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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Well that’s what the Israelis have said. It may or may not be true. Neverthess the bombing of the Iranian Consulate was a direct attack against Iran and an escalation.
  2. If they were there, if that’s who they were, if that’s what they were responsible for. I suspect both sides are using propaganda and misinformation. However, the fact Israel bombed the consulate is not in dispute. Not is the fact Iran responded.
  3. I don’t know if five leading terrorist were killed and being saddened is not the issue. The bombing of a consulate by Israel’s military is a direct military action against Iran. Iran has responded and Israel has responded again. Hence the escalation.
  4. Is Iran’s nuclear program ‘Illegal’? My understanding it was being limited and monitored under a treaty that a U.S. President ripped up. In the absence of that treaty why is the program ‘illegal’?
  5. Well I understand some are bit sensitive when it comes to viewing events in context of historical and near current events. But in terms of direct Military actions between the two nations the bombing of the Consulate certainly precedes the current escalation.
  6. Didn’t Israel bomb an Iranian Embassy at the beginning of April and if so isn’t that the start of the escalation?
  7. In preparation for the possibility of Defendant Trump testifying in his criminal trial (however ill advised testifying might be), the Prosecution have filed Sandoval Notice. It makes interesting reading: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24554326-peoples-sandoval-notice-filed
  8. They would need to use a rocket motor to drive it out of earth orbit towards the sun.
  9. Not on felony charges he can’t. I have provided a link to relevant law and to Parker Warning. Let’s pretend Trump is sitting in court because he likes being their shall we?!
  10. I thought is was those guys seen at Charlottesville, in brown uniforms, carrying torches, waving swastikas flags, goose marching, giving their Nazi salutes and chanting ‘Jews will not replace us’ - and killing folk. Or at least I did until the then President declared ‘there’s good people on both sides’. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/nazis-racism-charlottesville/536928/
  11. The law demands Defendant Trump be in court, the Judge may under limited circumstances permit Defendant Trump to not be in court and then only if The People do not object - so not at the Judges sole discretion. As for your point 2, it doesn’t matter what you think, Defendant Trump is indicted on 34 counts of fraudulent business accounting pursuant to another crime - not a Misdemeanor- 34 felony counts. Read the indictment and stop gaslighting this misdemeanor nonsense. Defendant Trump is indicted on 34 Felony counts. Defendant Trump is under the law. And he’s back in court again today. Enjoy.
  12. Polls are of course a guide to how voter sentiment is going. But there are other indicators, not least in importance are donor contributions. Supporters putting their money where their mouths are and in doing so funding the campaign effort to win the election: https://www.ft.com/content/6cc31f51-69f5-44aa-844a-75945c54526c
  13. Yep, normalized deviance in the Boing Organization. Once that took hold the safety of aircraft was already under threat before anyone jumped up and down on anything. I hear the CEO is leaving with a package.
  14. And of course a church, temple synagogue, henge or wherever else pupils and staff wish to perform their personal religious observances.
  15. Almost certainly a single test airframe or sub assembly of an airframe. The test regime and data are recorded with the FAA. The best reason against the idea is it would reveal nothing of value. The aircraft industry controls build quality with inspection and testing regimes mandated by the FAA. It’s that paper trail that assures build quality and airframe compliance to design safety criteria.
  16. It’s one of those rights to representation things. Or are legal challenges only to be available to those who can afford the cost?
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