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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No they are claims. Get back to me when any of them come to anything other than a rejection of the claims.
  2. Those are reports of claims of bias. They are not proof of bias. How did Trump’s court filing claiming bias go?
  3. Or just add a few more activities and save all the flush faced bulging vein outrage.
  4. This should help you out: https://bridge.georgetown.edu/about-us/what-is-islamophobia/
  5. Oh you don’t like evidence that meets the forum’s requirements. OK
  6. Storm in a tea cup, I doubt very much there would be enough transgender athletes in any sport to comprise an Olympic competition. But don’t let that stop you getting angry over something that is very likely never going to happen.
  7. Links to a credible source with examples is not acceptable to you? However, there’s this, you’ll find it at the top of the World News Sub forum’: Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source.
  8. Which is why I argue the resolution is for sports organizations to keep up with society and add categories. Jobs a good ‘un.
  9. Oh, so frank asks for examples, Candide provides a link to a credible source for examples and you go straight to name calling.
  10. He does have to, he names them, expresses his anger and violent lunatics amongst his supports get the message.
  11. So high profile - definitely lots of media coverage- definitely likelihood that the publicity given to Trumps attacks on witnesses will improperly impact the case - definitely. “Gag orders tend to be more common in high-profile cases that attract media coverage, so they often seem more common than in actuality. Typically, judges will consider current media coverage and the likelihood that publicity will improperly impact a case.“ https://law.usnews.com/law-firms/advice/articles/what-is-a-gag-order#:~:text=Gag orders tend to be,will improperly impact a case.
  12. Trump is not being gagged for speaking out against the judge.
  13. I’ve asked frank to be specific with what he means by similar situation. Then we can skip the name calling and look to see in what other similar situations gag orders have been applied.
  14. I think I’m one of those that agrees sport should be open to anyone who wants to take part.
  15. There is nothing at all unusual about gag orders: https://legal-info.lawyers.com/criminal/criminal-law-basics/criminal-trials-gag-orders-control-publicity.html
  16. But you are not embarrassed by dreaming up such behavior then posting it online?!
  17. It doesn’t get much tougher than this: https://www.bikeradar.com/news/fiona-kolbinger-wins-transcontinental-race
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