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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Oddly no mention of the Defendant falling asleep in court. Although I understand this is now being portrayed as Defendant Trump being ‘Anti-Woke’.
  2. Jonny, you demonstrating how hopelessly ill-informed and repetitively off topic you are doesn’t bother me in the least, your reputation, your right to trash it.
  3. Posting in the wrong thread Jonny? There’s absolutely no mention of socialism in the OP and Labour haven’t been in Government in the UK for over 14 years, their influence on students at U.S. universities is something for you to explain.
  4. Sorry for my delay in responding, as you know I don’t view video links posted in this discussion forum and therefore went in search of the source BBC Interview. You are correct, the statements in news reports that the ICJ ruled that Israel is plausibly committing genocide have now been corrected by the former and importantly contemporaneous chief of the ICJ. Why she’s waited months to make this correction is not explained. On the full interview she goes on to discuss the ongoing risk of irreparable damage to the right of Palestinians to protected from genocide and of course the ICJ orders all still stand: (a) Unanimously, Take all necessary and effective measures to ensure, without delay, in full co-operation with the United Nations, the unhindered provision at scale by all concerned of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance, including food, water, electricity, fuel, shelter, clothing, hygiene and sanitation requirements, as well as medical supplies and medical care to Palestinians throughout Gaza, including by increasing the capacity and number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary; (b) By fifteen votes to one, Ensure with immediate effect that its military does not commit acts which constitute a violation of any of the rights of the Palestinians in Gaza as a protected group under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, including by preventing, through any action, the delivery of urgently needed humanitarian assistance; https://www.icj-cij.org/node/203847
  5. It was intended to empower Hamas as a counter to the Palestinian Authority and thereby scupper the movement towards a Palestinian State. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/
  6. Nevertheless Netanyahu did support this funding. He’s now waging war against the organization he helped fund and Palestinians are paying the cost of (what’s the word of the day?) ‘Carnage’ of civilians. None of which excuses the obscene terrorist attack of 7/10.
  7. So are you now accepting your statement regarding the Palestinians on Rafah having no reason to complain about the carnage they are facing was callous and void of humanity?
  8. I certainly think that Israel and Hamas need to stop the war war and engage in some jaw jaw. The hostages absolutely must be released and the ‘carnage’ absolutely must stop. No arguments from me on that front. It’s well past time for both sides to negotiate through an independent third party.
  9. I have no idea what Hamas would have done had without the funding Netanyahu played a role in securing for them. But he’s now on both sides of the equations. Funding Hamas and waging war in Gaza. Those are facts. They are absolutely not excuses for the obscene attack of 7/10 and attack I have always roundly condemned as an obscenity and for which I have never made any excuse.
  10. Here’s what you said: Utterly callous and void of any human decency.
  11. Put up or shut up Brian. Produce the evidence of me making excuses for atrocities. Give it your best go.
  12. Laugh out loud moment Brian. Once again you make an accusation, and when you are challenged to back it up you hide.
  13. Absolutely the Israelis will create carnage when they attack the densely populated Rafah. Here’s the difference between us on the matter. I don’t support the carnage, I don’t justify the carnage, I don’t excuse the carnage, I don’t pretend there are no other options than a military attack that absolutely will result in carnage and I don’t argue, as you do, the civilians in Rafah have no reason to complain when the Israelis visit carnage upon them.
  14. Go on then, quote me. Explain what I’ve said that is making excuses for the obscene terrorist attack of 7/10. Give it your best go Brian.
  15. No it’s not. Because I have ‘generated’ any ‘excuses’. Away with you and your misrepresentation of my views.
  16. Nothing like a bit of revisionism. How’s your gleeful support for the carnage facing Rafah going. I mean really Nick, you choose the word ‘carnage’ when you refer to what the Israeli military have in store for civilians in Rafah, and tell us that these on innocent civilians have no reason to complain about that ‘carnage’. When you chose that word ‘carnage’ in reference to civilians, did you at all pause to think?
  17. I have never once denied the obscene atrocities committed by Hamas on 7/10. My very first comments on the matter were to clearly state the attack of 7/10 was an obscenity. So away with you and your misrepresentations of my views.
  18. I think your statement earlier that the civilians in Rafah have no reason the complain about the ‘carnage’* the Israelis military are about to visit upon them, was a bit of a tell. *Carnage - your very own chosen word.
  19. Hamas, funded for years with the agreement of Netanyahu, do bear responsibility for their obscene attack on 7/10. The Israeli Government and Military bear responsibility for their military actions in Gaza, blockading food, water and medicines. It’s not too difficult to understand.
  20. Maybe you don’t like criticism of the slaughter and starvation of innocent civilians.
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