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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The vast majority of threads in the World News Forum are discussing American topics. Your baseless guess are not helping you make any on-topic comments are they?! Refer too of this thread for the topic under discussion, it’s not me.
  2. This isn’t a popularity contest. …… St George’s day, an opportunity to celebrate many of the wonderful and admirable things about England. Turned into barging through police lines, animal cruelty, abusive remarks and right there in the middle of it, the rightwing carpet bagging duo, convicted fraudster ‘Yaxley-Lennon’ and erstwhile rather good actor Laurence Fox.
  3. I don’t see anything witty about any of this, I think it’s deadly serious. Charging through police cordons, animal cruelty, abusive remarks. It doesn’t look at all humorous to me.
  4. I know nothing of the sort. Laurence Fox gets three mentions in the OP. I know him as an actor, or at least from when he was an actor; I believe he’s ‘resting’ these days.
  5. But Laurence Fox does get a mention, so he is part of the topic. And I was only offering my admiration of his acting abilities, particularly when playing a right wing extremist.
  6. More baseless assumptions on your part. Here’s the bit you are missing: Topics of discussion on the forum are open to anyone to comment on the basis of one single qualification, that they are members of the forum. Having corrected you in that matter. Do you have anything to say about the topic under discussion?
  7. Being afraid of your own imagination must be a terrible burden. Where ever you go, your frightening imagination is there too. You have my sympathy, it can’t be easy.
  8. There are some very strong rumors on the matter of Trump with girls and of course his attendance at parties at the Epstein residence, but I would draw the line short of making that particular claim.
  9. Laurence Fox puts in an appearance, something he’s not done in the world of acting since 2022. I feel that’s a shame, he was a rather good actor. Many admired his portrayal of ‘Hathaway’ in the TV series ‘Lewis’. It was indeed a good bit of acting but to my mind nowhere near as good as his portrayal of a WW2 British Fascist and Nazi sympathizer in ‘Folyes War’ - A truly inspired performance, his characterization seemed absolutely believable.
  10. They were forcing themselves through a police cordon. And there are lots of ‘openly English’ people who are not ‘white’. St George by the way was from what is now Turkey.
  11. A point of view that ignores the political debate within the U.S. Then as now with isolationists and appeasers on one side those supporting US allies on the other. And.. The supply of those essential weapons material and food was delivered at huge cost in the lives of American seamen.
  12. It’s not the credibility of the National Enquirer that matters. It’s the credibility of Pecker’s testimony under oath, back as it is with receipts.
  13. I think it’s one of those issues that enjoy broad bi-partisan agreement.
  14. Good to see someone planning for the ‘Great Honor’ Defendant Trump says he wants: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/apr/23/secret-service-preparing-donald-trump-contempt-ord/
  15. Perhaps the Defendant thinks he’s not getting enough of attention he deserves.
  16. You did read the post I was responding to? I’ve treated Nick Carter’s post and questions he direct to me with the respect they've deserve and given him my considered response. That’s how conversations work.
  17. Meanwhile in court. Pecker testifies to his part in ‘catch and kill’ on Trump’s behalf while Trump’s lawyer humiliated himself. The hearing on Trump’s flaunting the partial gag order didn’t go well, the ruling has yet to come. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/23/trump-hush-money-trial-new-york
  18. Like you I don’t mix with people I know to be anti-semites. On the very few occasions someone I know has come anything remotely at all long the lines of the ‘Jews running the world’ or ‘Soros/any famous Jew” running the world etc I challenge them with reasoned arguments and an explanation were those lies come from. I’ve spent a number of years in the Middle East, on only one occasion did I hear anyone discussing the Israel/Palestine issues, they were drunks at a bar in Abu Dhabi. They were certainly sounding wound up, it I gave them a wide berth. I do not argue with drunks at bars. On the whole I think Israel / Palestine is an issue most people avoid, perhaps because of how emotive it is but maybe also because most people aren’t that interested in anything under the banner ‘politics’. I do think though online information and hate mongering is getting far more traction than is being recognized planting seeds of hatred that will grow. So an individual might frame an antisemitic view as ‘I’ve heard it said there are doubts about’ or ‘I saw a video that suggests’ etc. That to me is evidence of people’s minds being poisoned with this filth, but calling them antisemites is very likely to close the door to the discussion that’s needed to address the dangerous lies they believe. That said, I absolutely believe the people setting up websites, social media accounts and online forums to pump this filth are calculating and manipulative antisemites. Social media and search engines operators, that’s those companies making billions, have a lot to answer on this front; they are allowing their platforms to be a conduit for this hate. Likewise advertisers who enable online hate to be monetized. Those business need to be held accountable. I’m not holding my breath.
  19. I suspect it’s an accusation that some feel more comfortable making behind the safety and security of Internet anonymity. But yes I agree, in face to face discussions I’ve never heard the accusations leveled.
  20. Does your misrepresentation of the protests bother me in a thread that is not about the protests? Not really, well at least not since that’s not the topic of discussion. But it’s a good attempt at a deflection. Oh and ‘grooming gangs too’. …… “Openly Jewish' man threatened with arrest by Police near pro-Palestine march”
  21. Irrelevant nonsense. EP’s stated, and I quote: That is a blatantly false representation of what The Times article says. If EP wishes to refer to what the Times has said then he needs to do two things. 1. Faithfully quote what The Times has said. 2. Provide a link to The Times article he is referring to. What he did was use the reputation of The Times as a reliable source as a wrapper to his own pejorative opinions on the demonstrations. Disgraceful behavior and definitely in breach of the forum rules. I don’t expect him to withdraw his lie.
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