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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. That’s not an argument against giving journalists a choice of whether or not they want to go into Gaza to report on conditions there.
  2. Perhaps international journalists should be allowed into Gaza to independently report on what is going on there.
  3. The term ‘innocent civilians’ seems to have evaded your outrage.
  4. The slaughter and starvation of innocent civilians isn’t getting any hostages released. Maybe Israel needs to try something else.
  5. Yes, I accept non of this would be happening without the attack of 7/10. At the time I referred to that attack as an obscenity, I still regard that attack as an obscenity. Israel has every right to defend itself. But Israel also has obligations under international law. There are multiple options to Israel, the protest at objecting to the ongoing option chosen: Acceptance of Israel’s right to defend itself and to respond with force to the obscene attack of 7/10 does not come with a cart Blanche acceptance of the atrocities Israel is now committing. Opposition to Israel’s slaughter of innocent civilians, the blocking of food, medicines, water and power to a civilian population under siege and the exclusion of international news reporters from the war zone does not in any sense or way excuse or justify the obscene attack of 7/10. It’s very simple, one obscenity does not justify another. Opposing the ongoing slaughter is not hate.
  6. You obviously didn’t understand my post. Perhaps deliberately so.
  7. Gaslighting again. These are not hate marches. Though I do accept you hate protests against the slaughter of innocent civilians, the blocking of food, medicines, water and power to a civilian population under siege and the exclusion of international news reporters from the war zone (we couldn’t possibly be allowed to know what’s actually going on could we?!)
  8. Oh the means justifies the ends argument. Even when the means stays into what the ICJ describes as ‘Plausible allegations of genocide’ You are wandering die the sewer of morally bankrupt justifications.
  9. I mean the argument ‘You don’t have the right not to be offended’ which has been at the center of rightwing grievance politics these past few years has suddenly gone very quiet.
  10. Hamas, which most reasonably balanced minds would accept are a terrorist organization, indeed they are a designated and proscribed terrorist organization. The fact the British Government and other Governments have told Hamas (Terrorist Organization) to immediately release the hostages and that Hamas (terrorist Organisation) has ignored those foreign governments sone how removes all reason for Innocent Palestinian in Rafah to complain when the Israelis visit carnage on them. Take look around you and see if you can find where you lost your morality, let alone sense of compassion for the innocent people who are about to be slaughtered. Oh an ‘Your side’?
  11. You’ll need to come up with me stating anything among the lines of being opposed to anti-Semitic marches. The National Front are a Fascist, anti-Semitic and Islamophobic organization. Not a good choice of example I think.
  12. I’ve made my views on this very clear. I believe he was engaging in Performative Grandstanding. The police have the power to ask anyone to move on. I’ve already criticized these powers the police have been given. I’m not on any Anti-Semitic side of anything. Your attempts to use the ‘ain’t-semantic’ slur to shut down my point of view is noted, as is the hypocrisy of you doing so while claiming to defend people’s right to voice their opinion (So long as you agree with those opinions seems to be the message).
  13. Brace yourself. The testimony and evidence against Trump will be played down. Trump’s lawyers making laugh out loud mistakes will be played down. Trump falling asleep during the trial will be played down. One mistake, no matter how small, on the part of the Prosecutor’s lawyers will be spread all over the news, social media and this forum.
  14. Is this something normal people in possession of a balanced mind worry about? Or is it the reserve of those who habitually bang on about immigrants and Muslims in particular?
  15. I’m not seeking any moments of fame, not engaged in any performative grandstanding. I rather enjoy my anonymity.
  16. I do not believe anyone has the right to block others on roads or footpaths. I believe the law is clear on that and I support that law. Heckling is an entirely different matter. We all have a right to speak and heckle. I wish that more listening and debate took place instead of heckling. I consider personal attacks and false allegations to be heckling; as a recipient of much of this behavior my own conclusion is it is a poor replacement for any kind of reasoned argument.
  17. Thanks for the apology Yellow, far too few on all sides of the political debate will admit when they make a mistake. My comment is an observation. For a handful of years now there has been a debate on what is and is not permitted to be said on University campuses. The allegation, almost entirely from the rightwing has been that universities are censoring rightwing voices. Allegations of ‘cancel culture’ and ‘snowflakes’. Punch the term ‘You don’t have a right not to be offended’ into a search engine and it will return a flavor of that debate. Again, thank you for your decency in response to my last post.
  18. I didn’t claim anyone was being stopped from speaking. Feel free to: 1. Quote my post(s) in which I claimed “people are being stopped from speaking”. 2. Admit you made that claim up and apologize. 3. Flush your credibility.
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