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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The JC presents their interpretation of the data from a survey undertaken by the Neoliberal Henry Jackson Society which itself has a history of stoking Islamophobia. It’s not exactly unbiased is it?!
  2. Putting aside your gross generalization, that’s not an argument in favor of trusting the Jewish Chronicle on what they have to say on this matter.
  3. She forgot to mention ‘pestilence’ she and the GOP fit the bill. It’s possible the idolatry they’re engaging in that’s got the big G so annoyed.
  4. Perhaps the Jewish Chronicle isn’t an unbiased source of news in this issue.
  5. Trump projects that he’s not afraid of what he’s afraid of. And really, Trump comparing himself to Nelson Mandela? Trump needs be in no hurry, his first criminal trial is scheduled to start in 8 days time.
  6. Is this something you spend a lot of time thinking about or did it just randomly land on your keyboard?
  7. The great athletes are genetically blessed. I competed in national road races, international road races and national track championships during the 1980s. I thought I was doing quite well, until I was in a town center criterium with a guy called Colin Sturgess. It was like trying to keep up with someone on a motorbike, pure power and athletic ability. No amount of training, effort, or preparation on my part would have gotten me close. And I must add, he’s a smashing bloke into the bargain.
  8. You seem to have failed to notice, since Trump was kicked out of the White House the actions of Putin are no longer linked in any way shape or form to those of the U.S. President.
  9. Odd you should go straight to that racist to prop up your argument.
  10. Somebody’s not happy about RJK Jr: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4278538-trump-jr-calls-rjk-jr-a-democrat-plant/amp/
  11. When you’ve got no evidence, scream conspiracy and accuse everyone who points out you have no evidence of being part of the conspiracy.
  12. Once again we see the flush face bulging vein rage in play - calm down gents. Firstly the research has not yet undergone peer review, but never mind, we’ve got that world renowned medical scientist JK Rowling to sign off on it. Next up we’ve got demands for doctors who prescribe these medicines to be jailed. On the basis of something signed off by JK Rowling? And of course the ire is directed at the use of these medicines in the treatment of transgender children. What report tells us is these medicines were developed for use on minors exhibiting premature puberty and are increasingly used on transgender minors. What the report doesn’t tell us is anything about the numbers. How many children are administered these medicines, how many due to premature puberty and how many for reasons relating to transgender treatment. Perhaps these numbers might put things in a broader perspective and raise other questions on what are the underlying causes that lead to the use of these medicines. Nah, go for the outage!
  13. I’m sure it’s wonderful, but watching a video doesn’t come close to visiting a creamery, seeing their cheeses being made, tasting their products and buying the ones you like best. All this talk of cheese has got me peckish, I’ve just cut myself a piece of 3 year old Cornish Cruncher, which I’m about to enjoy with M&S Black Olive crackers and some home made Greengage Jam - A video could not do it justice.
  14. If I might correct you. You of course know what was on offer when you were last there, however, the craft cheese market has changed dramatically in recent years and was up until Brexit doing really well, refer linked article in my last post. I’m in Thailand, I don’t recall crossing any ponds on way from LHR to BKK.
  15. Apropos Brexit and cheese: https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2022/nov/15/cheesemaker-sells-firm-to-overcome-brexit-barriers-after-losing-600000-in-sales
  16. Oddly I’m referring to British cheeses I’ve bought in the UK including directly at the creamery where some of them were made; two of which I visited during my last visit to the UK. I love cheese, I’m always on the lookout for good cheeses and I’m a big fan of some of the excellent, world class even, cheeses that are produced in the UK. I’m quite certain that when I refer to British cheese, I am referring to British cheese. So much so that so brought 10kg of English cheese back with me from my last trip. You should make a trip to the UK yourself, you’ll find some great cheeses available; and when you’ve tried those you’ll more readily spot the rat trap cheeses that are also produced in the UK.
  17. There are some excellent British cheeses, the best are world class. But please don’t get carried away with yourself. ‘All British cheese are just as good as anything the French can produce’. There’s a lot of British cheese that deserves the prefix ‘Rat-Trap’.
  18. Let’s be clear, no federal funds are used. Not content with that, illiberals wish to ban private funding too. ‘The party of freedom and keeping government out of people’s lives’.
  19. I thought DeSantis was meant to be a 2024 contender? He stepped up onto the national stage and got laughed off.
  20. There is no free speech in the UAE. There are plenty of Arab refugees in the UAE. I was living and working in the UAE at the time when the UAE was welcoming Syrian refugees, they gathered up as many doctors, dentists, engineers, teachers as they could encourage to seek asylum in the UAE. While at the same time the rightwing in the UK and Europe were rabble rousing against Syrian refugees. Smart move by UAE, dumb move by the British/European rightwing.
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