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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Johnson clearly approved of at least some of the speech, nodding approval, clapping and on occasion standing to clap. You did watch the speech didn’t you?
  2. He says referring to the SOTUS, of which you’ve admitted to only having viewed 2 minutes. By your own admission your comments on the speech are ill informed.
  3. Trump isn’t the Republican Candidate and will not possibly be until the RNC. By which time your next question is likely to be, ‘Does Biden do prison visits?’.
  4. Oh, Trump didn’t like Biden’s State of the Union Address. Call the ketchup cleanup team and get them to Mar-A-Largo ASAP.
  5. Or so you say so. I’d much rather Biden’s administration were critical of tyrants than praise them.
  6. I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually, or cling onto it as a treasured victory never to be forgotten.
  7. There is only one poll that matters, that’ll be in November. Fund raising matters now.
  8. He was clearly using the rhetorical device of verbal irony. ‘Americans paying high prices for prescription drugs while even in Russia’. Sorry that his excellent speech performance disappointed you.
  9. Not when it comes to that real show of appreciation ’fund raising’ he isn’t.
  10. Thanks for pointing out my typo. I don’t make typos deliberately but I do understand they are appreciated by some in need of a chance to be occasionally right about something.
  11. The polls. Meanwhile the vote returns in the Primaries are bucking the polls, Trump under performing against the polls and Biden over performing against the polls.
  12. And how is Biden going to do that? Think before answering.
  13. You missed tge bit about Republicans supporting the bi-partisan boarder security bill and then suddenly pulling their support after a phone call from the Orange One?
  14. And it was throughout a positive message, no doom, despondency or scapegoating and not a single dog whistle
  15. The loser can’t stop losing, his bills are piling up: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/07/trump-loses-lawsuit-steele-dossier
  16. Sorry, I was only asking a question. I neither said he was nor he wasn’t. FOX is your best source for such distinctions? [That was a question]
  17. I used a direct quote from the OP, had your read the OP you would not have embarrassed yourself with your ‘Where did I mention sex crime’. Oh, and this is a discussion forum for members.
  18. So let me get this right. If a fully crewed ship passed another sinking ship in the middle of the night and nobody on the fully crewed ship was on deck to spot the sinking vessel, the owners of the passing ship are liable?
  19. Oh, so teachers helping kids deal with their social issues is now a sex crime?
  20. Nothing at all, which is probably why Haley has not endorsed Trump. The Republican candidate is selected at their National Convention, the signs are it’s going to be a floor fight. Trump is a divisive figure, here now dividing the Republican vote. Get your ‘popped liquids gold’ ready. And thanks for a question that actually goes to the heart of the issue. Far too few seeing the picture behind the noise.
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