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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. If you believed any of that you wouldn’t be engaging in streams of personal attacks.
  2. That’s not even a single fact, let alone a brace of facts.
  3. You’ve adopted the logic of a Monty Python sketch …. I broke a coffee cup this afternoon. Biden is President, ergo the broken coffee cup is Biden’s fault.
  4. What? Point out where I even suggested ‘cancelling’ Truss. Go on, give it your best go.
  5. I have absolutely no doubt Trump wishes to weaponize the DOJ, he did so when he was President. But he’s not going to be President. For the next 6-8 weeks he’s going to be on show to the press, they’ve already noticed his inability to stay awake. His aphasia is also already getting noticed. There’s no hiding the mess he is.
  6. Then please do. All you’ve offered so far is canned MAGA talking points.
  7. How about this as an alternative. Break the law and face the consequences.
  8. Or do you would have us believe. But it’s just something you made up.
  9. All these claims of ‘weaponizing the DOJ’. Firstly, ask Michael Cohen about that. Secondly, are we pretending that anyone other than Trump under multiple felony indictments who engaged in attacks on the jury, court officials, witnesses and family members of the Judge presiding over one of his trials would not have had their bail revoked? He should have been locked up awaiting trial months back.
  10. Nobody is trying to jail a President. Defendant Trump is not the President, he’s a private citizen indicted by Grand Jury and now facing trial before a Jury of his peers.
  11. How is putting a claim to immunity before the court the same as claiming to be above the law? Is that how far you’ve gone in your denial of reality, or is there more?
  12. I guess this gets a pass our friends on the rightwing.
  13. Says guy ranting about TDS because he doesn’t like what others are saying about the topic under discussion.
  14. Let’s see how the bond holds up.
  15. Nah, you’re just here to attack those who have a different view than yourself. Add zilch to the discussion beyond name calling.
  16. The court is in recess Wednesday. So I predict the next time Trump falls asleep in court will be Thursday.
  17. The indictment lists 34 counts of fraudulent accounting pursuant to another crime. which is not a misdemeanor, it’s full blown felony x 34. Nice dodge on the question I asked. But you get one point for st least replying.
  18. Gaslighting, false claims and whataboutary all on one brief post.
  19. Let’s be clear, Presidential Immunity is a thing. But it’s not something Trump has with respect t to his crimes: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68026175.amp
  20. I watched it live stream, I got the context thank you. The Juries who have convicted the insurrectionists got the context too.
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