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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No they haven’t. They have stated they shall recognize Palestine as a state which is their right to do so. Netanyahu backed funding to Hamas to thwart the right of the Palestinians to self determination and their own independent state. So yes, bring on the Netanyahu lead Israeli propaganda. The real story is Israel’s growing isolation from nations that were formerly supporters of Israel. Netanyahu’s conduct of this war has done a great deal to promote Palestinian nationhood.
  2. I thought you were going to do that? (Without telling them what you were up to of course). I certainly haven’t volunteered.
  3. If the claim is that Hamas represent the people of Gaza then there needs to be evidence that the people of Gaza had a say in the matter. unless of course conflating Hamas with the people of Gaza is a justification for continuing the ‘carnage’.
  4. Which is the point I made in my other posts. They have not, they have no legitimate claim to represent the people of Gaza. A fact overlooked by those who justify the continuing ‘carnage’.
  5. Automation is stripping out jobs and has been doing for a long while.
  6. I expect ‘hanging and flogging’ are on the list of proposals he has in mind. On the upside, they would be cheap, unlike his bird brained ‘National Service’ nonsense. Sunak jumps the shark, but where’s the money coming from to pay for his nonsense?
  7. I’d be amazed if anything this idiot Sunak proposes works.
  8. Sure you would. While Hamas exact retribution against your family. Hamas a a viscous terrorist organization, your task chair is a comfortable place to tell us what you would do if you and your family were under the control of Hanas.
  9. Hamas is a viscous terrorist organization that has suspended democracy in Gaza and hence only representing its own twisted ideology. The obscene terrorist struck of 7/10 was planned and executed by Hamas. The ‘State of Palestine’ does not yet exist and Hamas has no legitimate claim to represent the people of Gaza.
  10. More to the point, is he willing to pay for it?!
  11. Don’t ask the idiot Sunak where the money to pay for this would come from. Did he even ask the leaders of the armed forces if they need to reinstate ‘National Service’? The half drowned Sunak is clutching at straws as the Tory ship sinks and the rats flee.
  12. A question posed by someone who is posting images of only one side of the continuing obscenity of this war. Images of suffering that have become the centerpiece of Israeli and pro-Israeli propaganda for the continuing use of force and the justification for the continuing killing of civilians and destruction of civilian neighborhoods and infrastructure. Away with you and your ‘one sided’ truth.
  13. Surely we are going to get the answer to those two questions from the Jury in the coming days. I don’t mind waiting and will accept the Jury’s verdict whatever it turns out to be. Few here will make such a commitment, which tells us all how much value there is discussing anything of the matter with them.
  14. To be fair to little Rishi, maybe he caught a chill from standing out in rain. Which of course doesn’t bode well for when he tossed out into the cold.
  15. PM Sunsk is reportedly taking a ‘duvet day’ as the rats flee the Tory sinking ship. Who’s dumb idea was it I wonder to book Sunak an appearance at Belfast’s ‘Titanic Quarter’? He’s already a walking meme generator, he needs no such suggestions to make matters worse. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/may/24/sunak-to-take-a-day-at-home-after-hapless-election-campaign-start
  16. Your gross pejorative generalizations against a whole population of millions is kind of bigoted.
  17. Have figured it out yet, making ignorant and gross generalizations isn’t helping whatever argument you think you have?!
  18. I’m sure you aren’t responsible and would not accept being held responsible for heinous crimes committed by people who share your nationality.
  19. What about Andrew’s thoughts on the abuse of antisemitism to play factional political games being an insult to those who have suffered actual antisemitism and racism? Any thoughts on that Jonny?
  20. Trump will say whatever the religious rightwing want him to say. Then he’ll switch without missing a beat to avoid criticism from those who do not wish to see policy determined in the basis of religious zealotry. Trump Is an authoritarian liar that bows with the wind. He’ll do whatever he believes he can get away with, whatever services his efforts to stay above the law. https://apnews.com/article/trump-contraception-birth-control-abortion-2024-8f73bb1b3a5864b24157f15eb272a3e6
  21. Here you go Jonny, straight from the mouth of the horse in the race, and he seems to have a message for you too: https://x.com/andrewfeinstein/status/1793930785277567137
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