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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. More misrepresentation. The actual heading from The Times is shown below. Not that I expect you’ll accept you’ve been caught out misrepresenting facts:
  2. The ‘woke progressive credentials’ are a figment of your imagination., something you dreamed up together with accusations of ‘virtue signaling’.
  3. I have absolutely no idea if the police were wearing body cams. But here’s a thing. The police wearing body cams is irrelevant to the fact that the CAA edited a video to remove scenes and context that undermine the narrative that the head of the CAA went on to promote using that very same edited video. And get something straight - I am not trying to justify antisemitism. I’ll thank you to refrain from making baseless accusations.
  4. Correct me if I am wrong. This topic commenced with discussion of events brought to the attention of the media by a video shot and released by the campaign group CAA. A polarized discussion arises on the events portrayed in the video and described in the OP. A shot while after the leader of the CAA releases a video statement and transcript of that video statement. His statement refers to the events portrayed in the earlier video. A day later we learn that the earlier video was actually the product of editing, the original video shot on the day having been edited to remove scenes and context that are not supportive of the narrative being portrayed and statements made by the activist. And all through this I argued that videos are not reliable, subject to scene election and editing. So please give up on this one ”watch the video” mantra of yours. The video was edited to remove scenes and context that were not supportive to the activists narrative. - Fact!
  5. The kind of “flimsy lifeline” that is substantiated by facts: “GideonFalter, the head of the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA)” Don’t get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with activism, I think it’s an important part of the public and political discourse so essentially to a healthy democracy. However, there’s a difference between honest activism and actively editing videos prior to publication in order to remove scenes that undermine a narrative an activist wishes to portray.
  6. Your argument from page one was based on a heavily edited video with context scenes removed. You know the same video you were insisting others must watch.
  7. I’m referring to him by his profession. I think it aids understanding of what he’s engaged in.
  8. The edited video, Brian, the edited video. You’ve been using it as the basis of your arguments.
  9. I see this ‘word of the day’ thing is catching on. Now you’ve learned a new word, and been shown how to use it in sentences, you can move onto recognizing activists engaging in activism. A big fat clue is when they engage in editing videos to remove scenes that undermine the narrative they are pushing. Give it a try.
  10. All In would have been informed of is the scenes manipulated by the activist(s) to remove scenes that undermined the false narrative the activist wished to portray. You fell for it. I didn’t.
  11. I wouldn’t call him an idiot, he clearly has enough smarts to manipulate the gullible with heavily edited videos in which scenes that are not supportive to the narrative he wishes to push have been removed. From the start I said he was engaging in grandstanding performative activism. I’ll now add with manipulation of video for effect.
  12. I’ve explained more than once why I don’t watch videos in discussion forums. Yes I have read the ‘Rishi’ thread. I’ve also read the transcript of the Activists’ statement (transcript issued by activist) in which he goes throttle up on his narrative based on, wait for it, the heavily edited video that his organization edited to remove scenes not supportive of the narrative he wished to push. Pages of the discussion in this thread are founded on that very same heavily edited video. This aged really well, don’t you think?!
  13. Did Rushi say anything else about the behavior of the activist? The activist group chose to edit the video, chose the scenes that portrayed the narrative they wished to push. Such editing of videos is precisely the argument I made against basing arguments on videos. So go ahead punch the loop ‘watch the video, watch the video!
  14. Yes an individual police officer did d say he was openly Jewish. He was cautioned that if he did not follow the police instructions he would be arrested. He was not arrested. He was not harmed, he’s safe and well, I think that’s a good thing. The video was edited to remove scenes that are not supportive of the narrative the activist(s) used the edited version of the video to push.
  15. So it turns out that the video shot by and published by the activist group had been edited by the activist group to portray a narrative they wished to push while editing out context that was not supportive to that narrative. And who was it who argued that videos are not passive evidence and are subject to exactly this kind of manipulation? As so often is the case, a little time passes and more details show up.
  16. There’s some very good news. Are we going to do the ‘On who’s watch is this happening on’ thing?
  17. “Blanche argued that attempting to influence an election is not inherently illegal, emphasizing the essence of democracy” I’m not going to pretend this is going well for Trump.
  18. Well I can lead you to the water, but will you drink? https://www.americanprogress.org/article/addressing-tax-system-failings-favor-billionaires-corporations/
  19. Can I sign you up for rebalancing the tax code to remove its favor to the hyper wealthy?
  20. Do you have a problem with the IRS collecting taxes due?
  21. Perhaps I’m simply looking forward to the opening arguments. It looks like I don’t have long to wait.
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