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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Opinions differ. Lets see your boy give a 1 hour 28 minute speech, then we’ll discuss again.
  2. Unlikely that any legal jeopardy will be added, but it sure might scupper any arguments for ‘extra time to secure a bond’.
  3. I’d like to be able to say your better than snide innuendo Jonny…
  4. You’re not the first to come up with this kind of baseless nonsense Skippy. I advise you as I do all others who make the same mistake: I’m not the topic of discussion. Your attempts to make me the topic only reveal one truth, how you don’t have any sensible arguments to offer on the actual topic of discussion. Refer to top of thread for what that topic is.
  5. So not the $400 million in cash he claimed to have on hand, or perhaps he saving that as part payment of his next bond.
  6. Are you making baseless guesses again Skippy? Oh yes you are.
  7. I very much doubt he holds these views alone in what today passes for the Republican Party.
  8. From BY REP. DAVE JOYCE (R-OHIO), OPINION CONTRIBUTOR - 03/08/24 4:00 PM ET. It’s a Republican opinion.
  9. As I keep reminding Trump supporters. He’s not yet the Republican candidate. He’s got a few hurdles to cross before the RNC decides. I suggest he gets on TV and gives a speech of his own, and that if he does his supporters tune in and open their eyes. Take a look at Trump’s current efforts to speak or even post online, it’ll give you an idea why I say that.
  10. I do understand Trumpist anger on this. They’ve been told, have swallowed and have spent months repeating the lie that Biden is suffering dementia. Biden then shows up and delivers an eloquent and forceful speech lasting over 1 hour and 28 minutes and in doing so blows the lie Trumpists have swallowed out of the water. So much so that many can’t take more than a couple of minutes of reality, then proceed to criticize the whole. Perhaps, and it’s just a suggestion, they might better spend their hours ranting on here about that which they admit not having watched, and take a few moments to look at the addled ramblings of their hero Trump. The attacks on Biden’s cognition were always projection, always a glaring clue to Trump’s cognitive decline. Text book Trump; ‘accuse others of that which is your own failing’. Biden’s speech demonstrated beyond doubt that he is not suffering dementia. Do yourself a favor and take a look at Trump.
  11. Is there something about existence/nonexistent you don’t understand?
  12. Millions of Americans did listen. Which is precisely why you are so wound up about it.
  13. I’ve just watched her response to Biden’s excellent speech. What an utter embarrassment she is. It’s so bad I’d encourage all Republicans to watch it, see what an utter mess you are in.
  14. The best indication of how very good Biden’s SOTUS was is the rabid ranting of Trump supporters.
  15. Weak Biden who just spoke directly on the matter of supporting Ukraine.
  16. I did watch very attentively. I saw Johnson’s response and demeanor throughout. I wonder if MAGA have been in touch yet? They will be.
  17. Ad hominems only work if the attempted insult is an actual insult. i’ve never been a ‘sanitary worker’ but if I’d see nothing wrong with having done hard and socially important work.
  18. Except Biden just delivered an excellent speech. On your Regan thing, he had one thing going for him in spades, he was a decent honest man, two things the current Republican hopeful knows nothing about. Republicans need to ditch the grifter, rid themselves of the hate filled extremists and get back the Republican values that Regan represented. Keep your fingers crossed, they might do that at the RNC.
  19. Regan was an actor. The only thing he ever trained for was to deliver lines. And now he’s dead.
  20. Putin won’t be happy with Biden asserting support for Ukraine. Which means Trump and Trump fans won’t be happy either. Brace for the talking points.
  21. I fully expect Johnson to face consequences from MAGA zealots for having approved of even one word Biden spoke. I’d lay off the monkey reference, it’s a bit too close to the MAGA circus to be funny. Oh and MTG dressed as a clown -priceless.
  22. The two minutes you watched were obviously the bit before he spoke. It was a very good speech. Which is precisely why Trump supporter are throwing anything that comes to hand while they await their talking point instructions.
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