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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Don’t bother sending your social media stuff to me, pass it to the police, or share it across whatever corner of the internet you went looking to find it. Who knows, maybe a search algorithm has spotted your interests and is now feeding you that which it figures you want to see.
  2. Sunak dither’s and delays, as Braverman takes advantage of his weakness. He should have fired her on the spot the moment she broke the ministerial code, the PM has absolute authority to do so. Weakness is allowing a dangerous authoritarian to build her airport base.
  3. I agree, there are on going developments that will give us some answers on her future. She’s engaged in an unprecedented undermine of the police and inflaming tensions in the days before an already highly emotionally charged protest, an absolute first for a Hone Secretary. She then published an article in breach of the ministerial code doubling down on her incitement of extremists. We then learned Sunak was dithering and delaying on a decision to fire her. Next up the Police are attacked by rightwing extremists parroting Braverman’s accusations of bias. Will Braverman now be fired? The answer is, Grant Shapps makes statements in support of Braverman and Sunak mildly reprimands the rightwing thugs while omitting any praise or mark of gratitude to the police. Braverman will be back in the news later this week when the Supreme Court is scheduled to hand down its ruling on her Rwanda Asylum Scheme. If the SC rules in her favour she gets a political boost, if the ruling comes down against her we’ll get a swift insight to her and the Tory Party direction. My guess is an attack on the SC, and pushing calls for Government to be above the SC (above the law) with perhaps calls for the UK to leave the Council of Europe. Those pesky laws and human rights are a bit of a problem for a Home Secretary who wishes to act outside of and above the law. This week is going to be very instructive.
  4. Hamas is a terrorist organization, there are no Government, Diplomatic, Trade or Investment links between the UK and Hamas. Israel is a state, with which the UK has Government, Diplomatic, Trade or Investment links. Terrorist organizations are subject to the checks and balances Governments are, or at least ought to be.
  5. I’ll give you one point for being honest about your Islamophobia (the big fat elephant in the room throughout this topic) but you get ‘Nul Point’ for the garbage it comprises.
  6. I have to admit it wasn’t all good news for me yesterday. The Spurs lost, 2-1 to the Wolves. But you can’t win ‘em all.
  7. I doubt it ever had any chance of being received, well not in some quarters anyway. For now I am delighted the right to peaceful protest has been upheld, that people engaging in criminality have been arrested and/or are being sought by the police and that the Minister of State who blew her dog whistle to the rightwing extremists has questions to answer.
  8. It’s reasserting my points of view, which I feel, in the face of numerous allegations made by others that I support (insert various slurs), I need to repeat. It’s a very effective guard against slurs and misrepresentation of my views. Forgive me for employing it.
  9. OK so I repeated the message. Sometimes it’s necessary.
  10. No, I rely on the official Police reports that are traceable to the Met Police Force. Reliable, traceable and accountable. Not social media that is non of the above. Oh and the one example I have cited is an example of manipulated video being maliciously used and spread amongst rightwing extremists and that relates directly to the issue of the subject demonstration. So forgive me, I’ll stick with the Police reports.
  11. I’ll go with the Police reports if you don’t mind. Social media isn’t exactly a reliable source: https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/police-probe-fake-london-mayor-video-pro-palestinian-marches-2023-11-10/
  12. It certainly didn’t turn out to be the violent hate March those opposed to the protest insisted it would be and that rightwing extremists would have turned it into if the Police hadn’t acted so decisively. 300,000 people demonstrated, a tiny fraction broke the law and the police are taking action against them. Met Police Chief Mark Rowley’s decision to permit the protests and focus attention on dealing with those individuals breaking the law has been vindicated. Now time to hold Minister of State Braverman accountable for her dog whistle to the rightwing extremists.
  13. Morch, I never had you down as a conspiracy theorist.
  14. Shock horror, protests which are an inextricable part of public political discourse in British democracy are ‘political’. A refresher, the rights to freedom of assembly, freedom of association and freedom of speech.
  15. I suspect they had an easier job dealing with a very much smaller but much more violent bunch of rightwing extremists. Especially when the extremists helped out by corralling themselves in a pub while they imbibed their customary ‘courage inducing refreshments’. The police often rely on public help apprehending offenders, it’s common practice in the UK were the police have wide public support.
  16. The police should prosecute him for hate speech. I hope they do.
  17. Commendable work by the police: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67390514
  18. I trust the police will receive public help identifying these individuals, investigate, arrest and prosecute, let the courts deal with them. The police tell us they estimate 300,000 attendees, 3 in 300,000 is three too many, they need dealing with. Do you have any comments on the far more numerous arrests for violence of the extreme rightwing counter protestors?
  19. I know, it hurts. I’d like to engage in a few of the Spurs chants but the oft offended looking for a reason to be offended might object.
  20. The number of counter protesters arrested has now risen to 50. It seems some folk are looking for trouble: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-67390343
  21. No, not at all. Hold those who engage in such behaviour accountable for their behaviour. Your eagerness to de legitimize the protests is breaking surface.
  22. I’m very much in favour of holding individuals accountable for their behavior, especially individuals with power and influence. I’m not much in favour of collective blaming. Especially not in consideration of the broader context.
  23. I was once in an Edinburgh bar when England beat Scotland at Rugby with a drop kick and conversion in just before the whistle. That’s not an experience I wish to repeat .
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