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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Seems you know nothing about the law. Submitting fake signed election documents to the Federal Government is a Felony. Election fraud is a felony. Reality is real!
  2. So the fake electors are getting prosecuted and convicted for their crimes?
  3. A bit of a false equivalence. There is only one official slate of electors. Cobbling together an alternative after losing the election is not it.
  4. Japan is heading into its very own crisis for which this ‘homogeneous society’ of yours is not a solution. And Japan has had a few worse terrorism incidents than a guy with a fake bomb vest. And that’s before we get into the part France and other western nations have played in creating these conflicts you now insist are being imported https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/prehospital-and-disaster-medicine/article/abs/terrorism-in-japan/0395D08D87A1E7786083428B9B64831B
  5. Not the brightest America has to offer. Conspire to commit election interference. Sign your name on forged documents used to commit election interference. Submit the forged documents with your signature on them to the Federal Government. If it were not such a serious threat to US Democracy it would be comedy gold.
  6. 100% of the bi-partisan bill was trashed when, on Trump’s instruction, the Republicans refused to even debate the bill.
  7. Because of course the Republicans didn’t pull the plug on the Bi-Partisan Border Security Bill.
  8. Todays word of the day is fabricated because there’s a lot of fabricated accounts of reality going on.
  9. Jonny, When you assert I share the belief system of the Met you need to do two things. 1. Provide evidence the belief system exists and is that of the Met. 2. Provide evidence that I share that same belief system. You have done neither, so forgive me for concluding you were simply making a baseless personal attack. The police have very rightly apologized. But they have not apologized for the incident you fabricated: Even the Met police will move you on if you refuse to hide your "Jewishness". Nobody was moved on for ‘refusing to hide their Jewishness’. … The response to this ought not to be another personal attack.
  10. I’m not a Cheerleader for the Met nor do I have any romantic feelings for the organization. I simply pointed out you had fabricated the events you portrayed in your post.
  11. More fabricated nonsense. The Met did move anyone on for “refusing to hide their Jewishness”.
  12. And Jews are taking part in these demonstrations. So perhaps you have not worked it out.
  13. I think the point being is you’ve fabricated a scenario in order to announce your pejorative view.
  14. So long as, god forbid, nobody said she was ‘openly Muslim’, probably not.
  15. The Met have not apologized for the caution given to the activist that he would be arrested if he did not follow the officer’s instructions. The Met have very rightly apologised for the language used by the officer to describe the activist who was receiving the caution.
  16. Hyperbole is my word of the day because there’s a lot of it about. Your leap to the Star of David was an example. The Police Officer was clearly concerned for the safety and well being of the activist. The activist is unharmed, safe and well; I believe that’s a good thing.
  17. Why are you asking me? If the police officer believed their was a likelihood of a breach of the peace, which he clearly did, then he is bound to act to avoid that occurring. The demonstration passed peacefully. The activist is unharmed, safe and well; I believe that’s a good thing.
  18. More hyperbole. Cautioning an individual, regardless of their race/religion that they will be arrested if they do not obey a lawful police instruction is not a threat. It’s a caution, a reasonable use of authority to get the individual to obey the lawful instruction before an arrest is necessary. Other hyperbole ignored.
  19. No. I’m stating the possible consequences not the definite consequences.
  20. I believe I have presented my arguments calmly and respectfully, and without misrepresenting the known facts, refer your own errors challenged above. In the interest of that calm, I’ll ignore your provocation.
  21. I already told you don’t watch videos on any side of any ‘Discussion’ in this ‘Discussion’ forum. If you want to discuss who commissioned /shot the video, who edited the Biden, what scenes were left in/left out, was the activist involved in the video, was the activist performing for the camera etc. That might be a good discussion.
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