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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You did read OP, or if not the title of the thread?
  2. From your link: ”The capabilities in this package, valued at up to $150 million” Let’s compare that to the $14.3 Billion Israel aid package unveiled by the GOP and the US Federal Government Budget 2023, estimated to be $6.3 Trillion. This Biden profligacy that seems to bother you represents fractionally over 1% of the handout the GOP are eager to give Israel and 0.00235% of the Federal Budget. I accept $150 million might seem a great deal of money to those whose frame of reference is a very much smaller and significantly weaker economy, but in US Federal Government Budget terms it’s chump change.
  3. I think a late switch out of Trump for a right field candidate is likely.
  4. It’s always difficult explaining US Government process to people who have likely never set foot in the place. There’s a thread just opened on the House GOP Unveiling a $14.3 Billion aid package to Israel. House is Congress and GOP is not President Biden.
  5. It would be even more of a positive step if they were able to vote for an MP representing expats, an expat constituency. As French expats already do.
  6. Their respective fund raising tally suggests otherwise. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/15/politics/joe-biden-2024-reelection-fundraising/index.html
  7. A small detail of US Government Budgets you seem ignorant of. Congress sets them, not the President.
  8. Let’s get back to the thread and in the increasingly obvious fact Sunak can’t hold the Tory party together, which particular flavour of Tory fruitcake hopes to make a comeback. I’m of course referring to that darling of the right who came within hours of destroying the nation’s pension industry and who has single handedly massively increased to mortgage interest being paid by millions of people who get to vote at the next election. Yes the dangerous lunatic is your very own favourite Liz Truss.
  9. Why do you ask? Diane Abbott is very clearly living rent free in your head, ready to pop out whenever you are in need of an off topic diversion away from Tory problems.
  10. Perhaps Google doesn’t reach that place where you pull your claims from. Here’s something for you to grasp: ”Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source.”
  11. The honeymoon is over already: https://www.mediaite.com/politics/speaker-mike-johnson-condemned-by-far-right-for-comments-on-his-black-son-and-george-floyd-undercover-democrat/
  12. Deutsche Bank certainly paid a pretty price for dealing with Trump, but do you have any evidence that in this current Trump fraud case the bank ‘colluded’? https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2019/jul/08/what-went-wrong-at-deutsche-bank
  13. Donny, you already used the DOJ to throw Michael Cohen back in prison for exercising his First Amendment right to write a book. OK the book was about you and you had good cause to think it might not be flattering, but it was your AG that ordered Cohen back to prison. And yes we know you want to do more of that kind of thing, we got that already. Oh, and the book Cohen was writing, that’s the one that triggered the NY investigation into your fraudulent activities, you know the fraudulent activities you are now being held accountable for in court.
  14. The truth behind the rightwing accusation confession thing is getting harder to hide.
  15. Yep being resident in the White House while in possession of a black face. Many have still to get over that.
  16. The pain management simple question caused you is evident. Incidentally, I have already quoted the NY Statute that Trump breached and under which this case is brought - it was promulgated by a Republican Governor. All you have is whataboutary and ridiculous claims of ’Gestapo’, ‘Stalin, ‘secret police’, ‘weaponizing government’. What you don’t address is the law or the fact that all the witnesses against Trump are a various mix of Republicans, his hand picked associates, his hand picked employees, his lawyers, his own children and the documents he himself authorized.
  17. And most of those that remain are now claiming they don’t like Trump, never did. As if their posting history never existed.
  18. A friendly note of advice to our Trump supporting friends here. Before sending him your $ put aside our differences and believe the following: He has a habit of adding 00’s to numbers. He’s a ‘Billionaire’ he doesn’t need your money.
  19. Tapping his marks. Send your ‘Billionaire’ cult leader your hard earned dollars, he needs them, you don’t and you know it all makes such obvious sense.
  20. One very simple question: 1. Is the act of submitting false statements of asset value on loan applications and insurance contracts fraud?
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