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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. So you missed the class on statistical sampling. I do agree though, a handful of expats in Thailand don’t make a representative sample.
  2. I don’t look for friends amongst those who tick the ignorant not interested in facts box.
  3. You need to review immigration per year v party in Government, since you mention ‘rowing’ take a close look at small boat arrivals v party in power.
  4. Trump’s lawyers have reached the bit where they cite ‘Breitbart’ as evidence and get rewarded for ‘their performance for an audience of one’ with a gag order: https://www.salon.com/2023/11/03/absolutely-untrue-shames-lawyer-for-using-breitbart-article-to-clerk-in/
  5. Having taken back control, they surely favour the Government managing the UK’s borders. Though oddly, when the Government have paved immigration and some silly ‘stop the boats’ slogan front and center of their policies they’ve lost badly in the polls. Maybe the Government and the rightwing press are messaging on the wrong concern.
  6. The Guardian has reported both the Fox statements and the WH statements. It has not interpreted either.
  7. You need to take that up with the Government and those other snake oil salesmen who you believed when they promised to control immigration and send immigrants back, or done such fairytale nonsense. I hear the UK has ‘taken back control’. You’ve obviously not been in an NHS hospital lately, nearly all the staff are immigrants. Perhaps someone should have been building houses, schools (that don’t fall down) that kind of thing. Meanwhile, it looks like the public aren’t buying the Government’s continuing anti immigrant propaganda. Maybe they have more pressing concerns that the Government are unwilling or unable to deal with…. Not that they’ve been dealing with immigration.
  8. Ivanka will take the stand on Wednesday. It’s not yet confirmed if she will be sitting on Daddy’s knee while giving testimony.
  9. You might be right Jonny, there’s alway that slim possibility. I think the Tories are hoping you are right too as they bang on about immigration and neglect the NHS, the cost of living crisis, the housing crisis and the collapse of public services.
  10. It’s perfectly natural that Trump would be concerned over the welfare of people imprisoned for the J6 crimes. I said at the time, he could have helped himself by enacting prison reforms.
  11. Buried in Hanslope Park: https://amp.theguardian.com/uk/2012/apr/18/britain-destroyed-records-colonial-crimes
  12. You are obviously unaware that the Kenyan victims of British torture already won their court case. Never mind such basic facts, you have your imagined grievance to stroke.
  13. If it’s all in the past and of no real importance, why then the palatable anger from some that a mere apology elicits? Clearly the memory and the representation of the past does matter. Its just some would prefer the sanitized myth to the factual reality.
  14. The events to which King Charles was referring and which are the subject of this thread happened in the period between the end of WW2 and Kenyan independence in 1962, they are within the living memory of many who were subjected to the atrocities.
  15. This particular history was un earthed by American and British historians (Harvard and Warwick) and then brought to the High Court by the Kenyan victims of British torture. I think it right and proper that the victims of colonial abuse get to correct the historical record. It’s well past the time to retire the myth of a benign and paternalistic British Empire. https://www.leighday.co.uk/news/cases-and-testimonials/cases/the-mau-mau-claims/#:~:text=The Kenyan claimants&text=In October 2012%2C the claimants,the claims were time barred.
  16. I agree with much of that but there is another issue, that of the hidden history and the myths that have been inserted in the place of facts. It is not a coincidence that those ignorant of the history of these events are the same people who are offended by the past being addressed and resorting to jingoistic obfuscation. It’s an issue repeated time and time again in the British public response to the history of empire and the impact of empire on modern Britain.
  17. Much of the history of the Kenya independence struggle was unexamined until very recently. Caroline Elkins ‘Imperial Reckoning’ 2005, first lifted the lid.
  18. You’ve perhaps unwittingly identified the font of the understanding many Brits have of the impacts of empire.
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