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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Meanwhile, GB NES, self proclaimed ‘Home of Free Speech’ have sacked (cancelled) him. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-67009045
  2. OK let’s run with your concern over the onset of puberty. A tiny number of kids suffering gender dysmorphia are treated with hormones that impact the onset of their puberty, this treatment is administered by licensed doctors answerable to their medical licensing body and follows approved treatment regimes. The hormones themselves have been tested and licensed as safe for use in the treatment of people. Meanwhile, precious puberty is common place impacting a growing number of children and brings serious physical and mental health problems. So bang on about the tiny number why don’t you.
  3. Knock yourself out, so long as it drives donations to Democrat coffers. And votes to Democrat candidates ????
  4. No, because ‘Discovery’ would open Giuliani and release the stench around him.
  5. The same idiots who couldn’t get enough votes for a shutdown think they can get enough votes for Trump as ‘Slurrer of the House’. The GOP are away with the fairies.
  6. And it’s not getting any better: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/oct/05/supply-shortages-and-mortgage-rate-rises-push-uk-rents-to-highest-point-ever
  7. That’s what happens when a Government fails to manage the problem. If they cleared asylum seekers they could pass bone fide applicants into society where they can work, keep themselves and pay taxes while deporting the bogus claimants. Nobody objects to bogus applicants being deported. Maybe someone in Government thinks it’s a mess that keeps you distracted .
  8. Larry can’t seem to stay out of the news these days, all for the wrong reasons. I liked him in Lewis and at the time thought his portrayal of a British Nazi in Foyle’s War remarkable, perhaps he had a back for it. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/oct/04/laurence-fox-arrested-over-comments-urging-people-to-vandalise-ulez-cameras
  9. The twisted logic of a MAGA zealot. ‘You made me do it’ It’s always somebody else’s fault!
  10. False. Trump’s lawyers elected for a Bench Trial, they had the option of a Jury and turned it down.
  11. I don’t need ‘the word sourced’ I need you to go back and check the talk track you are being fed and regurgitating to ensure you know what it is you are required to be ranting about.
  12. Someone needs to ask Vivek (pump and dump) Ramaswamy a simple question, preferably when he’s running his mouth in a primary debate. ‘If you believe transgenderism to be a mental health disorder’ and children in particular to be ‘at risk’, do you support increasing Federal spending on mental health services and to a level that every single child suffering transgender issues receives the professional mental health care they need? It’s a question those who support Vivek’s non medical professional view might wish to engage.
  13. There’s definitely something wrong with closing down legal routes for immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers, then demonizing them for taking the ‘illegal’ routes.
  14. I just spat my coffee. I’m quite certain I hold the record for receipt of personal attacks and baiting. I tend not to engage them.
  15. There isn’t jury, it’s a Bench trial. Trump (all the best people) employed an idiot lawyer who neglected to tick the ‘trial by jury’ box. The trial is in any case a civil litigation, nobody is going to jail - although Trump could be sent to jail for contempt of court ‘Doxing court officials’ being his first strike. Getting sent to jail for contempt of court is a matter of the judges discretion, again nothing to do with a jury. I agree with Tug, ‘Doxing a court official’ should have earned Trump time in the slammer.
  16. Hyperbole has a grip on you. Trump is facing Justice, it’s not a lynching. Though stripping Trump of hundreds of millions of dollars he shouldn’t have in the first place is going seem like a course haired rope around his neck.
  17. Do you know who was funding the Trump? They are not by any means all in Washington and some where not even Americans.
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