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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Read and inwardly digest: “ Biden told reporters Thursday that his administration moved forward with the waivers and construction to comply with a legal obligation to use the appropriated funds. “One question on the border wall: The border wall, money was appropriated for the border wall. I tried to get them to reappropriate, to redirect that money. They didn’t. They wouldn’t,” Biden told reporters in the Oval Office.”
  2. Why do you think anyone owes the Republicans a solution to the mess they allowed Matt Gaetz put them into? As for which ship is sinking, I suggest you get in a life boat while you still have a chance.
  3. Republican representatives from moderate districts must be loving this. Letting the lunatic fringe pull the party around by it’s short and curries while Republicans do zilch for America. It’s a sure fire vote winner. Stand back and stand ready Democrats, don’t interrupt the GOP’s self destruction.
  4. Your crystal ball has a definite ‘outraged red’ tinge to it this evening.
  5. I don’t give other people’s penises a lot of thought.
  6. I think it’s more like hearing a failing candidate for the US presidential election express a medical opinion despite having zero medical qualifications. And then believing what he says because you think he’s on ‘your side’.
  7. That’s an ‘away with these known hostile Government propaganda channels’.
  8. Erm, RT broadcasting transphobic themes, refer OP for the Republican counterpart.
  9. Or so you assert. Are you denying that RT is a propaganda arm of the Russian Government?
  10. CNN and MSNBC are not propaganda arms of any government. The alignment of RT with Alt-Right Republican culture wars is with taking note of.
  11. RT is a propaganda outlet NOTHING it broadcasts can be relied upon.
  12. RT. Beyond my widest guesses, well almost beyond. Remind me, the Russians, they are the people who were injecting athletes with hormones, or was it their chums the East Germans?!
  13. Well it is the world News Sub-Forum. And no, life expectancy in populations is not simply a matter of individuals taking care of themselves. The Romans drained swamps and removed Malaria as a seasonal killer in Rome. Victorian Liverpool installed sewage systems and potable water distribution and in doing so removed cholera and typhoid from their city. Vaccinations have saved countless lives while the availability of affordable porcelain alone removed the cause of disease that killed relentlessly. Diseases that impact at the societal level require societal level cures.
  14. Since you read about this you must have a link or a reference we can all refer to?
  15. Habit, fear induced by leading politicians stigmatizing Transgenderism as a mental health disorder. Who knows? Feel free to do a survey.
  16. No it would not. It would suggest, and this isn’t a a surprise, that people hide their personal feelings under influence of social pressures,
  17. Or does it mean that a proportion of trans adults were forced into denial by social mores during their lifetime?
  18. Perhaps, but I have myself stated that while I disagree with you on many things I have expressed my agreement with you well informed posts in this thread. I think I even thanked you for your comments. Sadly the US Alt-Right have chosen to make Transgenderism a wedge issue. It’s a deliberate political gameplay to cause the precise two on team/off team dynamics that you refer to
  19. The individual whose comments are the subject of the OP is a candidate for the US Presidency making ill informed (almost certainly deliberately ill informed) remarks on transgenderism during political debate between himself and other candidates for the US Presidency. While I wholeheartedly agree with your comments refuting the ill informed comments on the causes of Transgenderism, the Republican Party and Republican Candidates for the presidency have placed Transgenderism, treatment and rights relating to Transgenderism squarely in the middle of the political debates that surrounds the up coming election. The issue is absolutely a matter of politics. I agree it ought not to be, but it undeniably is. I note too it has crossed into UK politics with PM Sunak making his own unhelpful and ill informed comments.
  20. I think Larry is taking his arrest seriously, or least he should be if he’s still sufficiently connected to reality.
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