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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with the Constitution. Oh and Trump isn’t on any ballot paper.
  2. Some corrections to your post. It was Trump who tried to bypass the ballot to stay in power, a tactic that included attempts to use the legal system and culminated in violent insurrection. It is Trump’s continuing lies that is undermining the democratic process. The Democrats did rather well in the mid terms and have done extremely well in various Special Elections that have come up since 2020. In truth the polar opposite of the ill informed nonsense you posted.
  3. Well it’s worth a try Donnie. But have you spoke with Justice Gorsuch? https://news.yahoo.com/colorado-court-used-supreme-court-153608370.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFySWYChrzuVMvEgas8Avp1FJyjfCpRUoCOJAKOTYaItl7y4SIRH_ThzqdPBgPmhUoCxJYX37oIKO5l4ccjwZjmLVGFA8gynp3S1-V_BMtBNfv0ulZU2fNw5ljLCKr4ru0h7vVzS2UwecxgnbGVufj_QSw_rkLRXTcXCi9kRgZuK
  4. Oh the US Proxy war against Russia that Putin started. How obliging of him.
  5. Trump supporter objects to Biden providing aid to a nation illegally invaded by Russia under Putin’s orders. A pattern is emerging.
  6. It’s that Republican Accusation/Confession thing again. And curiously so very lavatorial. I wonder why that is?
  7. I’d go easy on the ‘toilet’, ‘turd’ and ‘septic tank’ references if I were you. This isn’t a thread on the widely discussed subject of the stink oozing out of Trump.
  8. The headline ‘Trump is going to win’ and variations there on gets more traffic for the news outlets, hence that’s what they are pumping. Meanwhile Biden is delivering for America. Added to which he’s not facing multiple criminal trials, and doesn’t stink of leaking diapers.
  9. Yep once again blaming immigrants. How about minimum wage? Corporate greed? Union busting? Worker’s compensation cut to drive up profits? Trickle down being a lie?
  10. At this point the requirement seems to be to find a ‘running mate’ who an tolerate the widely reported stench.
  11. So the people coming to America and working at the bottom of the economy, working in agriculture keeping food prices down, doing yard work and construction work keeping prices down are driving up prices , house prices, mortgage rates? Nothing to do with corporate greedflation? Nothing to do with trickledown economics having turned millionaires into billionaires and the working class into the working poor? Nah, blame the immigrants.
  12. You seem to have missed King Charles’ point. The people who engage in charitable works form an ‘essential backbone of society’. That would include Rantzen and many more. I agree with his statement.
  13. Extremist Braverman disagrees: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12709947/Suella-Braverman-wants-ban-tents-Britains-cities.html
  14. Let’s go back to this ‘estimate’ when the peak travel period traffic jams show up again.
  15. It’s not likely to be ten minutes for travelers in vehicles who will each have to get out of the vehicle they are in, get scanned and then return to their vehicle. The impact on travel through ports will only add to the delays at peak travel times.
  16. The EU border controls applied to third nation travelers comes into effect in October 2024. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/19/eu-fingerprint-checks-uk-travellers-british-passengers-entry-exit-system-facial-scans
  17. The explanation is political desperation. The Government and the PM in particular have married themselves to an immigration policy that is doomed to fail and that splits the governing party. The only way to get Rwanda to agree to this farce is to throw money at Rwanda. The UK has nothing else to bargain with. But here’s an observation on the ‘white man’s guilt’ thing; far from being guilt of any kind, this farce is a clear example of neo-colonialism, dumping the UK’s problems on an African nation. The rightwing idiots who back this nonsense fail to consider a very simple question: If immigration is problem in the UK, how long before Rwandans object to the UK dumping its immigrants on them? There is another argument: that the policy is meant to fail and is in fact a Trojan Horse designed to create at conflict with and argument against Hunan Rights Laws and the UK’s membership of the ECHR. This is precisely what is playing out in Parliament right now, with a vote to be called today. The center right of the Parliamentary Conservative Party are arguing the Government must act within Human Rights Laws and International Laws (as directed by the Supreme Court), the extreme right wing are arguing for circumventing Hunan Rights Laws and International Laws/Treaties and circumventing judicial oversight. The only logical conclusion is that this is precisely the situation the policy is meant to give rise to. Ending Human Rights Laws and membership of the ECHR has been a decades long target of the extreme rightwing in the UK. Rwanda in the meantime has stated that if the UK breach international law and treaties then the deal is off. The vote today is worth watching, if Sunak fails to pass the bill he will have delivered a Government in stalemate. If the bill passes it will get pulled up in the House of Lords and the courts have yet to have their say. A right Tory mess of their own making.
  18. We should have a thread on crime, its root causes, who commits what crimes, who gets sent to prison and who doesn’t. Unfortunately this isn’t it.
  19. Nothing to do with this fictitious ‘white man’s guilt’, and yes it really is that stupid. More so. The deal is an agreement to exchange asylum seekers, fire every asylum seeker sent to Rwanda by the UK, Rwanda gets to send one of their own asylum seekers to the UK. And the really dumb bit, the UK agreed to pay the costs of any asylum seeker send to Rwanda by the UK for five full years. It’s idiocy beyond fathoming.
  20. And…. Rwanda have stated they can only take 100 asylum seekers from the UK, which is half the immense number of 200 they initially agreed to. So £240,000,000 handed over in the hope of being able to deport 100 asylum seekers. Plus a a five year commitment to their on going keep. And….. Rwanda get to send up to 200 of their immigrants to the UK. I wonder if any idiot in UK Gov has considered which particular immigrants Rwanda might choose to send?
  21. News that the UK Government, signed off by Braverman, has handed another £100,000,000 to Rwanda, for absolutely nothing in return begs a question. Oh and the running total is now £190,000,000 with another £50,000,000 of UK tax payer money promised to Rwanda next year. How else should this tax payers’s money have been spent? https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/dec/08/tories-rwanda-asylum-deal
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