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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Grandstanding his anti pedophile credentials by camping on existing police investigations, court trials and putting those trials at risk. While being stony silent about the arrest and conviction of pedophiles within the EDF that he founded.
  2. At least, unlike James, you aren’t imagining my views on my behalf.
  3. Has it dawned on you that when you argue against what you assume I think or would like you are arguing against your own imagination?
  4. Yaxely Lennon did no such thing, he simply camped on the issue after the police had already arrested the peeps, then he put their trial at risk. And in the interim he was surrounded by child abusers in the EDF that he founded: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/tommy-robinson-contempt-court-case-grooming-gang-trial-huddersfield-a8990436.html https://politicsandinsights.org/2018/05/29/the-edl-have-paedophiles-in-their-ranks-but-tommy-robinson-evidently-doesnt-condemn-them/
  5. Nor has he put the trial of child abusers at risk by interfering with the course of Justice.
  6. No Owen Jones isn’t a convicted fraudster and violent criminal.
  7. Forgive me, I was just pointing you in tge direction of what the law has to say about what is and isn’t racism, just incase you might by chance have a pressing need to know. I got my understanding from reading the applicable law not all that other stuff you imagined. Oh and referring to a convicted criminal by the name under which his criminal convictions are recorded is not ‘deadnaming’.
  8. Fan boy thinks Yaxley Lennon isn’t a racist. “Like I said, it is much too difficult for some to have an opinion of their own” For the record, I don’t get my opinions from Yaxley Lennon.
  9. The truth is out there too. You just seem to have a habit of missing it.
  10. More ignorance laden nonsense laced with false equivalence. I suggest you read the UK laws on racism and hate speech, educate yourself.
  11. Arguably the longest piece of myth filled grievance I’ve read for a long time. Your first two sentences are out and out false, your third is utter nonsense. And they are the foundations of all the other self grievance stroking you added there after. The protest was not to support Hamas or or terrorism or killing on any side of the war. Your pondering hypothetical scenarios tells us nothing about the war, the efforts for peace or the voices from all parts of the community in the UK and elsewhere speaking up against the killings in this war. It does tell us a great deal about your need to imagine scenarios to feed a need you have. Thanks for sharing.
  12. I’ll let you into a secret, the only eyes you see with are your own. But thanks anyway for putting them into good use and identifying the elephant in the room. How many of the opponents of this week’s protest march have flipped against their usual defense of free speech and long history of bleating about being silenced but also have a track record of ranting against Islam? And no I don’t expect you to count them.
  13. She deliberately ignored the ministerial code. As a Minister of State she had two jobs, that of her office and that of supporting the Government. She failed miserably at both.
  14. It wasn’t me who introduced the ‘lack of activism’.
  15. I look forward to this being put to the test. But for the time being Mrs Beaton’s recipe for Hare Pie comes to mind.
  16. Forgive me, the sudden un announced appearance of her visage triggered me into a panic, I had to check my pension hadn’t collapsed and then double check I don’t have any debts subject to the interest hikes she has a habit of inducing.
  17. A leadership battle and another change of PM in the final year before the General Election. Now that would make wonderful campaign material.
  18. First order of business is to elevate this unelected former leader of the Remain Campaign to the House of Lords.
  19. Erm no. Rather, don’t bleat about others not doing what you yourself don’t do. It’s not a good look.
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