference XXXXXX Name XXXXXX DATE - FROM TO FLIGHT No TGXX - Additional Baggage - Sports Equipment Text of email as follows: Booking Reference XXXXXX Passenger Name LLLLLLLL FROM TO DATE. TG XXX - Departing FROM at time HH:MM. I wish book a special baggage for my flight from xxxxx to xxxxx. Bicycle in box, sports equipment tariff. Reservation details and bicycle box dimensions below: ADD dimensions of bike box and weight. Add copy of your revelation. ……… Important: Thai airways will not carry any e-bikes. ….. Pack your bike following with attention to the following (if using a proprietary bike box/bag follow their instructions). Wheels out and packed beside the frame. Tires deflated Handlebars turned and dropped to minimize size Pedals removed. Additional to usual instructions I do the following: Before dissembling my bike I mark the seat tube hight, handle bar/stem connection with a pencil so that I can accurately reassemble to the correct fit. I wrap the whole frame in foam tubing, the type used by plumbers to insulate pipes. I fit a piece of wooden dowel between the front and back forks in place of the wheel axils to brace the frame against crushing. I wrap the pedals in bubble-wrap to prevent them scratching the frame during shipping. Additional items I put in the bike box include: Tools for reassembly. Spares I’m taking with me. An Apple Airtag* A large card with my name and contact details on it inside the bike box/bag. Name and phone number in at least two places on the outside of the box/bag. I hide the AirTag in the bike box and I always have one AirTag fitted on the bike. I have removed the speakers from both of these AirTags, so they don’t ‘chirp’ and disclose their presence to any would be thief. ….. Check that your bike booking has been accepted a few days before you fly. On a couple of occasions Thaiairways did not respond to my email. You may need to call their local service number to confirm your bike is booked Rember, Sports Equipment Rate. …… Arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before your flight, join your check-in normal queue. At check-in tell them you have booked your bike. Now the frustrating bit: You will be asked to take your bike to weighed at the large luggage drop-off, then be sent to the ticket counter to pay for your bike, then back to your normal check-in to complete the check-in process (don’t lose your receipt of payment). Then once again back to the large luggage drop-off. ——- At your destination your bike will be delivered to the large luggage pick-up You will need to show your baggage receipt to collect it. You can chill while waiting for your bike as you will be able to see its location by tracking the AirTag. ——- Do not be tempted to put non bike related stuff in your bike/box. In my team racing days a team member got hit with the full normal luggage fee when his bike box was inspected at check-in and found to also contain normal clothing and personal belongings. ——- Finally I really do recommend using a proprietary bike box/bag. I use a ‘Bike Box Allen’ dimension as shown below.
  11. No I just didn’t get on board the hyperbole bus. And I certainly do not support naming something evil in order to negate the questions asked in any other criminal investigation ’who did this and why?’.
  12. And you’ve never produced any evidence to back your claims. Anecdotes are not evidence, regardless of how conveniently handy they are.
  13. Asking who is behind an attack and what motivates them is indeed rationalizing. But precisely what is wrong with rational examination? This attack might be disgusting but it’s a long way from ’evil’. Though labeling events as evil in order to exclude rational examination is a step towards acting without thought or without consideration of facts. A very slippery slope to walk in.
  14. There is no loss of ‘order’ and terrorists are frequently ‘dealt with’.
  15. I don’t have to prove your point incorrect. Its for you to support claims you make with credible evidence. ’Convenient anecdotes’ don’t cut the mustard.
  16. On the bases of probability yes but I have no credible evidence of how many, and I doubt you do either. Meanwhile I have provided a link to a credible source to back my statement wrt long term sick being kept out of work by NHS waiting lists.
  17. Just show me credible confirmation of your anecdote. The link I provided is to a credible source, sorry you can’t deal with it.
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