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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Why would I give them the opportunity to engage in personal attacks and perhaps more importantly, why do they do so?
  2. Well thank you but that wasn’t my point. My point is that personal information shared on this forum will be used by a minority of antagonistic individuals as ammunition in ad hominem attacks on those they disagree with. Hence it is advisable not to share personal information or anything from which personal details might be construed.
  3. Convicted on 34 felony counts in a court of law as recorded in court records.
  4. That doesn’t seem to address my post you were responding to. Let’s try this. Do you agree or disagree with what I say in that post regarding not sharing personal information on this forum?
  5. No I never did. But then comprehension was never your strong point. Thanks though for demonstrating the point I was making to Jerry.
  6. The conviction is a matter of court record. It’s not a joke and the WH is the last place any Convicted Felon should be.
  7. Let me explain my position on the matter of sharing personal information on this forum, it might assuage your curiosity. I have observed on numerous occasions that at and all personal information shared on this forum becomes, for an antagonistic minority, ammunition to be used by them in ad hominem attacks against those who’s views they disagree with. For this reason I don’t post personal information, nor do I post information that might confirm any personal information I do not wish to share. So, by example, when you who I vote for, my answer is to provide no answer that will indicate one piece of information I have never shared, my nationality. So don’t take it personally (pun intended), I certainly do not accuse you of being one of the members who engage in personal attacks, but I trust you will understand and accept why I keep personal information off this forum. Incidentally, I advise others never to post personal information or introduce anyone they care about into discussion on this forum, sadly too many learn the hard way why that’s good advice.
  8. I’m rather hoping it will morph into ‘Prisoner Trump’ before then
  9. No, I’m saying it because it is true. The presumptive candidate for the ‘party of law and order’ the party of ‘obey the law’ and ‘back the blue’ is a convicted felon.
  10. Maybe you did, maybe you did not. It’s one of those things that can never be proven. And for good reason is kept confidential.
  11. Here’s the example I refer to. Pure Convicted Felon Trump messaging. And of course I’ve addressed the Convicted Felon Trump as a Convicted Felon, that’s what he is. Why does that bother someone who’s not a supporter?
  12. Nah, you mistake criticism of the real problems facing a nation and its people with ‘hating the nation’. In truth the people who make the accusation of others ‘hating’ their country are the people who object to problems being discussed. Beware the scoundrels who wrap themselves in the flag.
  13. Of course not, you’ve just got a thing about posting pro-Convicted Felon Trump messaging.
  14. Count me in as not being a supporter of giving dangerous contagious diseases a free rein in schools.
  15. The cult of Convicted Felon Trump is a thing. Once you leave it you’ll understand.
  16. Convicted Felon Trump being questioned by a woman with authority over him. That’s got to have been fun.
  17. Sometimes it’s necessary to check the calendar to reassure oneself that it really is 2024.
  18. He is confirmed to have received 4 million in gifts, there are indications of much more. Regardless, his financial disclosure is way short of what it should be. He’s bent!
  19. Not about what Trump thinks. He has been convicted, he’s facing sentencing. His performance for his supporter’s isn’t going to sway the judge.
  20. The most disquieting aspect of this case is the political attacks on the justice system by the Convicted Felon Trump.
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