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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Poor old Andrew, I wonder did he know his mum was in her last days when he went begging her for her money to shutdown accusations against him before he himself had to go under oath? Since you introduce yourself into the discussion, I trust that’s not something you’d stoop to. Despite our disagreements I like to think better of you than that.
  2. Her word was given under oath. His word was not and was accompanied by a 12million of his mummy’s money to ensure he was not put under oath.
  3. Of course you haven’t because you refuse to accept the published court records.
  4. Ignorance of the girls age is not an excuse to break the law, and the people who procured snd trafficked her would have a hard time arguing they did not know her age. In England it is illegal to have sex with a minor trafficked for prostitution. And if you insist that she was a prostitute, then while English law does not penalize prostitutes it does stipulate that participants must be over the age of 18. In this respect procurement of people Under the age of 18 for prostitution and participation in sex with a person under the age who has been procured for prostitution is offense under Clause 47 the UK’s Sexual Offenses Act 2003. Moreover, a U.K. resident who has sex with a minor overseas, in this case NY, and where that minor has been trafficked for the purposes of prostitution commits the offense under Clause 47 the Sexual Offenses Act 2003 as stipulated under Clause72 of the Act. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/part/1/crossheading/offences-outside-the-united-kingdom/enacted
  5. I see you are still pretending the allegations against Prince Andrew only relate to what happened in London. Hardly surprising since once we look at his credibly alleged behavior in NY, where the Epstein home that is the subject of this thread is located, a whole new raft of laws come into play. Prince Harry is a member of the Royal Family. By all means attack him with the vitriol you reserve for him and his wife, but please lay off your ridiculous hypocrisy of enjoying your attacks on Harry and his wife while accusing others of engaging in an ‘attack on British Royalty’ for exercising their right to criticize credibly alleged rapist Prince Andrew.
  6. Its to do with the predilection rightwing extremists, white supremicist and fascist within his base have for all things Confederacy, the Confederate Flag and the whole Lost Cause of the Confederacy thing. The issue isn’t the lost lives, it’s the lost Confederacy.
  7. What’s this ‘attack British Royalty’ nonsense? You yourself frequently make disparaging remarks about a member of the British Royal Family and his wife. When you do so are you attacking British Royalty? Or is your eagerness to defend a credibly accused rapist blinding you to your own hypocrisy?
  8. No. Because millions of people suffering longterm disability, millions of people waiting for years to get surgery or medical treatment they need to get them fit for work and the simple fact that not everyone who is unemployed has the qualifications required by the NHS vacancies.
  9. Odd how your simple solution has evaded the best minds in UK Government and the Department of Health. Maybe it’s ill informed nonsense.
  10. A bit of a problem when millions aren’t fit for work and/or don’t live anywhere near a hospital that they could go to work at.
  11. It’s true of hospitals across the UK. Without foreign staff at all levels from cleaners to consultant surgeons they’d not be able provide the health services the nation needs.
  12. Once again you demonstrate how ill informed you are on the matters you choose to discuss. The case which Prince Andrew chose to settle with his mummy’s money was a civil suit, the purpose of which is to determine liability and award compensation. Cold hard cash settlements are a principle part of civil suit. It was not a matter of ‘justice’. Moreover, giving false testimony under oath is the criminal offense of Perjury, odd how Prince Andrew chose settle out of court with mummy’s money rather than file a complaint of perjury and see his accuser prosecuted.
  13. Your sympathies clearly lie with the credibly accused rapist. I doubt you’d be so stupid as to accuse me of anything under oath.
  14. Sympathies lie with the victims of Espstein and all those who engaged in his crimes against minors. Prince Andrew is credibly accused of being amongst the abusers.
  15. Not ‘my evidence’, evidence before the court. Once again, child victims of sex trafficking and statutory rape are not prostitutes. Nobody is calling for anyone to be locked up and the key thrown away. Only one of us is defending a guy credibly accused of rape.
  16. If we are moving into the realm of Trump’s fantasy war negotiations, I look forward to hearing his negotiating strategy with the Axis to avoid WW2. Perhaps less of a negotiation and more of an alliance.
  17. He’s a bit slow on this. His supporters are already here on this forum stating words to the effect of Trump appointed Justices on the SCOTUS will do him a solid.
  18. Lying under oath is perjury, which is why ‘don’t make statements under oath if you need to lie’ is good legal advice. I’m not angry. Neither am I defending a credibly accused rapist who is unwilling to defend himself.
  19. Moreover, the allegations are made under oath. Prince Andrew denies the sworn allegations against him but will not make that denial under oath. He’s dull, but not that dull.
  20. Meanwhile the allegations persist, and aren’t going to disappear. He’s going to spend his life dodging this sordid part of his past. Charles needs to do the smart thing and toss him to the curb for bringing the institution of the Royal Household into disrepute.
  21. Court files are not ‘tabloid rags’. Sworn testimony before a court of law is evidence. Prince Andrew can whenever he chooses provide a sworn testimony of his side of the story, he refuses to do so and used his mummy’s money to settle out of court before Discovery commenced. If only one side of this story is being told, that’s because Prince Andrew has refused to give his side of events that are a matter of public record.
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