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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You are a former bank executive and you are unaware that making false statements on valuations to a bank in order to obtain a loan is in and of itself fraud. That the loan payments are made has no bearing on the matter.
  2. Oh, it was only a few £million, never mind then. Did you happen to look at the £billions handed out with no benefit to the nation?
  3. Oh, you are back to inventing and attributing to me points of view I myself never expressed. Feel free to provide a quote from me where I state that winter is the fault of Government.
  4. I just love that ‘get under the prosecution’s skin’. Like as if it’s Jack Smith up at all hours semi coherently ranting on social media, destroying lines of defense and presenting further lines of inquiry.
  5. Prosecutors challenge the attempts of the defendants lawyers to delay the trial. Is that complaining to teacher or is it Prosecutors pursuing timely justice? Clearly Trump Wants his trials to run out past the election so that he doesn’t have to stand trial. Clearly it’s in the prosecution’s interest to ensure that doesn’t happen. My money is on Jack Smith.
  6. As do all individuals handing national secrets to others, enemy or businessmen alike.
  7. Invade a neighboring nation and strengthen NATO. Putin is a master of strategy.
  8. If Powell’s legal representatives haven’t already cut a deal the Jack Smith and the DOJ while pleading guilty in Georgia, Powell is going to be spending some serious time behind federal bars. WRT Powell’s eccentricities and since you earlier mentioned Glenn Kirschner, you might want to take a look at his extensive commentary on the matter, he makes much of ‘Corroboration, Corroboration and Corroboration’. I don’t post videos, but you can search on the following term. “Powell & Chesebro plead guilty, flip, & agree to testify against Trump & others: Top 5 takeaways” Or alternatively, ‘Trump’s going to get away with it all’.
  9. The last four by-elections tell a different story. Feel free to cling to your hope that anything at all is going to knock, the cost of living crisis, the NHS crisis, the housing crisis, climate change and the environment and of course Tory sleaze off the list of voter’s concerns. Winter is on the way, heating bills will rise, the NHS crisis will worsen and with each passing day more homeowners move off fixed interest rate mortgages to their new higher ‘Tory lettuce induced’ rates.
  10. I make the occasional typo so those who normally struggle can pick it up and have the occasional chance to be right about something.
  11. So Powell showed what she asserted was evidence, omitting the signatures that might have been used to verify Powell’s claims. And she did do on MAGA lie network FOX which failed to ask for verification, simply broadcasting Powell’s assertions as facts. Perhaps Powell could have used this to avoid needing a plea deal. Or was she simply offering up fake evidence to back her lies regarding the fake ‘big steal’? Maybe Hack Smith will press her on the matter, if he hasn’t already done so.
  12. I can say with some certainty that you could survive at least 3 months. My first duty post Saudi Arabia was several hours drive from a supermarket, I nearly starved on my first 3 month tour. My second stint I found a supply of Spanish Extra Virgin Olive Oil which I used to consume with Saudi unleavened bread and black pepper. I eventually found a hole the wall bakery where you paid at one window and collected your piping hot bread straight out of the oven at a second window. I had picnic kit in my Land Cruiser, a folding lap table, a bowl for the oil and a plate for the hot bread. Absolutely delicious. Although you might need therapy to wean you off it after a few months.
  13. Shock horror, voters each have a range of concerns at the front of their mind as they vote. Double shock horror, those concerns are shared and can be collated to reveal key concern. Placeholder was right, refer ONS report.
  14. Which is why it’s always nice to have a report from the ONS and a couple of by-election results to refer to.
  15. Forgive me for interrupting your customary sophistry with a report from the UK Government’s Office of National Statistics. Oh and I took a look at last week’s by-elections. Rather pleasing they were too.
  16. It’s not, the Tories handed £Billions to their chums often to chums with zero experience providing the goods and services that were ostensibly being paid for and therefore no surprise at all with zero benefit to the nation.
  17. Let’s take a look at what the ONS has to say on the matter: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/wellbeing/bulletins/publicopinionsandsocialtrendsgreatbritain/11to22january2023
  18. Putting aside that’s not what you were saying. No the Guardian articles will not translate into a Labour win, voters turning out to vote Labour and anything but Tory will.
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