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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You’ll have to ask the officer. The information we do have is this: “Officers informed him that his presence, being "quite openly Jewish," could potentially lead to a "breach of peace" amidst the pro-Palestinian march.” He eventually did follow the officers instructions, no breach of the peace occurred. He's unharmed, safe and well. Which I think is a good thing.
  2. My point is your statement was wrong: He was accused of being in breach of the peace, why were the protestors not also accused of that? He was not accused of being in breach of the peace. Failing to obey a police officer’s lawful instructions is an arrestable offense.
  3. Was he? “Officers informed him that his presence, being "quite openly Jewish," could potentially lead to a "breach of peace" amidst the pro-Palestinian march.” It seems he was not.
  4. But he is safe. And the Jews within the Demonstration were safe too.
  5. More hyperbole. Institutionally antisemitic? Antisemitic March, I suspect the Jews taking part in the march disagree. Walking into a Protest March is not simply crossing the street.
  6. Here you go: Max Hammer, 22, is a member of Na’amod, a Jewish group opposing the occupation of Palestinian lands. He is one of the hundreds who have formed a Jewish bloc” – a coalition of Jewish groups that are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza – who attend the marches. He said: “Despite the fact that these marches are often sort of labelled as ‘dangerous for Jews’, one of the things that I found really empowering is to be part of the ‘Jewish bloc’ and see how many Jews are actually out on the streets declaring loudly their solidarity with Palestinians. We are always welcomed very, very heartily.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/13/weve-built-something-extraordinary-six-months-of-uk-pro-palestine-marches
  7. But there were Jews walking peacefully within the Protest March. Maybe a bit of hyperbole on your part.
  8. Walking into a Protest is a little more than crossing the street. But the activist is unharmed, safe and well, which I think is a good thing.
  9. Because the officer believed he was about to put himself and others in harms way would be my guess. But you’d have to ask the particular officer who was making on the spot decisions. Remember to take your hindsight along with you when you do.
  10. Not following a lawful Police instruction is an arrestable offense would be my guess. Controlling movement around protests is a common police procedure.
  11. The inconvenient truth is while it is being asserted Jews can’t safely walk in the streets due to the protests, there are Jews regularly attending in the protests.
  12. Absolutely. And my first post in this thread addresses the authoritarian laws now in place. Did the protestors (not a mob) actually threaten anyone?
  13. Because he is an activist, the head of an activist organization engaging in activism.
  14. Probably a matter of numbers would be my guess. Oh and pro-peace!
  15. More pejorative assertions. Guilt by association in your own head.
  16. No I’m not. I think policing a demonstration is probably a very difficult thing with decision needing to be made in real time in what can be a fast moving situation. Hind sight is a luxury. I understand the activist is safe, there was no breach of the peace. That’s a good thing, don’t you agree?
  17. What about all the protestors who aren’t Muslim? Or have you just said the quiet bit out loud?! Maybe stick to the events under discussion, refrain from imagining scenarios that haven’t taken place and in doing so keep your ‘other issues’ under your hat.
  18. You need to go back and read the post I was responding to. 1. Response to an accusation of a single police officers behavior being used to impugn the integrity of whole 46,000 officers and staff of the Met. 2. My statement “Keeping the peace and protecting people against harm is a prime duty of the Police.” Is not in any sense a saying “the Police (as a whole) acted correctly in threatening to arrest the Jew.” I would go as far as to say you have completely misrepresented my statements.
  19. Yes should and he has the right to do so. But if he is risking a breach of the peace then he should also follow the Police’s lawful instructions.
  20. Or go looking for a bit of publicity at risk to public order. More baseless accusations of ‘pro-Palestinian blah blah’.
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