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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. To quote Benjamin Franklin’s wise words: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Give up this rightwing extremist dream of leaving the European Convention on Human rights. It underpins the cooperation between European Nations and the UK, leaving the convention would end extradition treaties between the UK and European nations, end the sharing of data between European law enforcement and the UK, end the sharing of personal data between European based companies and the UK and scupper the Good Friday Agreement, which is founded on the European Convention of Human Rights. So away with you and your rightwing extremist nonsense It ain’t going to happen.
  2. The case being heard before a jury in an open court of law. The jury, witnesses and court staff being free from threats or intimidation such that the Jury can hear the evidence and decide guilt or innocence based upon the evidence and testimony presented in court.
  3. So perhaps you would agree that the Government should not have cut funding to clearing asylum seekers and actually dealt with the problem rather than manipulating the numbers?! https://www.ft.com/content/0f148bc5-2088-4564-b6be-9b4e9a5b288b
  4. Yep. Disagree. It’s the job of AG and the DG to prosecute crooks, that’s what they are paid to do. Your claims of the judge hating Trump are puerile nonsense. I look forward to Monday, you should too. Justice is coming.
  5. That’s a remarkable misrepresentation of reality. But not at all unexpected given the source.
  6. Is that one of your freedom to live your life without large government interference arguments? Erm if there are categories for transgender sports participants, how does that impact women’s sports. Take your time, give it your best go.
  7. He’s only a candidate if the RNC are dumb enough to deject him.
  8. The problem is, the evangelists who are dictating Republican policy are not interested anything other than a total ban. It’s not a matter of technological advances, not even medical science it’s one of theocratic absolutism. The GOP is under the control of religious zealots.
  9. Right response. Let the sports organizations deal with the issue. No need for all the flush faced, bulging vein outrage.
  10. But the Government are still doing all of that. Burning tax payers money at both ends. What a mess, what an utter failure !
  11. You mean the Rwanda scheme hasn’t failed? Hundreds of millions of tax payers pounds spent, not a single deportation, no planes available, no airfield available. Bit at least Rwandans are getting houses, built at UK tax payer expense. I wonder, could the Government transfer the scheme to the foreign aid budget? It’s certainly not benefiting anyone in the UK, though of course when this government spends tax payer money there’s usually a chum getting a cut.
  12. Clearly it’s the Government that’s wasting the money on this failed policy. Although new owners of homes built in Rwanda with UK tax payer’s money are almost certainly delighted.
  13. Of course. Hundreds of millions of pounds spent with zero benefit to UK taxpayers. And not a Rwanda flight in sight.
  14. It seems you’ve not noticed, nobody has been deported to Rwanda. Hundreds of millions of pounds spent. But least some are getting houses.
  15. Tories solving housing shortage… in Rwanda. It’s enough to cause flush faced, bulging vein anger. Or is it pure comedy gold? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13286209/Suella-Bravermans-Rwandan-homes-deported-UK-migrants-sold-locals-Kigali-Conservative-policy-continues-flounder.html
  16. Justice Merchan also provided a ‘Case Summary’ that will be used in instruction of the jury. His summary cuts through all the misinformation and guess work stating that Trump engaged in the frauds with the intent of election interference. So there’s the ‘misdemeanor to felony’ link. “The allegations are in substance that Donald Trump falsified business records to conceal an agreement with others to unlawfully influence the 2016 election. ” https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/judge-releases-questionnaire-jury-selection-process-trump-hush/story?id=109012287
  17. Trump isn’t an opposition candidate and Cameron isn’t going to Foreign Secretary much longer.
  18. Never organized any cycle events around any parks. I did race around Greenwich Park on two occasions, races there were included in National league. I doubt they made money either. Elite sport is a tiny fraction of all old port (the term elite is a clue).
  19. Referring to plebs and then quoting the rightwing political leader who did more than any in British history to enrich the elite at expense of the working class is surely a gag on your part?!
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